Steveice10 3c15398f9e
apt: Implement additional applet state management. (#6303)
* apt: Implement additional library applet state management.

* kernel: Clear process handle table on exit.

* apt: Implement system applet commands.

* apt: Pop MediaType from command buffers with correct size.

* apt: Improve accuracy of parameters and HLE applet lifecycle.

* apt: General cleanup.

* file_sys: Make system save data open error code more correct.

Not sure if this is the exact right error code, but it's at least
more correct than before as Game Notes will now create its system
save data instead of throwing a fatal error.

* apt: Fix launching New 3DS Internet Browser.

* frd: Correct fix to GetMyScreenName response.
2023-02-28 14:09:54 +02:00

1104 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include "common/archives.h"
#include "common/common_paths.h"
#include "common/file_util.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/settings.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/file_sys/archive_ncch.h"
#include "core/file_sys/file_backend.h"
#include "core/hle/applets/applet.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/mutex.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/shared_memory.h"
#include "core/hle/romfs.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/applet_manager.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt_a.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt_s.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt_u.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/bcfnt/bcfnt.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/ns_s.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cfg/cfg.h"
#include "core/hle/service/fs/archive.h"
#include "core/hle/service/ptm/ptm.h"
#include "core/hle/service/service.h"
#include "core/hw/aes/ccm.h"
#include "core/hw/aes/key.h"
namespace Service::APT {
template <class Archive>
void Module::serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version) {
ar& shared_font_mem;
ar& shared_font_loaded;
ar& shared_font_relocated;
ar& cpu_percent;
ar& unknown_ns_state_field;
ar& screen_capture_buffer;
ar& screen_capture_post_permission;
ar& applet_manager;
if (file_version > 0) {
ar& wireless_reboot_info;
Module::NSInterface::NSInterface(std::shared_ptr<Module> apt, const char* name, u32 max_session)
: ServiceFramework(name, max_session), apt(std::move(apt)) {}
Module::NSInterface::~NSInterface() = default;
std::shared_ptr<Module> Module::NSInterface::GetModule() const {
return apt;
void Module::NSInterface::SetWirelessRebootInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x06, 1, 2); // 0x00060042
const auto size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
apt->wireless_reboot_info = std::move(buffer);
auto rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "called size={}", size);
void Module::APTInterface::Initialize(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x2, 2, 0); // 0x20080
const auto app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto attributes = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called app_id={:#010X}, attributes={:#010X}", app_id, attributes);
auto result = apt->applet_manager->Initialize(app_id, attributes);
if (result.Failed()) {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
} else {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 3);
rb.PushCopyObjects(result->notification_event, result->parameter_event);
static u32 DecompressLZ11(const u8* in, u8* out) {
u32_le decompressed_size;
memcpy(&decompressed_size, in, sizeof(u32));
in += 4;
u8 type = decompressed_size & 0xFF;
ASSERT(type == 0x11);
decompressed_size >>= 8;
u32 current_out_size = 0;
u8 flags = 0, mask = 1;
while (current_out_size < decompressed_size) {
if (mask == 1) {
flags = *(in++);
mask = 0x80;
} else {
mask >>= 1;
if (flags & mask) {
u8 byte1 = *(in++);
u32 length = byte1 >> 4;
u32 offset;
if (length == 0) {
u8 byte2 = *(in++);
u8 byte3 = *(in++);
length = (((byte1 & 0x0F) << 4) | (byte2 >> 4)) + 0x11;
offset = (((byte2 & 0x0F) << 8) | byte3) + 0x1;
} else if (length == 1) {
u8 byte2 = *(in++);
u8 byte3 = *(in++);
u8 byte4 = *(in++);
length = (((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | (byte2 << 4) | (byte3 >> 4)) + 0x111;
offset = (((byte3 & 0x0F) << 8) | byte4) + 0x1;
} else {
u8 byte2 = *(in++);
