// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include "citra_qt/game_list_p.h" #include "citra_qt/main.h" #include "citra_qt/multiplayer/client_room.h" #include "citra_qt/multiplayer/lobby.h" #include "citra_qt/multiplayer/lobby_p.h" #include "citra_qt/multiplayer/message.h" #include "citra_qt/multiplayer/state.h" #include "citra_qt/multiplayer/validation.h" #include "citra_qt/ui_settings.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "network/network.h" Lobby::Lobby(QWidget* parent, QStandardItemModel* list, std::shared_ptr session) : QDialog(parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint), ui(std::make_unique()), announce_multiplayer_session(session) { ui->setupUi(this); // setup the watcher for background connections watcher = new QFutureWatcher; model = new QStandardItemModel(ui->room_list); // Create a proxy to the game list to get the list of games owned game_list = new QStandardItemModel; for (int i = 0; i < list->rowCount(); i++) { auto parent = list->item(i, 0); for (int j = 0; j < parent->rowCount(); j++) { game_list->appendRow(parent->child(j)->clone()); } } proxy = new LobbyFilterProxyModel(this, game_list); proxy->setSourceModel(model); proxy->setDynamicSortFilter(true); proxy->setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); proxy->setSortLocaleAware(true); ui->room_list->setModel(proxy); ui->room_list->header()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive); ui->room_list->header()->stretchLastSection(); ui->room_list->setAlternatingRowColors(true); ui->room_list->setSelectionMode(QHeaderView::SingleSelection); ui->room_list->setSelectionBehavior(QHeaderView::SelectRows); ui->room_list->setVerticalScrollMode(QHeaderView::ScrollPerPixel); ui->room_list->setHorizontalScrollMode(QHeaderView::ScrollPerPixel); ui->room_list->setSortingEnabled(true); ui->room_list->setEditTriggers(QHeaderView::NoEditTriggers); ui->room_list->setExpandsOnDoubleClick(false); ui->room_list->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); ui->nickname->setValidator(validation.GetNickname()); ui->nickname->setText(UISettings::values.nickname); if (ui->nickname->text().isEmpty() && !Settings::values.citra_username.empty()) { // Use Citra Web Service user name as nickname by default ui->nickname->setText(QString::fromStdString(Settings::values.citra_username)); } // UI Buttons connect(ui->refresh_list, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &Lobby::RefreshLobby); connect(ui->games_owned, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, proxy, &LobbyFilterProxyModel::SetFilterOwned); connect(ui->hide_full, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, proxy, &LobbyFilterProxyModel::SetFilterFull); connect(ui->search, &QLineEdit::textChanged, proxy, &LobbyFilterProxyModel::SetFilterSearch); connect(ui->room_list, &QTreeView::doubleClicked, this, &Lobby::OnJoinRoom); connect(ui->room_list, &QTreeView::clicked, this, &Lobby::OnExpandRoom); // Actions connect(this, &Lobby::LobbyRefreshed, this, &Lobby::OnRefreshLobby); // manually start a refresh when the window is opening // TODO(jroweboy): if this refresh is slow for people with bad internet, then don't do it as // part of the constructor, but offload the refresh until after the window shown. perhaps emit a // refreshroomlist signal from places that open the lobby RefreshLobby(); } QString Lobby::PasswordPrompt() { bool ok; const QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Password Required to Join"), tr("Password:"), QLineEdit::Password, "", &ok); return ok ? text : QString(); } void Lobby::OnExpandRoom(const QModelIndex& index) { QModelIndex member_index = proxy->index(index.row(), Column::MEMBER); auto member_list = proxy->data(member_index, LobbyItemMemberList::MemberListRole).toList(); } void Lobby::OnJoinRoom(const QModelIndex& source) { if (const auto member = Network::GetRoomMember().lock()) { // Prevent the user from trying to join a room while they are already joining. if (member->GetState() == Network::RoomMember::State::Joining) { return; } else if (member->GetState() == Network::RoomMember::State::Joined) { // And ask if they want to leave the room if they are already in one. if (!NetworkMessage::WarnDisconnect()) { return; } } } QModelIndex index = source; // If the user double clicks on a child row (aka the player list) then use the parent instead if (source.parent() != QModelIndex()) { index = source.parent(); } if (!ui->nickname->hasAcceptableInput()) { NetworkMessage::ShowError(NetworkMessage::USERNAME_NOT_VALID); return; } // Get a password to pass if the room is password protected QModelIndex password_index = proxy->index(index.row(), Column::ROOM_NAME); bool has_password = proxy->data(password_index, LobbyItemName::PasswordRole).toBool(); const std::string password = has_password ? PasswordPrompt().toStdString() : ""; if (has_password && password.empty()) { return; } QModelIndex connection_index = proxy->index(index.row(), Column::HOST); const std::string nickname = ui->nickname->text().toStdString(); const std::string ip = proxy->data(connection_index, LobbyItemHost::HostIPRole).toString().toStdString(); int port = proxy->data(connection_index, LobbyItemHost::HostPortRole).toInt(); // attempt to connect in a different thread QFuture f = QtConcurrent::run([nickname, ip, port, password] { if (auto room_member = Network::GetRoomMember().lock()) { room_member->Join(nickname, ip.c_str(), port, 0, Network::NoPreferredMac, password); } }); watcher->setFuture(f); // TODO(jroweboy): disable widgets and display a connecting while we wait // Save settings UISettings::values.nickname = ui->nickname->text(); UISettings::values.ip = proxy->data(connection_index, LobbyItemHost::HostIPRole).toString(); UISettings::values.port = proxy->data(connection_index, LobbyItemHost::HostPortRole).toString(); Settings::Apply(); } void