add single gpu-passthru files

This commit is contained in:
Tyler Starr 2023-07-30 08:33:11 -07:00
parent a143541c68
commit 871981ff83
10 changed files with 1643 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ for_window [title="launcher"] floating enable
# [p]ower commands
# Power commands
bindsym $mod+p mode $mode_power
mode $mode_power {
bindsym s exec shutdown now
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ mode $mode_power {
bindsym Escape mode default
# [x]utility commands
# Utility commands
bindsym $mod+x mode utility
mode utility {
bindsym q exit
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ mode utility {
bindsym Escape mode default
# layout commands
# Layout commands
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+t splitv; layout tabbed
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+v layout splitv
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+s layout splith
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Ctrl+k resize grow height 50
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+l resize grow width 50
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+c move position center
# program management
# Program management
bindsym $mod+d kill
bindsym $mod+f fullscreen toggle
bindsym $mod+t floating toggle
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ bindsym $mod+s sticky toggle
bindsym $mod+Tab focus mode_toggle
floating_modifier $mod
# spatial container management
# Spatial container management
bindsym $mod+h exec ~/.config/sway/scripts/ "h"
bindsym $mod+j exec ~/.config/sway/scripts/ "j"
bindsym $mod+k exec ~/.config/sway/scripts/ "k"
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ bindsym $mod+backslash split h
bindsym $mod+z splith; layout tabbed; focus parent
bindsym $mod+Shift+z layout default
# workspace management
# Workspace management
bindsym $mod+1 workspace $tag1
bindsym $mod+2 workspace $tag2
bindsym $mod+3 workspace $tag3
@ -181,18 +181,16 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+w move container to workspace $tag6
bindsym $mod+Shift+e move container to workspace $tag7
bindsym $mod+Shift+r move container to workspace $tag8
# audio
# Audio
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
# [o]pen applications
# Open applications
bindsym $mod+Return exec alacritty
bindsym $mod+a mode launcher
mode launcher {
bindsym r exec alacritty --title launcher -e /home/{{ .user }}/bin/linux-app-launcher, $e
#bindsym w exec rofi -show window -show-icons, $e
#bindsym e exec rofi -modi emoji -show emoji, $e
bindsym Escape mode default
bindsym $mod+o mode open
@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ mode open {
bindsym Escape mode default
# s[c]ratchpads commands
# Scratchpads commands
bindsym $mod+c mode scratch
mode scratch {
bindsym Return exec sway-scratchpad \
@ -221,27 +219,26 @@ mode scratch {
--mark files \
--width 71 \
--height 71, $e
bindsym Shift+c move scratchpad, $e
bindsym c scratchpad show, $e
bindsym Escape mode default
output $DISP_SEC {
resolution 2560x1440@143.912Hz
position 0,0
output $DISP_PRI {
resolution 2560x1440@143.973Hz
position 2560,0
output $DISP_SEC {
resolution 2560x1440@143.912Hz
position 0,0
bar {
position top
status_command while ~/.config/sway/scripts/; do sleep 1; done
tray_output none
pango_markup enabled
status_command while ~/.config/sway/scripts/; do sleep 1; done
colors {
background #000000
focused_workspace $workspace $workspace $background
@ -252,8 +249,8 @@ bar {
#exec_always --no-startup-id "configure-gtk"
exec_always --no-startup-id "dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK"
exec_always --no-startup-id "configure-gtk"
exec_always --no-startup-id "swaybg -i ~/media/pictures/wallpapers/solar_system_wallpapers/mars.png"
exec --no-startup-id "~/.config/sway/scripts/"
exec --no-startup-id "udiskie"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
# Master libvirt daemon configuration file
# Network connectivity controls
# Flag listening for secure TLS connections on the public TCP/IP port.
# NB, must pass the --listen flag to the libvirtd process for this to
# have any effect.
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# It is necessary to setup a CA and issue server certificates before
# using this capability.
# This is enabled by default, uncomment this to disable it
#listen_tls = 0
# Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port.
# NB, must pass the --listen flag to the libvirtd process for this to
# have any effect.
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# Using the TCP socket requires SASL authentication by default. Only
# SASL mechanisms which support data encryption are allowed. This is
# DIGEST_MD5 and GSSAPI (Kerberos5)
# This is disabled by default, uncomment this to enable it.
#listen_tcp = 1
# Override the port for accepting secure TLS connections
# This can be a port number, or service name
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation with systemd version >= 227
#tls_port = "16514"
# Override the port for accepting insecure TCP connections
# This can be a port number, or service name
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation with systemd version >= 227
#tcp_port = "16509"
# Override the default configuration which binds to all network
# interfaces. This can be a numeric IPv4/6 address, or hostname
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# If the libvirtd service is started in parallel with network
# startup (e.g. with systemd), binding to addresses other than
# the wildcards ( might not be available yet.
#listen_addr = ""
# UNIX socket access controls
# Set the UNIX domain socket group ownership. This can be used to
# allow a 'trusted' set of users access to management capabilities
# without becoming root.
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# This is restricted to 'root' by default.
# Set the UNIX socket permissions for the R/O socket. This is used
# for monitoring VM status only
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# Default allows any user. If setting group ownership, you may want to
# restrict this too.
# Set the UNIX socket permissions for the R/W socket. This is used
# for full management of VMs
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# Default allows only root. If PolicyKit is enabled on the socket,
# the default will change to allow everyone (eg, 0777)
# If not using PolicyKit and setting group ownership for access
# control, then you may want to relax this too.
#unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"
# Set the UNIX socket permissions for the admin interface socket.
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation.