length = (byte1 >> 4) + 0x1;
offset = (((byte1 & 0x0F) << 8) | byte2) + 0x1;
for (u32 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out = *(out - offset);
current_out_size += length;
} else {
*(out++) = *(in++);
return decompressed_size;
bool Module::LoadSharedFont() {
auto cfg = Service::CFG::GetModule(system);
ASSERT_MSG(cfg, "CFG Module missing!");
u8 font_region_code;
switch (cfg->GetRegionValue()) {
case 4: // CHN
font_region_code = 2;
case 5: // KOR
font_region_code = 3;
case 6: // TWN
font_region_code = 4;
default: // JPN/EUR/USA
font_region_code = 1;
const u64_le shared_font_archive_id_low = 0x0004009b00014002 | ((font_region_code - 1) << 8);
FileSys::NCCHArchive archive(shared_font_archive_id_low, Service::FS::MediaType::NAND);
// 20-byte all zero path for opening RomFS
const FileSys::Path file_path(std::vector<u8>(20, 0));
FileSys::Mode open_mode = {};
auto file_result = archive.OpenFile(file_path, open_mode);
if (file_result.Failed())
return false;
auto romfs = std::move(file_result).Unwrap();
std::vector<u8> romfs_buffer(romfs->GetSize());
romfs->Read(0, romfs_buffer.size(),;
const char16_t* file_name[4] = {u"cbf_std.bcfnt.lz", u"cbf_zh-Hans-CN.bcfnt.lz",
u"cbf_ko-Hang-KR.bcfnt.lz", u"cbf_zh-Hant-TW.bcfnt.lz"};
const RomFS::RomFSFile font_file =
RomFS::GetFile(, {file_name[font_region_code - 1]});
if (font_file.Data() == nullptr)
return false;
struct {
u32_le status;
u32_le region;
u32_le decompressed_size;
} shared_font_header{};
static_assert(sizeof(shared_font_header) == 0x80, "shared_font_header has incorrect size");
shared_font_header.status = 2; // successfully loaded
shared_font_header.region = font_region_code;
shared_font_header.decompressed_size =
DecompressLZ11(font_file.Data(), shared_font_mem->GetPointer(0x80));
std::memcpy(shared_font_mem->GetPointer(), &shared_font_header, sizeof(shared_font_header));
*shared_font_mem->GetPointer(0x83) = 'U'; // Change the magic from "CFNT" to "CFNU"
return true;
bool Module::LoadLegacySharedFont() {
// This is the legacy method to load shared font.
// The expected format is a decrypted, uncompressed BCFNT file with the 0x80 byte header
// generated by the APT:U service. The best way to get is by dumping it from RAM. We've provided
// a homebrew app to do this: Put the resulting file
// "shared_font.bin" in the Citra "sysdata" directory.
std::string filepath = FileUtil::GetUserPath(FileUtil::UserPath::SysDataDir) + SHARED_FONT;
FileUtil::CreateFullPath(filepath); // Create path if not already created
FileUtil::IOFile file(filepath, "rb");
if (file.IsOpen()) {
file.ReadBytes(shared_font_mem->GetPointer(), file.GetSize());
return true;
return false;
void Module::APTInterface::GetSharedFont(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x44, 0, 0); // 0x00440000
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 2);
// Log in telemetry if the game uses the shared font
"RequiresSharedFont", true);
if (!apt->shared_font_loaded) {
// On real 3DS, font loading happens on booting. However, we load it on demand to coordinate
// with CFG region auto configuration, which happens later than APT initialization.
if (apt->LoadSharedFont()) {
apt->shared_font_loaded = true;
} else if (apt->LoadLegacySharedFont()) {
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "Loaded shared font by legacy method");
apt->shared_font_loaded = true;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "shared font file missing - go dump it from your 3ds");
rb.Push<u32>(-1); // TODO: Find the right error code
apt->system.SetStatus(Core::System::ResultStatus::ErrorSystemFiles, "Shared fonts");
// The shared font has to be relocated to the new address before being passed to the
// application.
// Note: the target address is still in the old linear heap region even on new firmware
// versions. This exception is made for shared font to resolve the following compatibility
// issue:
// The linear heap region changes depending on the kernel version marked in application's
// exheader (not the actual version the application is running on). If an application with old
// kernel version and an applet with new kernel version run at the same time, and they both use
// shared font, different linear heap region would have required shared font to relocate
// according to two different addresses at the same time, which is impossible.
