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synced 2024-10-02 10:26:17 -07:00

* apt: Implement additional library applet state management. * kernel: Clear process handle table on exit. * apt: Implement system applet commands. * apt: Pop MediaType from command buffers with correct size. * apt: Improve accuracy of parameters and HLE applet lifecycle. * apt: General cleanup. * file_sys: Make system save data open error code more correct. Not sure if this is the exact right error code, but it's at least more correct than before as Game Notes will now create its system save data instead of throwing a fatal error. * apt: Fix launching New 3DS Internet Browser. * frd: Correct fix to GetMyScreenName response.
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// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "common/common_funcs.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "core/frontend/applets/swkbd.h"
#include "core/hle/applets/applet.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/shared_memory.h"
#include "core/hle/result.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt.h"
namespace HLE::Applets {
/// Maximum number of buttons that can be in the keyboard.
constexpr int MAX_BUTTON = 3;
/// Maximum button text length, in UTF-16 code units.
constexpr int MAX_BUTTON_TEXT_LEN = 16;
/// Maximum hint text length, in UTF-16 code units.
constexpr int MAX_HINT_TEXT_LEN = 64;
/// Maximum filter callback error message length, in UTF-16 code units.
constexpr int MAX_CALLBACK_MSG_LEN = 256;
/// Keyboard types
enum class SoftwareKeyboardType : u32 {
Normal, ///< Normal keyboard with several pages (QWERTY/accents/symbol/mobile)
QWERTY, ///< QWERTY keyboard only.
NumPad, ///< Number pad.
Western, ///< On JPN systems, a text keyboard without Japanese input capabilities,
/// otherwise same as SWKBD_TYPE_NORMAL.
/// Keyboard dialog buttons.
enum class SoftwareKeyboardButtonConfig : u32 {
SingleButton, ///< Ok button
DualButton, ///< Cancel | Ok buttons
TripleButton, ///< Cancel | I Forgot | Ok buttons
NoButton, ///< No button (returned by swkbdInputText in special cases)
/// Accepted input types.
enum class SoftwareKeyboardValidInput : u32 {
Anything, ///< All inputs are accepted.
NotEmpty, ///< Empty inputs are not accepted.
NotEmptyNotBlank, ///< Empty or blank inputs (consisting solely of whitespace) are not
/// accepted.
NotBlank, ///< Blank inputs (consisting solely of whitespace) are not accepted, but empty
/// inputs are.
FixedLen, ///< The input must have a fixed length (specified by maxTextLength in
/// swkbdInit).
/// Keyboard password modes.
enum class SoftwareKeyboardPasswordMode : u32 {
None, ///< Characters are not concealed.
Hide, ///< Characters are concealed immediately.
HideDelay, ///< Characters are concealed a second after they've been typed.
/// Keyboard input filtering flags. Allows the caller to specify what input is explicitly not
/// allowed
namespace SoftwareKeyboardFilter {
enum Filter {
Digits = 1, ///< Disallow the use of more than a certain number of digits (0 or more)
At = 1 << 1, ///< Disallow the use of the @ sign.
Percent = 1 << 2, ///< Disallow the use of the % sign.
Backslash = 1 << 3, ///< Disallow the use of the \ sign.
Profanity = 1 << 4, ///< Disallow profanity using Nintendo's profanity filter.
Callback = 1 << 5, ///< Use a callback in order to check the input.
} // namespace SoftwareKeyboardFilter
/// Keyboard features.
namespace SoftwareKeyboardFeature {
enum Feature {
Parental = 1, ///< Parental PIN mode.
DarkenTopScreen = 1 << 1, ///< Darken the top screen when the keyboard is shown.
PredictiveInput =
1 << 2, ///< Enable predictive input (necessary for Kanji input in JPN systems).
Multiline = 1 << 3, ///< Enable multiline input.
FixedWidth = 1 << 4, ///< Enable fixed-width mode.
AllowHome = 1 << 5, ///< Allow the usage of the HOME button.
AllowReset = 1 << 6, ///< Allow the usage of a software-reset combination.
AllowPower = 1 << 7, ///< Allow the usage of the POWER button.
DefaultQWERTY = 1 << 9, ///< Default to the QWERTY page when the keyboard is shown.
} // namespace SoftwareKeyboardFeature
/// Keyboard filter callback return values.
enum class SoftwareKeyboardCallbackResult : u32 {
OK, ///< Specifies that the input is valid.