# Default allows only owner (root), do not change it unless you are
# sure to whom you are exposing the access to.
#unix_sock_admin_perms = "0700"
# Set the name of the directory in which sockets will be found/created.
# This setting is not required or honoured if using systemd socket
# activation with systemd version >= 227
#unix_sock_dir = "/run/libvirt"
# Authentication.
# There are the following choices available:
# - none: do not perform auth checks. If you can connect to the
# socket you are allowed. This is suitable if there are
# restrictions on connecting to the socket (eg, UNIX
# socket permissions), or if there is a lower layer in
# the network providing auth (eg, TLS/x509 certificates)
# - sasl: use SASL infrastructure. The actual auth scheme is then
# controlled from /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf. For the TCP
# socket only GSSAPI & DIGEST-MD5 mechanisms will be used.
# For non-TCP or TLS sockets, any scheme is allowed.
# - polkit: use PolicyKit to authenticate. This is only suitable
# for use on the UNIX sockets. The default policy will
# require a user to supply their own password to gain
# full read/write access (aka sudo like), while anyone
# is allowed read/only access.
# Set an authentication scheme for UNIX read-only sockets
# By default socket permissions allow anyone to connect
# If libvirt was compiled without support for 'polkit', then
# no access control checks are done, but libvirt still only
# allows execution of APIs which don't change state.
# If libvirt was compiled with support for 'polkit', then
# the libvirt socket will perform a check with polkit after
# connections. The default policy still allows any local
# user access.
# To restrict monitoring of domains you may wish to either
# enable 'sasl' here, or change the polkit policy definition.
#auth_unix_ro = "polkit"
# Set an authentication scheme for UNIX read-write sockets.
# If libvirt was compiled without support for 'polkit', then
# the systemd .socket files will use SocketMode=0600 by default
# thus only allowing root user to connect, and 'auth_unix_rw'
# will default to 'none'.
# If libvirt was compiled with support for 'polkit', then
# the systemd .socket files will use SocketMode=0666 which
# allows any user to connect and 'auth_unix_rw' will default
# to 'polkit'. If you disable use of 'polkit' here, then it
# is essential to change the systemd SocketMode parameter
# back to 0600, to avoid an insecure configuration.
#auth_unix_rw = "polkit"
# Change the authentication scheme for TCP sockets.
# If you don't enable SASL, then all TCP traffic is cleartext.
# Don't do this outside of a dev/test scenario. For real world
# use, always enable SASL and use the GSSAPI or DIGEST-MD5
# mechanism in /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf
#auth_tcp = "sasl"
# Change the authentication scheme for TLS sockets.
# TLS sockets already have encryption provided by the TLS
# layer, and limited authentication is done by certificates
# It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication
# mechanism as well, by using 'sasl' for this option
#auth_tls = "none"
# Change the API access control scheme
# By default an authenticated user is allowed access
# to all APIs. Access drivers can place restrictions
# on this. By default the 'nop' driver is enabled,
# meaning no access control checks are done once a
# client has authenticated with libvirtd
#access_drivers = [ "polkit" ]
# TLS x509 certificate configuration
# Use of TLS requires that x509 certificates be issued. The default locations
# for the certificate files is as follows:
# /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem - The CA master certificate
# /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem - The server certificate signed by cacert.pem
# /etc/pki/libvirt/private/serverkey.pem - The server private key
# It is possible to override the default locations by altering the 'key_file',
# 'cert_file', and 'ca_file' values and uncommenting them below.
# NB, overriding the default of one location requires uncommenting and
# possibly additionally overriding the other settings.
# Override the default server key file path
#key_file = "/etc/pki/libvirt/private/serverkey.pem"
# Override the default server certificate file path
#cert_file = "/etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem"
# Override the default CA certificate path
#ca_file = "/etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem"
# Specify a certificate revocation list.
# Defaults to not using a CRL, uncomment to enable it
#crl_file = "/etc/pki/CA/crl.pem"
# Authorization controls
# Flag to disable verification of our own server certificates
# When libvirtd starts it performs some sanity checks against
# its own certificates.
# Default is to always run sanity checks. Uncommenting this
# will disable sanity checks which is not a good idea
#tls_no_sanity_certificate = 1
# Flag to disable verification of client certificates
# Client certificate verification is the primary authentication mechanism.
# Any client which does not present a certificate signed by the CA
# will be rejected.
# Default is to always verify. Uncommenting this will disable
# verification.
#tls_no_verify_certificate = 1
# An access control list of allowed x509 Distinguished Names
# This list may contain wildcards such as
# "C=GB,ST=London,L=London,O=Red Hat,CN=*"
# See the g_pattern_match function for the format of the wildcards:
# NB If this is an empty list, no client can connect, so comment out
# entirely rather than using empty list to disable these checks
# By default, no DN's are checked
#tls_allowed_dn_list = ["DN1", "DN2"]
# Override the compile time default TLS priority string. The
# default is usually "NORMAL" unless overridden at build time.
# Only set this is it is desired for libvirt to deviate from
# the global default settings.
# An access control list of allowed SASL usernames. The format for username
# depends on the SASL authentication mechanism. Kerberos usernames
# look like username@REALM
# This list may contain wildcards such as
# See the g_pattern_match function for the format of the wildcards.
# NB If this is an empty list, no client can connect, so comment out
# entirely rather than using empty list to disable these checks
# By default, no Username's are checked
#sasl_allowed_username_list = ["joe@EXAMPLE.COM", "fred@EXAMPLE.COM" ]