VAddr target_address = static_cast<VAddr>(apt->shared_font_mem->GetLinearHeapPhysicalOffset()) +
if (!apt->shared_font_relocated) {
BCFNT::RelocateSharedFont(apt->shared_font_mem, target_address);
apt->shared_font_relocated = true;
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
// Since the SharedMemory interface doesn't provide the address at which the memory was
// allocated, the real APT service calculates this address by scanning the entire address space
// (using svcQueryMemory) and searches for an allocation of the same size as the Shared Font.
void Module::APTInterface::GetWirelessRebootInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x45, 1, 0); // 0x00450040
const auto size = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "called size={:08X}", size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 2);
rb.PushStaticBuffer(apt->wireless_reboot_info, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::NotifyToWait(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x43, 1, 0); // 0x430040
const auto app_id = rp.Pop<u32>();
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) app_id={}", app_id);
void Module::APTInterface::GetLockHandle(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x1, 1, 0); // 0x10040
// Bits [0:2] are the applet type (System, Library, etc)
// Bit 5 tells the application that there's a pending APT parameter,
// this will cause the app to wait until parameter_event is signaled.
const auto attributes = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called applet_attributes={:#010X}", attributes);
auto result = apt->applet_manager->GetLockHandle(attributes);
if (result.Failed()) {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
} else {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(3, 2);
void Module::APTInterface::Enable(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x3, 1, 0); // 0x30040
const auto attributes = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called attributes={:#010X}", attributes);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::GetAppletManInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x5, 1, 0); // 0x50040
const auto unk = rp.Pop<u32>();
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(5, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
rb.Push(static_cast<u32>(AppletId::HomeMenu)); // Home menu AppID
rb.Push(static_cast<u32>(AppletId::Application)); // TODO(purpasmart96): Do this correctly
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called unk={:#010X}", unk);
void Module::APTInterface::IsRegistered(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x9, 1, 0); // 0x90040
const auto app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called app_id={:#010X}", app_id);
void Module::APTInterface::InquireNotification(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0xB, 1, 0); // 0xB0040
const auto app_id = rp.Pop<u32>();
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
rb.Push(static_cast<u32>(SignalType::None)); // Signal type
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called app_id={:#010X}", app_id);
void Module::APTInterface::SendParameter(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0xC, 4, 4); // 0xC0104
const auto src_app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto dst_app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto signal_type = rp.PopEnum<SignalType>();
const auto buffer_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto object = rp.PopGenericObject();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
"called src_app_id={:#010X}, dst_app_id={:#010X}, signal_type={:#010X},"
src_app_id, dst_app_id, signal_type, buffer_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
.sender_id = src_app_id,
.destination_id = dst_app_id,
.signal = signal_type,
.object = object,
.buffer = buffer,
void Module::APTInterface::ReceiveParameter(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0xD, 2, 0); // 0xD0080
const auto app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto buffer_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called app_id={:#010X}, buffer_size={:#010X}", app_id, buffer_size);
auto next_parameter = apt->applet_manager->ReceiveParameter(app_id);
if (next_parameter.Failed()) {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
} else {
const auto size = std::min(static_cast<u32>(next_parameter->buffer.size()), buffer_size);
buffer_size); // APT always push a buffer with the maximum size
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(4, 4);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
rb.PushEnum(next_parameter->signal); // Signal type
rb.Push(size); // Parameter buffer size
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(next_parameter->buffer), 0);
void Module::APTInterface::GlanceParameter(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0xE, 2, 0); // 0xE0080
const auto app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const u32 buffer_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called app_id={:#010X}, buffer_size={:#010X}", app_id, buffer_size);
auto next_parameter = apt->applet_manager->GlanceParameter(app_id);
if (next_parameter.Failed()) {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
} else {
const auto size = std::min(static_cast<u32>(next_parameter->buffer.size()), buffer_size);
buffer_size); // APT always push a buffer with the maximum size
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(4, 4);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
rb.PushEnum(next_parameter->signal); // Signal type
rb.Push(size); // Parameter buffer size
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(next_parameter->buffer), 0);
void Module::APTInterface::CancelParameter(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0xF, 4, 0); // 0xF0100
const auto check_sender = rp.Pop<bool>();
const auto sender_appid = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto check_receiver = rp.Pop<bool>();
const auto receiver_appid = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