Close, ///< Displays an error message, then closes the keyboard.
Continue, ///< Displays an error message and continues displaying the keyboard.
/// Keyboard return values.
enum class SoftwareKeyboardResult : s32 {
None = -1, ///< Dummy/unused.
InvalidInput = -2, ///< Invalid parameters to swkbd.
OutOfMem = -3, ///< Out of memory.
D0Click = 0, ///< The button was clicked in 1-button dialogs.
D1Click0, ///< The left button was clicked in 2-button dialogs.
D1Click1, ///< The right button was clicked in 2-button dialogs.
D2Click0, ///< The left button was clicked in 3-button dialogs.
D2Click1, ///< The middle button was clicked in 3-button dialogs.
D2Click2, ///< The right button was clicked in 3-button dialogs.
HomePressed = 10, ///< The HOME button was pressed.
ResetPressed, ///< The soft-reset key combination was pressed.
PowerPressed, ///< The POWER button was pressed.
ParentalOK = 20, ///< The parental PIN was verified successfully.
ParentalFail, ///< The parental PIN was incorrect.
BannedInput = 30, ///< The filter callback returned SoftwareKeyboardCallback::CLOSE.
struct SoftwareKeyboardConfig {
enum_le<SoftwareKeyboardType> type;
enum_le<SoftwareKeyboardButtonConfig> num_buttons_m1;
enum_le<SoftwareKeyboardValidInput> valid_input;
enum_le<SoftwareKeyboardPasswordMode> password_mode;
s32_le is_parental_screen;
s32_le darken_top_screen;
u32_le filter_flags;
u32_le save_state_flags;
u16_le max_text_length;
u16_le dict_word_count;
u16_le max_digits;
std::array<std::array<u16_le, MAX_BUTTON_TEXT_LEN + 1>, MAX_BUTTON> button_text;
std::array<u16_le, 2> numpad_keys;
std::array<u16_le, MAX_HINT_TEXT_LEN + 1>
hint_text; ///< Text to display when asking the user for input
bool predictive_input;
bool multiline;
bool fixed_width;
bool allow_home;
bool allow_reset;
bool allow_power;
bool unknown;
bool default_qwerty;
std::array<bool, 4> button_submits_text;
u16_le language;
u32_le initial_text_offset; ///< Offset of the default text in the output SharedMemory
u32_le dict_offset;
u32_le initial_status_offset;
u32_le initial_learning_offset;
u32_le shared_memory_size; ///< Size of the SharedMemory
u32_le version;
enum_le<SoftwareKeyboardResult> return_code;
u32_le status_offset;
u32_le learning_offset;
u32_le text_offset; ///< Offset in the SharedMemory where the output text starts
u16_le text_length; ///< Length in characters of the output text
enum_le<SoftwareKeyboardCallbackResult> callback_result;
std::array<u16_le, MAX_CALLBACK_MSG_LEN + 1> callback_msg;
bool skip_at_check;
* The size of this structure (0x400) has been verified via reverse engineering of multiple games
* that use the software keyboard.
static_assert(sizeof(SoftwareKeyboardConfig) == 0x400, "Software Keyboard Config size is wrong");
class SoftwareKeyboard final : public Applet {
SoftwareKeyboard(Service::APT::AppletId id, Service::APT::AppletId parent, bool preload,
std::weak_ptr<Service::APT::AppletManager> manager)
: Applet(id, parent, preload, std::move(manager)) {}
ResultCode ReceiveParameterImpl(const Service::APT::MessageParameter& parameter) override;
ResultCode Start(const Service::APT::MessageParameter& parameter) override;
ResultCode Finalize() override;
void Update() override;
* Draws a keyboard to the current bottom screen framebuffer.
void DrawScreenKeyboard();
Frontend::KeyboardConfig ToFrontendConfig(const SoftwareKeyboardConfig& config) const;
/// This SharedMemory will be created when we receive the LibAppJustStarted message.
/// It holds the framebuffer info retrieved by the application with
/// GSPGPU::ImportDisplayCaptureInfo
std::shared_ptr<Kernel::SharedMemory> framebuffer_memory;
/// SharedMemory where the output text will be stored
std::shared_ptr<Kernel::SharedMemory> text_memory;
/// Configuration of this instance of the SoftwareKeyboard, as received from the application
SoftwareKeyboardConfig config;
std::shared_ptr<Frontend::SoftwareKeyboard> frontend_applet;
} // namespace HLE::Applets