# Processing controls
# The maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow
# over all sockets combined.
#max_clients = 5000
# The maximum length of queue of connections waiting to be
# accepted by the daemon. Note, that some protocols supporting
# retransmission may obey this so that a later reattempt at
# connection succeeds.
#max_queued_clients = 1000
# The maximum length of queue of accepted but not yet
# authenticated clients. The default value is 20. Set this to
# zero to turn this feature off.
#max_anonymous_clients = 20
# The minimum limit sets the number of workers to start up
# initially. If the number of active clients exceeds this,
# then more threads are spawned, up to max_workers limit.
# Typically you'd want max_workers to equal maximum number
# of clients allowed
#min_workers = 5
#max_workers = 20
# The number of priority workers. If all workers from above
# pool are stuck, some calls marked as high priority
# (notably domainDestroy) can be executed in this pool.
#prio_workers = 5
# Limit on concurrent requests from a single client
# connection. To avoid one client monopolizing the server
# this should be a small fraction of the global max_workers
# parameter.
#max_client_requests = 5
# Same processing controls, but this time for the admin interface.
# For description of each option, be so kind to scroll few lines
# upwards.
#admin_min_workers = 1
#admin_max_workers = 5
#admin_max_clients = 5
#admin_max_queued_clients = 5
#admin_max_client_requests = 5
# Logging controls
# Logging level: 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug
# basically 1 will log everything possible
# WARNING: It outputs too much information to practically read.
# WARNING: The "log_filters" setting is recommended instead.
# WARNING: Journald applies rate limiting of messages and so libvirt
# WARNING: will limit "log_level" to only allow values 3 or 4 if
# WARNING: journald is the current output.
#log_level = 3
# Logging filters:
# A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category
# of logs. The format for a filter is:
# level:match
# where 'match' is a string which is matched against the category
# given in the VIR_LOG_INIT() at the top of each libvirt source
# file, e.g., "remote", "qemu", or "util.json". The 'match' in the
# filter matches using shell wildcard syntax (see 'man glob(7)').
# The 'match' is always treated as a substring match. IOW a match
# string 'foo' is equivalent to '*foo*'.
# 'level' is the minimal level where matching messages should
# be logged:
# 1: DEBUG
# 2: INFO
# 4: ERROR
# Multiple filters can be defined in a single @log_filters, they just need
# to be separated by spaces. Note that libvirt performs "first" match, i.e.
# if there are concurrent filters, the first one that matches will be applied,
# given the order in @log_filters.
# A typical need is to capture information from a hypervisor driver,
# public API entrypoints and some of the utility code. Some utility
# code is very verbose and is generally not desired. Taking the QEMU
# hypervisor as an example, a suitable filter string for debugging
# might be to turn off object, json & event logging, but enable the
# rest of the util code:
# Logging outputs:
# An output is one of the places to save logging information
# The format for an output can be:
# level:stderr
# output goes to stderr
# level:syslog:name
# use syslog for the output and use the given name as the ident
# level:file:file_path
# output to a file, with the given filepath
# level:journald
# output to journald logging system
# In all cases 'level' is the minimal priority, acting as a filter
# 1: DEBUG
# 2: INFO
# 4: ERROR
# Multiple outputs can be defined, they just need to be separated by spaces.
# e.g. to log all warnings and errors to syslog under the libvirtd ident:
# Auditing
# This setting allows usage of the auditing subsystem to be altered:
# audit_level == 0 -> disable all auditing
# audit_level == 1 -> enable auditing, only if enabled on host (default)
# audit_level == 2 -> enable auditing, and exit if disabled on host
#audit_level = 2
# If set to 1, then audit messages will also be sent
# via libvirt logging infrastructure. Defaults to 0
#audit_logging = 1
# UUID of the host:
# Host UUID is read from one of the sources specified in host_uuid_source.
# - 'smbios': fetch the UUID from 'dmidecode -s system-uuid'
# - 'machine-id': fetch the UUID from /etc/machine-id
# The host_uuid_source default is 'smbios'. If 'dmidecode' does not provide
# a valid UUID a temporary UUID will be generated.
# Another option is to specify host UUID in host_uuid.
# Keep the format of the example UUID below. UUID must not have all digits
# be the same.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace
# it with the output of the 'uuidgen' command and then
# uncomment this entry
#host_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
#host_uuid_source = "smbios"
# Keepalive protocol:
# This allows libvirtd to detect broken client connections or even
# dead clients. A keepalive message is sent to a client after
# keepalive_interval seconds of inactivity to check if the client is
# still responding; keepalive_count is a maximum number of keepalive
# messages that are allowed to be sent to the client without getting
# any response before the connection is considered broken. In other
# words, the connection is automatically closed approximately after
# keepalive_interval * (keepalive_count + 1) seconds since the last
# message received from the client. If keepalive_interval is set to
# -1, libvirtd will never send keepalive requests; however clients
# can still send them and the daemon will send responses. When
# keepalive_count is set to 0, connections will be automatically
# closed after keepalive_interval seconds of inactivity without
# sending any keepalive messages.
#keepalive_interval = 5
#keepalive_count = 5
# These configuration options are no longer used. There is no way to
# restrict such clients from connecting since they first need to
# connect in order to ask for keepalive.
#keepalive_required = 1
#admin_keepalive_required = 1
# Keepalive settings for the admin interface
#admin_keepalive_interval = 5
#admin_keepalive_count = 5
# Open vSwitch:
# This allows to specify a timeout for openvswitch calls made by
# libvirt. The ovs-vsctl utility is used for the configuration and
# its timeout option is set by default to 5 seconds to avoid
# potential infinite waits blocking libvirt.
#ovs_timeout = 5

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Author: Sebastiaan Meijer (
# Copy this file to /etc/libvirt/hooks, make sure it's called "qemu".
# After this file is installed, restart libvirt.
# From now on, you can easily add per-guest qemu hooks.
# Add your hooks in /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/vm_name/hook_name/state_name.
# For a list of available hooks, please refer to
BASEDIR="$(dirname $0)"
set -e # If a script exits with an error, we should as well.
# check if it's a non-empty executable file
if [ -f "$HOOKPATH" ] && [ -s "$HOOKPATH" ] && [ -x "$HOOKPATH" ]; then
eval \"$HOOKPATH\" "$@"
elif [ -d "$HOOKPATH" ]; then
while read file; do
# check for null string
if [ ! -z "$file" ]; then
eval \"$file\" "$@"
done <<< "$(find -L "$HOOKPATH" -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -print;)"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
# Master configuration file for the QEMU driver.
# All settings described here are optional - if omitted, sensible
# defaults are used.
# Use of TLS requires that x509 certificates be issued. The default is
# to keep them in /etc/pki/qemu. This directory must contain
# ca-cert.pem - the CA master certificate
# server-cert.pem - the server certificate signed with ca-cert.pem
# server-key.pem - the server private key
# and optionally may contain
# dh-params.pem - the DH params configuration file
# If the directory does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start. If the
# directory doesn't contain the necessary files, QEMU domains will fail
# to start if they are configured to use TLS.
# In order to overwrite the default path alter the following. This path
# definition will be used as the default path for other *_tls_x509_cert_dir
# configuration settings if their default path does not exist or is not
# specifically set.
#default_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/qemu"
# The default TLS configuration only uses certificates for the server
# allowing the client to verify the server's identity and establish
# an encrypted channel.
# It is possible to use x509 certificates for authentication too, by
# issuing an x509 certificate to every client who needs to connect.
# Enabling this option will reject any client who does not have a
# certificate signed by the CA in /etc/pki/qemu/ca-cert.pem
# The default_tls_x509_cert_dir directory must also contain
# client-cert.pem - the client certificate signed with the ca-cert.pem
# client-key.pem - the client private key
# If this option is supplied it provides the default for the "_verify" option
# of specific TLS users such as vnc, backups, migration, etc. The specific
# users of TLS may override this by setting the specific "_verify" option.
# When not supplied the specific TLS users provide their own defaults.
#default_tls_x509_verify = 1
# Libvirt assumes the server-key.pem file is unencrypted by default.
# To use an encrypted server-key.pem file, the password to decrypt
# the PEM file is required. This can be provided by creating a secret
# object in libvirt and then to uncomment this setting to set the UUID
# of the secret.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace it with the
# output from the UUID for the TLS secret from a 'virsh secret-list'
# command and then uncomment the entry
#default_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# VNC is configured to listen on by default.