"called check_sender={}, sender_appid={:#010X}, check_receiver={}, receiver_appid={:#010X}",
check_sender, sender_appid, check_receiver, receiver_appid);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->CancelParameter(check_sender, sender_appid, check_receiver,
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToDoApplicationJump(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x31, 4, 0); // 0x00310100
auto flags = rp.PopEnum<ApplicationJumpFlags>();
u64 title_id = rp.Pop<u64>();
u8 media_type = rp.Pop<u8>();
LOG_INFO(Service_APT, "called title_id={:016X}, media_type={:#01X}, flags={:#08X}", title_id,
media_type, flags);
ResultCode result = apt->applet_manager->PrepareToDoApplicationJump(
title_id, static_cast<FS::MediaType>(media_type), flags);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::DoApplicationJump(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x32, 2, 4); // 0x00320084
const auto param_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto hmac_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto param = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
const auto hmac = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_INFO(Service_APT, "called param_size={:08X}, hmac_size={:08X}", param_size, hmac_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->DoApplicationJump(DeliverArg{param, hmac}));
void Module::APTInterface::GetProgramIdOnApplicationJump(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x33, 0, 0); // 0x00330000
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
const auto parameters = apt->applet_manager->GetApplicationJumpParameters();
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(7, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::ReceiveDeliverArg(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x35, 2, 0); // 0x00350080
const auto param_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto hmac_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called param_size={:08X}, hmac_size={:08X}", param_size, hmac_size);
auto arg = apt->applet_manager->ReceiveDeliverArg().value_or(DeliverArg{});
arg.hmac.resize(std::min<std::size_t>(hmac_size, 0x20));
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(4, 4);
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(arg.param), 0);
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(arg.hmac), 1);
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToStartApplication(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x15, 5, 0); // 0x00150140
const auto title_id = rp.Pop<u64>();
const auto media_type = static_cast<FS::MediaType>(rp.Pop<u8>());
rp.Skip(1, false); // Padding
const auto flags = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_INFO(Service_APT, "called title_id={:#010X} media_type={} flags={:#010X}", title_id,
media_type, flags);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->PrepareToStartApplication(title_id, media_type));
void Module::APTInterface::StartApplication(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x1B, 3, 4); // 0x001B00C4
const auto parameter_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto hmac_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto paused = rp.Pop<bool>();
const auto parameter = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
const auto hmac = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_INFO(Service_APT, "called parameter_size={:#010X}, hmac_size={:#010X}, paused={}",
parameter_size, hmac_size, paused);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->StartApplication(parameter, hmac, paused));
void Module::APTInterface::WakeupApplication(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x1C, 0, 0); // 0x001C0000
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::AppletUtility(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x4B, 3, 2); // 0x004B00C2
// These are from 3dbrew - I'm not really sure what they're used for.
const auto utility_command = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto input_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto output_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
[[maybe_unused]] const auto input = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
"(STUBBED) called command={:#010X}, input_size={:#010X}, output_size={:#010X}",
utility_command, input_size, output_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
void Module::APTInterface::SetAppCpuTimeLimit(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x4F, 2, 0); // 0x4F0080
const auto must_be_one = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto value = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called, must_be_one={}, value={}", must_be_one, value);
if (must_be_one != 1) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "This value should be one, but is actually {}!", must_be_one);
apt->cpu_percent = value;
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
void Module::APTInterface::GetAppCpuTimeLimit(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x50, 1, 0); // 0x500040
const auto must_be_one = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called, must_be_one={}", must_be_one);
if (must_be_one != 1) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "This value should be one, but is actually {}!", must_be_one);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToStartLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x18, 1, 0); // 0x180040
const auto applet_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, applet_id={:08X}", applet_id);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToStartSystemApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x19, 1, 0); // 0x190040
const auto applet_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, applet_id={:08X}", applet_id);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToStartNewestHomeMenu(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x1A, 0, 0); // 0x1A0000
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
// TODO(Subv): This command can only be called by a System Applet (return 0xC8A0CC04 otherwise).