Lobby::ResetModel() { model->clear(); model->insertColumns(0, Column::TOTAL); model->setHeaderData(Column::EXPAND, Qt::Horizontal, "", Qt::DisplayRole); model->setHeaderData(Column::ROOM_NAME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Room Name"), Qt::DisplayRole); model->setHeaderData(Column::GAME_NAME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Preferred Game"), Qt::DisplayRole); model->setHeaderData(Column::HOST, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Host"), Qt::DisplayRole); model->setHeaderData(Column::MEMBER, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Players"), Qt::DisplayRole); } void Lobby::RefreshLobby() { if (auto session = announce_multiplayer_session.lock()) { ResetModel(); room_list_future = session->GetRoomList([&]() { emit LobbyRefreshed(); }); ui->refresh_list->setEnabled(false); ui->refresh_list->setText(tr("Refreshing")); } else { // TODO(jroweboy): Display an error box about announce couldn't be started } } void Lobby::OnRefreshLobby() { AnnounceMultiplayerRoom::RoomList new_room_list = room_list_future.get(); for (auto room : new_room_list) { // find the icon for the game if this person owns that game. QPixmap smdh_icon; for (int r = 0; r < game_list->rowCount(); ++r) { auto index = game_list->index(r, 0); auto game_id = game_list->data(index, GameListItemPath::ProgramIdRole).toULongLong(); if (game_id != 0 && room.preferred_game_id == game_id) { smdh_icon = game_list->data(index, Qt::DecorationRole).value(); } } QList members; for (auto member : room.members) { QVariant var; var.setValue(LobbyMember{QString::fromStdString(member.name), member.game_id, QString::fromStdString(member.game_name)}); members.append(var); } auto first_item = new LobbyItem(); auto row = QList({ first_item, new LobbyItemName(room.has_password, QString::fromStdString(room.name)), new LobbyItemGame(room.preferred_game_id, QString::fromStdString(room.preferred_game), smdh_icon), new LobbyItemHost(QString::fromStdString(room.owner), QString::fromStdString(room.ip), room.port), new LobbyItemMemberList(members, room.max_player), }); model->appendRow(row); // To make the rows expandable, add the member data as a child of the first column of the // rows with people in them and have qt set them to colspan after the model is finished // resetting if (room.members.size() > 0) { first_item->appendRow(new LobbyItemExpandedMemberList(members)); } } // Reenable the refresh button and resize the columns ui->refresh_list->setEnabled(true); ui->refresh_list->setText(tr("Refresh List")); ui->room_list->header()->stretchLastSection(); for (int i = 0; i < Column::TOTAL - 1; ++i) { ui->room_list->resizeColumnToContents(i); } // Set the member list child items to span all columns for (int i = 0; i < proxy->rowCount(); i++) { auto parent = model->item(i, 0); if (parent->hasChildren()) { ui->room_list->setFirstColumnSpanned(0, proxy->index(i, 0), true); } } } LobbyFilterProxyModel::LobbyFilterProxyModel(QWidget* parent, QStandardItemModel* list) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent), game_list(list) {} bool LobbyFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex& sourceParent) const { // Prioritize filters by fastest to compute // pass over any child rows (aka row that shows the players in the room) if (sourceParent != QModelIndex()) { return true; } // filter by filled rooms if (filter_full) { QModelIndex member_list = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, Column::MEMBER, sourceParent); int player_count = sourceModel()->data(member_list, LobbyItemMemberList::MemberListRole).toList().size(); int max_players = sourceModel()->data(member_list, LobbyItemMemberList::MaxPlayerRole).toInt(); if (player_count >= max_players) { return false; } } // filter by search parameters if (!filter_search.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex game_name = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, Column::GAME_NAME, sourceParent); QModelIndex room_name = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, Column::ROOM_NAME, sourceParent); QModelIndex host_name = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, Column::HOST, sourceParent); bool preferred_game_match = sourceModel() ->data(game_name, LobbyItemGame::GameNameRole) .toString() .contains(filter_search, filterCaseSensitivity()); bool room_name_match = sourceModel() ->data(room_name, LobbyItemName::NameRole) .toString() .contains(filter_search, filterCaseSensitivity()); bool username_match = sourceModel() ->data(host_name, LobbyItemHost::HostUsernameRole) .toString() .contains(filter_search, filterCaseSensitivity()); if (!preferred_game_match && !room_name_match && !username_match) { return false; } } // filter by game owned if (filter_owned) { QModelIndex game_name = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, Column::GAME_NAME, sourceParent); QList owned_games; for (int r = 0; r < game_list->rowCount(); ++r) { owned_games.append(QModelIndex(game_list->index(r, 0))); } auto current_id = sourceModel()->data(game_name, LobbyItemGame::TitleIDRole).toLongLong(); if (current_id == 0) { // TODO(jroweboy): homebrew often doesn't have a game id and this hides them return false; } bool owned = false; for (const auto& game : owned_games) { auto game_id = game_list->data(game, GameListItemPath::ProgramIdRole).toLongLong(); if (current_id == game_id) { owned = true; } } if (!owned) { return false; } } return true; } void LobbyFilterProxyModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) { sourceModel()->sort(column, order); } void LobbyFilterProxyModel::SetFilterOwned(bool filter) { filter_owned = filter; invalidate(); } void LobbyFilterProxyModel::SetFilterFull(bool filter) { filter_full = filter; invalidate(); } void LobbyFilterProxyModel::SetFilterSearch(const QString& filter) { filter_search = filter; invalidate(); }