# To make it listen on all public interfaces, uncomment
# this next option.
# NB, strong recommendation to enable TLS + x509 certificate
# verification when allowing public access
#vnc_listen = ""
# Enable this option to have VNC served over an automatically created
# unix socket. This prevents unprivileged access from users on the
# host machine, though most VNC clients do not support it.
# This will only be enabled for VNC configurations that have listen
# type=address but without any address specified. This setting takes
# preference over vnc_listen.
#vnc_auto_unix_socket = 1
# Enable use of TLS encryption on the VNC server. This requires
# a VNC client which supports the VeNCrypt protocol extension.
# Examples include vinagre, virt-viewer, virt-manager and vencrypt
# itself. UltraVNC, RealVNC, TightVNC do not support this
# It is necessary to setup CA and issue a server certificate
# before enabling this.
#vnc_tls = 1
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for
# vnc certificates, supply a valid path to the certificate directory.
# If the provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start.
# If the path is not provided, but vnc_tls = 1, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used.
#vnc_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-vnc"
# Uncomment and use the following option to override the default secret
# UUID provided in the default_tls_x509_secret_uuid parameter.
#vnc_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# The default TLS configuration only uses certificates for the server
# allowing the client to verify the server's identity and establish
# an encrypted channel.
# It is possible to use x509 certificates for authentication too, by
# issuing an x509 certificate to every client who needs to connect.
# Enabling this option will reject any client that does not have a
# certificate (as described in default_tls_x509_verify) signed by the
# CA in the vnc_tls_x509_cert_dir (or default_tls_x509_cert_dir).
# If this option is not supplied, it will be set to the value of
# "default_tls_x509_verify". If "default_tls_x509_verify" is not supplied either,
# the default is "0".
#vnc_tls_x509_verify = 1
# The default VNC password. Only 8 bytes are significant for
# VNC passwords. This parameter is only used if the per-domain
# XML config does not already provide a password. To allow
# access without passwords, leave this commented out. An empty
# string will still enable passwords, but be rejected by QEMU,
# effectively preventing any use of VNC. Obviously change this
# example here before you set this.
#vnc_password = "XYZ12345"
# Enable use of SASL encryption on the VNC server. This requires
# a VNC client which supports the SASL protocol extension.
# Examples include vinagre, virt-viewer and virt-manager
# itself. UltraVNC, RealVNC, TightVNC do not support this
# It is necessary to configure /etc/sasl2/qemu.conf to choose
# the desired SASL plugin (eg, GSSPI for Kerberos)
#vnc_sasl = 1
# The default SASL configuration file is located in /etc/sasl2/
# When running libvirtd unprivileged, it may be desirable to
# override the configs in this location. Set this parameter to
# point to the directory, and create a qemu.conf in that location
#vnc_sasl_dir = "/some/directory/sasl2"
# QEMU implements an extension for providing audio over a VNC connection,
# though if your VNC client does not support it, your only chance for getting
# sound output is through regular audio backends. By default, libvirt will
# disable all QEMU sound backends if using VNC, since they can cause
# permissions issues. Enabling this option will make libvirtd honor the
# QEMU_AUDIO_DRV environment variable when using VNC.
#vnc_allow_host_audio = 0
# SPICE is configured to listen on by default.
# To make it listen on all public interfaces, uncomment
# this next option.
# NB, strong recommendation to enable TLS + x509 certificate
# verification when allowing public access
#spice_listen = ""
# Enable use of TLS encryption on the SPICE server.
# It is necessary to setup CA and issue a server certificate
# before enabling this.
#spice_tls = 1
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for
# spice certificates, supply a valid path to the certificate directory.
# If the provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start.
# If the path is not provided, but spice_tls = 1, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used.
#spice_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-spice"
# Enable this option to have SPICE served over an automatically created
# unix socket. This prevents unprivileged access from users on the
# host machine.
# This will only be enabled for SPICE configurations that have listen
# type=address but without any address specified. This setting takes
# preference over spice_listen.
#spice_auto_unix_socket = 1
# The default SPICE password. This parameter is only used if the
# per-domain XML config does not already provide a password. To
# allow access without passwords, leave this commented out. An
# empty string will still enable passwords, but be rejected by
# QEMU, effectively preventing any use of SPICE. Obviously change
# this example here before you set this.
#spice_password = "XYZ12345"
# Enable use of SASL encryption on the SPICE server. This requires
# a SPICE client which supports the SASL protocol extension.
# It is necessary to configure /etc/sasl2/qemu.conf to choose
# the desired SASL plugin (eg, GSSPI for Kerberos)
#spice_sasl = 1
# The default SASL configuration file is located in /etc/sasl2/
# When running libvirtd unprivileged, it may be desirable to
# override the configs in this location. Set this parameter to
# point to the directory, and create a qemu.conf in that location
#spice_sasl_dir = "/some/directory/sasl2"
# Enable use of TLS encryption on the chardev TCP transports.
# It is necessary to setup CA and issue a server certificate
# before enabling this.
#chardev_tls = 1
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for character
# device TCP certificates, supply a valid path to the certificate directory.
# If the provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start.
# If the path is not provided, but chardev_tls = 1, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used.
#chardev_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-chardev"