// This command must return an error when called, otherwise the Home Menu will try to reboot the
// system.
rb.Push(ResultCode(ErrorDescription::AlreadyExists, ErrorModule::Applet,
ErrorSummary::InvalidState, ErrorLevel::Status));
void Module::APTInterface::PreloadLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x16, 1, 0); // 0x160040
const auto applet_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, applet_id={:08X}", applet_id);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::FinishPreloadingLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x17, 1, 0); // 0x00170040
const auto applet_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called, applet_id={:#05X}", applet_id);
void Module::APTInterface::StartLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x1E, 2, 4); // 0x1E0084
const auto applet_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto buffer_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto object = rp.PopGenericObject();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, applet_id={:08X}, size={:08X}", applet_id, buffer_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->StartLibraryApplet(applet_id, object, buffer));
void Module::APTInterface::StartSystemApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x1F, 2, 4); // 0x1F0084
const auto applet_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
const auto buffer_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto object = rp.PopGenericObject();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, applet_id={:08X}, size={:08X}", applet_id, buffer_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->StartSystemApplet(applet_id, object, buffer));
void Module::APTInterface::CloseApplication(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x27, 1, 4);
[[maybe_unused]] const auto parameters_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
[[maybe_unused]] const auto object = rp.PopGenericObject();
[[maybe_unused]] const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::CancelLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x3B, 1, 0); // 0x003B0040
const auto app_exiting = rp.Pop<bool>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called app_exiting={}", app_exiting);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToCloseLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x25, 3, 0); // 0x002500C0
const auto not_pause = rp.Pop<bool>();
const auto exiting = rp.Pop<bool>();
const auto jump_to_home = rp.Pop<bool>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called not_pause={} exiting={} jump_to_home={}", not_pause, exiting,
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->PrepareToCloseLibraryApplet(not_pause, exiting, jump_to_home));
void Module::APTInterface::PrepareToCloseSystemApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x26, 0, 0); // 0x260000
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::CloseLibraryApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x28, 1, 4); // 0x00280044
const auto parameter_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto object = rp.PopGenericObject();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called size={}", parameter_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->CloseLibraryApplet(object, buffer));
void Module::APTInterface::CloseSystemApplet(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x29, 1, 4); // 0x00280044
const auto parameter_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto object = rp.PopGenericObject();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called size={}", parameter_size);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(apt->applet_manager->CloseSystemApplet(object, buffer));
void Module::APTInterface::LoadSysMenuArg(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x36, 1, 0); // 0x00360040
const auto size = std::min(std::size_t{rp.Pop<u32>()}, SysMenuArgSize);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
// This service function does not clear the buffer.
std::vector<u8> buffer(size);
std::copy_n(apt->sys_menu_arg_buffer.cbegin(), size, buffer.begin());
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 2);
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(buffer), 0);
void Module::APTInterface::StoreSysMenuArg(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x37, 1, 2); // 0x00370042
const auto size = std::min(std::size_t{rp.Pop<u32>()}, SysMenuArgSize);
const auto& buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
ASSERT_MSG(buffer.size() >= size, "Buffer too small to hold requested data");
std::copy_n(buffer.cbegin(), size, apt->sys_menu_arg_buffer.begin());
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::SendCaptureBufferInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x40, 1, 2); // 0x00400042
const auto size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto buffer = rp.PopStaticBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
ASSERT(size == 0x20);
apt->screen_capture_buffer = buffer;
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::ReceiveCaptureBufferInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x41, 1, 0); // 0x00410040
const auto size = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
ASSERT(size == 0x20);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 2);
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(apt->screen_capture_buffer), 0);
void Module::APTInterface::GetCaptureInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x4A, 1, 0); // 0x004A0040
const auto size = rp.Pop<u32>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called");
ASSERT(size == 0x20);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 2);
// This service function does not clear the capture buffer.
