initial try at 'plugin' for visualizing vim marks

This commit is contained in:
Tyler Starr 2023-12-25 00:37:33 -08:00
parent 12ed2d1bd0
commit 7e645fb043

View File

@ -67,14 +67,19 @@ map <leader>e :Ex <cr> " open explorer
" marks
" automatically update marks with helper function
au CursorHold,CursorHoldI,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI,TextChanged,TextChangedP,CmdlineEnter,CmdlineLeave,CmdlineChanged * silent! call UpdateMarkSigns()
" allow only global marks
noremap <silent> <expr> ' "'".toupper(nr2char(getchar()))
noremap <silent> <expr> m "m".toupper(nr2char(getchar()))
sunmap '
sunmap m
nnoremap <silent> ' :call ListSelect("marks", "'")<CR> " list jumps/marks
map <leader>md :delmarks A-Z0-9 <cr> " clear marks
" list jumps/marks
map <leader>mm :call ListSelect("marks", "'")<CR>
" clear marks
map <leader>md :delmarks A-Z0-9 <cr>
" grep
@ -167,3 +172,56 @@ endfunction
function! Grep(...)
return system(join([&grepprg] + [expandcmd(join(a:000, ' '))], ' '))
" Check if file is valid and exists
" ChatGippity
function! IsValidFilename(filename)
let expanded_filename = expand(a:filename)
if !empty(expanded_filename) && filereadable(expanded_filename)
return 1
return 0
function! PlaceSign(id, symbol, prio, line_number)
call sign_define(a:symbol, {'text': a:symbol})
call sign_place(a:id, '', a:symbol, bufnr(''), {'lnum': a:line_number, 'priority': a:prio, 'text': a:symbol})
function! UpdateMarkSigns()
" Reserved unique IDs for marks in case we want to remove in future
" without wiping out all signs
let resvIDs = range(1000, 1027)
" wipe out all signs (might improve in future)
execute "sign unplace *"
" get all marks
let lines = []
redir => lines
silent marks
redir END
let lines = split(lines, "\n")[1:]
for i in range(len(lines))
let line = lines[i]
let id = resvIDs[i]
let splitLine = split(line)
let name = splitLine[0]
let row = splitLine[1]
let col = splitLine[2]
try " empty lines at marks will break things
let file = splitLine[3]
let file = ""
" If marks is in another file we don't need to display it
if !IsValidFilename(file)
call PlaceSign(id, name, 99, row)