# The default TLS configuration only uses certificates for the server
# allowing the client to verify the server's identity and establish
# an encrypted channel.
# It is possible to use x509 certificates for authentication too, by
# issuing an x509 certificate to every client who needs to connect.
# Enabling this option will reject any client that does not have a
# certificate (as described in default_tls_x509_verify) signed by the
# CA in the chardev_tls_x509_cert_dir (or default_tls_x509_cert_dir).
# If this option is not supplied, it will be set to the value of
# "default_tls_x509_verify". If "default_tls_x509_verify" is not supplied either,
# the default is "1".
#chardev_tls_x509_verify = 1
# Uncomment and use the following option to override the default secret
# UUID provided in the default_tls_x509_secret_uuid parameter.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace it with the
# output from the UUID for the TLS secret from a 'virsh secret-list'
# command and then uncomment the entry
#chardev_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# Enable use of TLS encryption for all VxHS network block devices that
# don't specifically disable.
# When the VxHS network block device server is set up appropriately,
# x509 certificates are required for authentication between the clients
# (qemu processes) and the remote VxHS server.
# It is necessary to setup CA and issue the client certificate before
# enabling this.
#vxhs_tls = 1
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for VxHS
# backed storage, supply a valid path to the certificate directory.
# This is used to authenticate the VxHS block device clients to the VxHS
# server.
# If the provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start.
# If the path is not provided, but vxhs_tls = 1, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used.
# VxHS block device clients expect the client certificate and key to be
# present in the certificate directory along with the CA master certificate.
# If using the default environment, default_tls_x509_verify must be configured.
# Since this is only a client the server-key.pem certificate is not needed.
# Thus a VxHS directory must contain the following:
# ca-cert.pem - the CA master certificate
# client-cert.pem - the client certificate signed with the ca-cert.pem
# client-key.pem - the client private key
#vxhs_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-vxhs"
# Uncomment and use the following option to override the default secret
# UUID provided in the default_tls_x509_secret_uuid parameter.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace it with the
# output from the UUID for the TLS secret from a 'virsh secret-list'
# command and then uncomment the entry
#vxhs_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# Enable use of TLS encryption for all NBD disk devices that don't
# specifically disable it.
# When the NBD server is set up appropriately, x509 certificates are required
# for authentication between the client and the remote NBD server.
# It is necessary to setup CA and issue the client certificate before
# enabling this.
#nbd_tls = 1
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for NBD
# backed storage, supply a valid path to the certificate directory.
# This is used to authenticate the NBD block device clients to the NBD
# server.
# If the provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start.
# If the path is not provided, but nbd_tls = 1, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used.
# NBD block device clients expect the client certificate and key to be
# present in the certificate directory along with the CA certificate.
# Since this is only a client the server-key.pem certificate is not needed.
# Thus a NBD directory must contain the following:
# ca-cert.pem - the CA master certificate
# client-cert.pem - the client certificate signed with the ca-cert.pem
# client-key.pem - the client private key
#nbd_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-nbd"
# Uncomment and use the following option to override the default secret
# UUID provided in the default_tls_x509_secret_uuid parameter.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace it with the
# output from the UUID for the TLS secret from a 'virsh secret-list'
# command and then uncomment the entry
#nbd_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for migration
# certificates, supply a valid path to the certificate directory. If the
# provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start. If the path is
# not provided, but TLS-encrypted migration is requested, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used. Once/if a default certificate is
# enabled/defined, migration will then be able to use the certificate via
# migration API flags.
#migrate_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-migrate"
# The default TLS configuration only uses certificates for the server
# allowing the client to verify the server's identity and establish
# an encrypted channel.
# It is possible to use x509 certificates for authentication too, by
# issuing an x509 certificate to every client who needs to connect.
# Enabling this option will reject any client that does not have a
# certificate (as described in default_tls_x509_verify) signed by the
# CA in the migrate_tls_x509_cert_dir (or default_tls_x509_cert_dir).
# If this option is not supplied, it will be set to the value of
# "default_tls_x509_verify". If "default_tls_x509_verify" is not supplied
# either, the default is "1".
#migrate_tls_x509_verify = 1
# Uncomment and use the following option to override the default secret
# UUID provided in the default_tls_x509_secret_uuid parameter.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace it with the
# output from the UUID for the TLS secret from a 'virsh secret-list'
# command and then uncomment the entry
#migrate_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# By default TLS is requested using the VIR_MIGRATE_TLS flag, thus not requested
# automatically. Setting 'migate_tls_force' to "1" will prevent any migration
# which is not using VIR_MIGRATE_TLS to ensure higher level of security in
# deployments with TLS.
#migrate_tls_force = 0
# In order to override the default TLS certificate location for backup NBD
# server certificates, supply a valid path to the certificate directory. If the
# provided path does not exist, libvirtd will fail to start. If the path is
# not provided, but TLS-encrypted backup is requested, then the
# default_tls_x509_cert_dir path will be used.
#backup_tls_x509_cert_dir = "/etc/pki/libvirt-backup"
# The default TLS configuration only uses certificates for the server
# allowing the client to verify the server's identity and establish
# an encrypted channel.
# It is possible to use x509 certificates for authentication too, by
# issuing an x509 certificate to every client who needs to connect.
# Enabling this option will reject any client that does not have a
# certificate (as described in default_tls_x509_verify) signed by the
# CA in the backup_tls_x509_cert_dir (or default_tls_x509_cert_dir).
# If this option is not supplied, it will be set to the value of
# "default_tls_x509_verify". If "default_tls_x509_verify" is not supplied either,
# the default is "1".
#backup_tls_x509_verify = 1
# Uncomment and use the following option to override the default secret
# UUID provided in the default_tls_x509_secret_uuid parameter.
# NB This default all-zeros UUID will not work. Replace it with the
# output from the UUID for the TLS secret from a 'virsh secret-list'
# command and then uncomment the entry
#backup_tls_x509_secret_uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# By default, if no graphical front end is configured, libvirt will disable