rb.PushStaticBuffer(apt->screen_capture_buffer, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::SetScreenCapPostPermission(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x55, 1, 0); // 0x00550040
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, screen_capture_post_permission={}",
apt->screen_capture_post_permission = static_cast<ScreencapPostPermission>(rp.Pop<u32>() & 0xF);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
void Module::APTInterface::GetScreenCapPostPermission(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x56, 0, 0); // 0x00560000
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called, screen_capture_post_permission={}",
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
rb.Push(RESULT_SUCCESS); // No error
void Module::APTInterface::GetAppletInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x6, 1, 0); // 0x60040
const auto app_id = rp.PopEnum<AppletId>();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, app_id={:08X}", app_id);
auto info = apt->applet_manager->GetAppletInfo(app_id);
if (info.Failed()) {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 0);
} else {
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(7, 0);
void Module::APTInterface::GetStartupArgument(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x51, 2, 0); // 0x00510080
const auto parameter_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto startup_argument_type = static_cast<StartupArgumentType>(rp.Pop<u8>());
LOG_INFO(Service_APT, "called, startup_argument_type={}, parameter_size={:#010X}",
startup_argument_type, parameter_size);
std::vector<u8> param;
bool exists = false;
if (auto arg = apt->applet_manager->ReceiveDeliverArg()) {
param = std::move(arg->param);
// TODO: This is a complete guess based on observations. It is unknown how the OtherMedia
// type is handled and how it interacts with the OtherApp type, and it is unknown if
// this (checking the jump parameters) is indeed the way the 3DS checks the types.
const auto& jump_parameters = apt->applet_manager->GetApplicationJumpParameters();
switch (startup_argument_type) {
case StartupArgumentType::OtherApp:
exists = jump_parameters.current_title_id != jump_parameters.next_title_id &&
jump_parameters.current_media_type == jump_parameters.next_media_type;
case StartupArgumentType::Restart:
exists = jump_parameters.current_title_id == jump_parameters.next_title_id;
case StartupArgumentType::OtherMedia:
exists = jump_parameters.current_media_type != jump_parameters.next_media_type;
constexpr u32 max_parameter_size{0x1000};
param.resize(std::min(parameter_size, max_parameter_size));
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 2);
rb.PushStaticBuffer(std::move(param), 0);
void Module::APTInterface::Wrap(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x46, 4, 4);
const auto output_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto input_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto nonce_offset = rp.Pop<u32>();
auto nonce_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
auto& input = rp.PopMappedBuffer();
auto& output = rp.PopMappedBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, output_size={}, input_size={}, nonce_offset={}, nonce_size={}",
output_size, input_size, nonce_offset, nonce_size);
ASSERT(input.GetSize() == input_size);
ASSERT(output.GetSize() == output_size);
// Note: real 3DS still returns SUCCESS when the sizes don't match. It seems that it doesn't
// check the buffer size and writes data with potential overflow.
ASSERT_MSG(output_size == input_size + HW::AES::CCM_MAC_SIZE,
"input_size ({}) doesn't match to output_size ({})", input_size, output_size);
// Note: This weird nonce size modification is verified against real 3DS
nonce_size = std::min<u32>(nonce_size & ~3, HW::AES::CCM_NONCE_SIZE);
// Reads nonce and concatenates the rest of the input as plaintext
HW::AES::CCMNonce nonce{};
input.Read(, nonce_offset, nonce_size);
u32 pdata_size = input_size - nonce_size;
std::vector<u8> pdata(pdata_size);
input.Read(, 0, nonce_offset);
input.Read( + nonce_offset, nonce_offset + nonce_size, pdata_size - nonce_offset);
// Encrypts the plaintext using AES-CCM
auto cipher = HW::AES::EncryptSignCCM(pdata, nonce, HW::AES::KeySlotID::APTWrap);
// Puts the nonce to the beginning of the output, with ciphertext followed
output.Write(, 0, nonce_size);
output.Write(, nonce_size, cipher.size());
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 4);
// Unmap buffer
void Module::APTInterface::Unwrap(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x47, 4, 4);
const auto output_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto input_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
const auto nonce_offset = rp.Pop<u32>();
auto nonce_size = rp.Pop<u32>();
auto& input = rp.PopMappedBuffer();
auto& output = rp.PopMappedBuffer();
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, output_size={}, input_size={}, nonce_offset={}, nonce_size={}",
output_size, input_size, nonce_offset, nonce_size);
ASSERT(input.GetSize() == input_size);
ASSERT(output.GetSize() == output_size);
// Note: real 3DS still returns SUCCESS when the sizes don't match. It seems that it doesn't
// check the buffer size and writes data with potential overflow.
ASSERT_MSG(output_size == input_size - HW::AES::CCM_MAC_SIZE,
"input_size ({}) doesn't match to output_size ({})", input_size, output_size);
// Note: This weird nonce size modification is verified against real 3DS
nonce_size = std::min<u32>(nonce_size & ~3, HW::AES::CCM_NONCE_SIZE);
// Reads nonce and cipher text
HW::AES::CCMNonce nonce{};
input.Read(, 0, nonce_size);
u32 cipher_size = input_size - nonce_size;
std::vector<u8> cipher(cipher_size);
input.Read(, nonce_size, cipher_size);
// Decrypts the ciphertext using AES-CCM
auto pdata = HW::AES::DecryptVerifyCCM(cipher, nonce, HW::AES::KeySlotID::APTWrap);
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(1, 4);
if (!pdata.empty()) {
// Splits the plaintext and put the nonce in between
output.Write(, 0, nonce_offset);
output.Write(, nonce_offset, nonce_size);
output.Write( + nonce_offset, nonce_offset + nonce_size,
pdata.size() - nonce_offset);
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "Failed to decrypt data");
rb.Push(ResultCode(static_cast<ErrorDescription>(1), ErrorModule::PS,
ErrorSummary::WrongArgument, ErrorLevel::Status));
// Unmap buffer
void Module::APTInterface::CheckNew3DSApp(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x101, 0, 0); // 0x01010000
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called");
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
if (apt->unknown_ns_state_field) {
} else {
void Module::APTInterface::CheckNew3DS(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x102, 0, 0); // 0x01020000
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called");
void Module::APTInterface::Unknown0x0103(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x103, 0, 0); // 0x01030000
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called");
rb.Push<u8>(Settings::values.is_new_3ds ? 2 : 1);
void Module::APTInterface::IsTitleAllowed(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx, 0x105, 4, 0); // 0x01050100
const auto program_id = rp.Pop<u64>();
const auto media_type = static_cast<FS::MediaType>(rp.Pop<u8>());
rp.Skip(1, false); // Padding
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called, title_id={:016X} media_type={}", program_id, media_type);
// We allow all titles to be launched, so this function is a no-op
IPC::RequestBuilder rb = rp.MakeBuilder(2, 0);
Module::APTInterface::APTInterface(std::shared_ptr<Module> apt, const char* name, u32 max_session)
: ServiceFramework(name, max_session), apt(std::move(apt)) {}
Module::APTInterface::~APTInterface() = default;
std::shared_ptr<Module> Module::APTInterface::GetModule() const {
return apt;
Module::Module(Core::System& system) : system(system) {
applet_manager = std::make_shared<AppletManager>(system);
using Kernel::MemoryPermission;
shared_font_mem = system.Kernel()
.CreateSharedMemory(nullptr, 0x332000, // 3272 KB
MemoryPermission::ReadWrite, MemoryPermission::Read,
0, Kernel::MemoryRegion::SYSTEM, "APT:SharedFont")
Module::~Module() {}
std::shared_ptr<AppletManager> Module::GetAppletManager() const {
return applet_manager;
std::shared_ptr<Module> GetModule(Core::System& system) {
auto apt = system.ServiceManager().GetService<Service::APT::Module::APTInterface>("APT:A");
if (!apt)
return nullptr;
return apt->GetModule();
void InstallInterfaces(Core::System& system) {
auto& service_manager = system.ServiceManager();
auto apt = std::make_shared<Module>(system);
} // namespace Service::APT