# QEMU audio output since directly talking to alsa/pulseaudio may not work
# with various security settings. If you know what you're doing, enable
# the setting below and libvirt will passthrough the QEMU_AUDIO_DRV
# environment variable when using nographics.
#nographics_allow_host_audio = 1
# Override the port for creating both VNC and SPICE sessions (min).
# This defaults to 5900 and increases for consecutive sessions
# or when ports are occupied, until it hits the maximum.
# Minimum must be greater than or equal to 5900 as lower number would
# result into negative vnc display number.
# Maximum must be less than 65536, because higher numbers do not make
# sense as a port number.
#remote_display_port_min = 5900
#remote_display_port_max = 65535
# VNC WebSocket port policies, same rules apply as with remote display
# ports. VNC WebSockets use similar display <-> port mappings, with
# the exception being that ports start from 5700 instead of 5900.
#remote_websocket_port_min = 5700
#remote_websocket_port_max = 65535
# The default security driver is SELinux. If SELinux is disabled
# on the host, then the security driver will automatically disable
# itself. If you wish to disable QEMU SELinux security driver while
# leaving SELinux enabled for the host in general, then set this
# to 'none' instead. It's also possible to use more than one security
# driver at the same time, for this use a list of names separated by
# comma and delimited by square brackets. For example:
# security_driver = [ "selinux", "apparmor" ]
# Notes: The DAC security driver is always enabled; as a result, the
# value of security_driver cannot contain "dac". The value "none" is
# a special value; security_driver can be set to that value in
# isolation, but it cannot appear in a list of drivers.
#security_driver = "selinux"
# If set to non-zero, then the default security labeling
# will make guests confined. If set to zero, then guests
# will be unconfined by default. Defaults to 1.
#security_default_confined = 1
# If set to non-zero, then attempts to create unconfined
# guests will be blocked. Defaults to 0.
#security_require_confined = 1
# The user for QEMU processes run by the system instance. It can be
# specified as a user name or as a user id. The qemu driver will try to
# parse this value first as a name and then, if the name doesn't exist,
# as a user id.
# Since a sequence of digits is a valid user name, a leading plus sign
# can be used to ensure that a user id will not be interpreted as a user
# name.
# Some examples of valid values are:
# user = "qemu" # A user named "qemu"
# user = "+0" # Super user (uid=0)
# user = "100" # A user named "100" or a user with uid=100
# The group for QEMU processes run by the system instance. It can be
# specified in a similar way to user.
# Whether libvirt should dynamically change file ownership
# to match the configured user/group above. Defaults to 1.
# Set to 0 to disable file ownership changes.
#dynamic_ownership = 1
# Whether libvirt should remember and restore the original
# ownership over files it is relabeling. Defaults to 1, set
# to 0 to disable the feature.
#remember_owner = 1
# What cgroup controllers to make use of with QEMU guests
# - 'cpu' - use for scheduler tunables
# - 'devices' - use for device access control
# - 'memory' - use for memory tunables
# - 'blkio' - use for block devices I/O tunables
# - 'cpuset' - use for CPUs and memory nodes
# - 'cpuacct' - use for CPUs statistics.
# NB, even if configured here, they won't be used unless
# the administrator has mounted cgroups, e.g.:
# mkdir /dev/cgroup
# mount -t cgroup -o devices,cpu,memory,blkio,cpuset none /dev/cgroup
# They can be mounted anywhere, and different controllers
# can be mounted in different locations. libvirt will detect
# where they are located.
#cgroup_controllers = [ "cpu", "devices", "memory", "blkio", "cpuset", "cpuacct" ]
# This is the basic set of devices allowed / required by
# all virtual machines.
# As well as this, any configured block backed disks,
# all sound device, and all PTY devices are allowed.
# This will only need setting if newer QEMU suddenly
# wants some device we don't already know about.
#cgroup_device_acl = [
# "/dev/null", "/dev/full", "/dev/zero",
# "/dev/random", "/dev/urandom",
# "/dev/ptmx", "/dev/kvm"
# RDMA migration requires the following extra files to be added to the list:
# "/dev/infiniband/rdma_cm",
# "/dev/infiniband/issm0",
# "/dev/infiniband/issm1",
# "/dev/infiniband/umad0",
# "/dev/infiniband/umad1",
# "/dev/infiniband/uverbs0"
# The default format for QEMU/KVM guest save images is raw; that is, the
# memory from the domain is dumped out directly to a file. If you have
# guests with a large amount of memory, however, this can take up quite
# a bit of space. If you would like to compress the images while they
# are being saved to disk, you can also set "lzop", "gzip", "bzip2", or "xz"
# for save_image_format. Note that this means you slow down the process of
# saving a domain in order to save disk space; the list above is in descending
# order by performance and ascending order by compression ratio.
# save_image_format is used when you use 'virsh save' or 'virsh managedsave'
# at scheduled saving, and it is an error if the specified save_image_format
# is not valid, or the requested compression program can't be found.
# dump_image_format is used when you use 'virsh dump' at emergency
# crashdump, and if the specified dump_image_format is not valid, or
# the requested compression program can't be found, this falls
# back to "raw" compression.
# snapshot_image_format specifies the compression algorithm of the memory save
# image when an external snapshot of a domain is taken. This does not apply
# on disk image format. It is an error if the specified format isn't valid,
# or the requested compression program can't be found.
#save_image_format = "raw"
#dump_image_format = "raw"
#snapshot_image_format = "raw"
# When a domain is configured to be auto-dumped when libvirtd receives a
# watchdog event from qemu guest, libvirtd will save dump files in directory
# specified by auto_dump_path. Default value is /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/dump
#auto_dump_path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/dump"
# When a domain is configured to be auto-dumped, enabling this flag
# has the same effect as using the VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE flag with the
# virDomainCoreDump API. That is, the system will avoid using the
# file system cache while writing the dump file, but may cause
# slower operation.
#auto_dump_bypass_cache = 0
# When a domain is configured to be auto-started, enabling this flag
# has the same effect as using the VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE flag
# with the virDomainCreateWithFlags API. That is, the system will
# avoid using the file system cache when restoring any managed state
# file, but may cause slower operation.
#auto_start_bypass_cache = 0
# If provided by the host and a hugetlbfs mount point is configured,
# a guest may request huge page backing. When this mount point is
# unspecified here, determination of a host mount point in /proc/mounts
# will be attempted. Specifying an explicit mount overrides detection
# of the same in /proc/mounts. Setting the mount point to "" will
# disable guest hugepage backing. If desired, multiple mount points can
# be specified at once, separated by comma and enclosed in square
# brackets, for example:
# hugetlbfs_mount = ["/dev/hugepages2M", "/dev/hugepages1G"]
# The size of huge page served by specific mount point is determined by
# libvirt at the daemon startup.
# NB, within these mount points, guests will create memory backing
# files in a location of $MOUNTPOINT/libvirt/qemu
#hugetlbfs_mount = "/dev/hugepages"
# Path to the setuid helper for creating tap devices. This executable
# is used to create <source type='bridge'> interfaces when libvirtd is
# running unprivileged. libvirt invokes the helper directly, instead
# of using "-netdev bridge", for security reasons.
#bridge_helper = "/usr/lib/qemu/qemu-bridge-helper"
# If enabled, libvirt will have QEMU set its process name to
# "qemu:VM_NAME", where VM_NAME is the name of the VM. The QEMU
# process will appear as "qemu:VM_NAME" in process listings and
# other system monitoring tools. By default, QEMU does not set
# its process title, so the complete QEMU command (emulator and
# its arguments) appear in process listings.
#set_process_name = 1
# If max_processes is set to a positive integer, libvirt will use
# it to set the maximum number of processes that can be run by qemu
# user. This can be used to override default value set by host OS.
# The same applies to max_files which sets the limit on the maximum
# number of opened files.
#max_processes = 0
#max_files = 0
# If max_threads_per_process is set to a positive integer, libvirt
# will use it to set the maximum number of threads that can be
# created by a qemu process. Some VM configurations can result in
# qemu processes with tens of thousands of threads. systemd-based
# systems typically limit the number of threads per process to
# 16k. max_threads_per_process can be used to override default
# limits in the host OS.
#max_threads_per_process = 0
# If max_core is set to a non-zero integer, then QEMU will be
# permitted to create core dumps when it crashes, provided its
# RAM size is smaller than the limit set.
# Be warned that the core dump will include a full copy of the
# guest RAM, if the 'dump_guest_core' setting has been enabled,
# or if the guest XML contains
# <memory dumpcore="on">...guest ram...</memory>
# If guest RAM is to be included, ensure the max_core limit
# is set to at least the size of the largest expected guest
# plus another 1GB for any QEMU host side memory mappings.
# As a special case it can be set to the string "unlimited" to
# to allow arbitrarily sized core dumps.
# By default the core dump size is set to 0 disabling all dumps
# Size is a positive integer specifying bytes or the
# string "unlimited"
#max_core = "unlimited"
# Determine if guest RAM is included in QEMU core dumps. By
# default guest RAM will be excluded if a new enough QEMU is
# present. Setting this to '1' will force guest RAM to always
# be included in QEMU core dumps.
# This setting will be ignored if the guest XML has set the
# dumpcore attribute on the <memory> element.
#dump_guest_core = 1
# mac_filter enables MAC addressed based filtering on bridge ports.
# This currently requires ebtables to be installed.
#mac_filter = 1
# By default, PCI devices below non-ACS switch are not allowed to be assigned
# to guests. By setting relaxed_acs_check to 1 such devices will be allowed to
# be assigned to guests.
#relaxed_acs_check = 1
# In order to prevent accidentally starting two domains that
# share one writable disk, libvirt offers two approaches for
# locking files. The first one is sanlock, the other one,
# virtlockd, is then our own implementation. Accepted values
# are "sanlock" and "lockd".
#lock_manager = "lockd"
# Set limit of maximum APIs queued on one domain. All other APIs
# over this threshold will fail on acquiring job lock. Specially,
# setting to zero turns this feature off.
# Note, that job lock is per domain.
#max_queued = 0
# Keepalive protocol:
# This allows qemu driver to detect broken connections to remote
# libvirtd during peer-to-peer migration. A keepalive message is
# sent to the daemon after keepalive_interval seconds of inactivity
# to check if the daemon is still responding; keepalive_count is a
# maximum number of keepalive messages that are allowed to be sent
# to the daemon without getting any response before the connection
# is considered broken. In other words, the connection is
# automatically closed approximately after
# keepalive_interval * (keepalive_count + 1) seconds since the last
# message received from the daemon. If keepalive_interval is set to
# -1, qemu driver will not send keepalive requests during
# peer-to-peer migration; however, the remote libvirtd can still
# send them and source libvirtd will send responses. When
# keepalive_count is set to 0, connections will be automatically
# closed after keepalive_interval seconds of inactivity without
# sending any keepalive messages.
#keepalive_interval = 5
#keepalive_count = 5
# Use seccomp syscall filtering sandbox in QEMU.
# 1 == filter enabled, 0 == filter disabled
# Unless this option is disabled, QEMU will be run with
# a seccomp filter that stops it from executing certain
# syscalls.
#seccomp_sandbox = 1
# Override the listen address for all incoming migrations. Defaults to
#, or :: if both host and qemu are capable of IPv6.
#migration_address = ""
# The default hostname or IP address which will be used by a migration
# source for transferring migration data to this host. The migration
# source has to be able to resolve this hostname and connect to it so
# setting "localhost" will not work. By default, the host's configured
# hostname is used.
#migration_host = ""
# Override the port range used for incoming migrations.
# Minimum must be greater than 0, however when QEMU is not running as root,
# setting the minimum to be lower than 1024 will not work.
# Maximum must not be greater than 65535.
#migration_port_min = 49152
#migration_port_max = 49215
# Timestamp QEMU's log messages (if QEMU supports it)
# Defaults to 1.
#log_timestamp = 0
# Location of master nvram file
# This configuration option is obsolete. Libvirt will follow the
# QEMU firmware metadata specification to automatically locate
# firmware images. See docs/interop/firmware.json in the QEMU
# source tree. These metadata files are distributed alongside any
# firmware images intended for use with QEMU.
# NOTE: if ANY firmware metadata files are detected, this setting
# ------------------------------------------
# When a domain is configured to use UEFI instead of standard
# BIOS it may use a separate storage for UEFI variables. If
# that's the case libvirt creates the variable store per domain
# using this master file as image. Each UEFI firmware can,
# however, have different variables store. Therefore the nvram is
# a list of strings when a single item is in form of:
# Later, when libvirt creates per domain variable store, this list is
# searched for the master image. The UEFI firmware can be called
# differently for different guest architectures. For instance, it's OVMF
# for x86_64 and i686, but it's AAVMF for aarch64. The libvirt default
# follows this scheme.
#nvram = [
# "/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd:/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd",
# "/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd:/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd",
# "/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_CODE.fd:/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_VARS.fd",
# "/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF32_CODE.fd:/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF32_VARS.fd"
# The backend to use for handling stdout/stderr output from
# QEMU processes.
# 'file': QEMU writes directly to a plain file. This is the
# historical default, but allows QEMU to inflict a
# denial of service attack on the host by exhausting
# filesystem space
# 'logd': QEMU writes to a pipe provided by virtlogd daemon.
# This is the current default, providing protection
# against denial of service by performing log file
# rollover when a size limit is hit.
#stdio_handler = "logd"
# QEMU gluster libgfapi log level, debug levels are 0-9, with 9 being the
# most verbose, and 0 representing no debugging output.
# The current logging levels defined in the gluster GFAPI are:
# 0 - None
# 1 - Emergency
# 2 - Alert
# 3 - Critical
# 4 - Error
# 5 - Warning
# 6 - Notice
# 7 - Info
# 8 - Debug
# 9 - Trace
# Defaults to 4
#gluster_debug_level = 9
# virtiofsd debug
# Whether to enable the debugging output of the virtiofsd daemon.
# Possible values are 0 or 1. Disabled by default.
#virtiofsd_debug = 1
# To enhance security, QEMU driver is capable of creating private namespaces
# for each domain started. Well, so far only "mount" namespace is supported. If
# enabled it means qemu process is unable to see all the devices on the system,
# only those configured for the domain in question. Libvirt then manages
# devices entries throughout the domain lifetime. This namespace is turned on
# by default.
#namespaces = [ "mount" ]
# This directory is used for memoryBacking source if configured as file.
# NOTE: big files will be stored here
#memory_backing_dir = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/ram"
# Path to the SCSI persistent reservations helper. This helper is
# used whenever <reservations/> are enabled for SCSI LUN devices.
#pr_helper = "/usr/bin/qemu-pr-helper"
# Path to the SLIRP networking helper.
#slirp_helper = "/usr/bin/slirp-helper"
# Path to the dbus-daemon
#dbus_daemon = "/usr/bin/dbus-daemon"
# User for the swtpm TPM Emulator
# Default is 'tss'; this is the same user that tcsd (TrouSerS) installs
# and uses; alternative is 'root'
#swtpm_user = "tss"
#swtpm_group = "tss"
# For debugging and testing purposes it's sometimes useful to be able to disable
# libvirt behaviour based on the capabilities of the qemu process. This option
# allows to do so. DO _NOT_ use in production and beaware that the behaviour
# may change across versions.
#capability_filters = [ "capname" ]
# 'deprecation_behavior' setting controls how the qemu process behaves towards
# deprecated commands and arguments used by libvirt.
# This setting is meant for developers and CI efforts to make it obvious when
# libvirt relies on fields which are deprecated so that it can be fixes as soon
# as possible.
# Possible options are:
# "none" - (default) qemu is supposed to accept and output deprecated fields
# and commands
# "omit" - qemu is instructed to omit deprecated fields on output, behaviour
# towards fields and commands from qemu is not changed
# "reject" - qemu is instructed to report an error if a deprecated command or
# field is used by libvirtd
# "crash" - qemu crashes when an deprecated command or field is used by libvirtd
# For both "reject" and "crash" qemu is instructed to omit any deprecated fields
# on output.
# The "reject" option is less harsh towards the VMs but some code paths ignore
# errors reported by qemu and thus it may not be obvious that a deprecated
# command/field was used, thus it's suggested to use the "crash" option instead.
# In cases when qemu doesn't support configuring the behaviour this setting is
# silently ignored to allow testing older qemu versions without having to
# reconfigure libvirtd.
# DO NOT use in production.
#deprecation_behavior = "none"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
set -x
# Unload VFIO-PCI Kernel Driver
modprobe -r vfio_pci
modprobe -r vfio_iommu_type1
modprobe -r vfio
# Rebind VT consoles
echo 1 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind
echo 1 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
# Read our nvidia configuration when before starting our graphics
nvidia-xconfig --query-gpu-info > /dev/null 2>&1
# Re-Bind EFI-Framebuffer
echo "efi-framebuffer.0" > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/efi-framebuffer/bind
echo "simple-framebuffer.0" > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/simple-framebuffer/bind
echo "vesa-framebuffer.0" > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/vesa-framebuffer/bind
# ZzzzzzZzz
sleep 1
# Load amd drivers
modprobe drm
modprobe amdgpu
modprobe radeon
modprobe drm_kms_helper
# Kill sway
killall sway

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
set -x
# Stop your display manager. If you're on kde it'll be sddm.service. Gnome users should use 'killall gdm-x-session' instead
systemctl stop display-manager.service
# Unbind VTconsoles
echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind
echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
# Unbind EFI-Framebuffer
echo efi-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/efi-framebuffer/unbind || true
echo simple-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/simple-framebuffer/unbind || true
echo vesa-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/vesa-framebuffer/unbind || true
# ZzzzzzZzzzz
sleep 1
# Unload all Amd drivers
modprobe -r drm_kms_helper
modprobe -r amdgpu
modprobe -r radeon
modprobe -r drm
# Load VFIO kernel module
modprobe vfio
modprobe vfio_pci
modprobe vfio_iommu_type1

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* This configures nixpkgs.overlays to include our overlays/ directory.
let path = ../overlays; in with builtins;
map (n: import (path + ("/" + n)))
(filter (n: match ".*\\.nix" n != null ||

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ in {
# xdg-desktop-portal works by exposing a series of D-Bus interfaces

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ ... }:
imports = [ ./samba-server.nix ./samba-client.nix ./jellyfin.nix ];
imports = [ ./samba-server.nix ./samba-client.nix ./jellyfin.nix ./vfio.nix ];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# vfio setup for windows gaming with single gpu
{ config, lib, pkgs, user, ... }:
let cfg =;
in { = lib.mkEnableOption "samba";
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
users.users.${user}.extraGroups = [ "qemu-libvirtd" "libvirtd" "kvm" ];
# Boot configuration
boot.kernelParams = [ "amd_iommu=on" "iommu=pt" ];
boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" "vfio-pci" ];
programs.dconf.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ virt-manager ];
# Enable libvirtd
virtualisation.libvirtd = {
enable = true;
onBoot = "ignore";
onShutdown = "shutdown";
qemu.ovmf.enable = true;
qemu.runAsRoot = true;
# Place helper files where libvirt can get to them
environment.etc = {
"libvirt/hooks/qemu" = {
source = "/home/${user}/.local/share/chezmoi/provision/local/gpu-passthrough/qemu";
mode = "0755";
"libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/win10/prepare/begin/" = {
source = "/home/${user}/.local/share/chezmoi/provision/local/gpu-passthrough/";
mode = "0755";
"libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/win10/release/end/" = {
source = "/home/${user}/.local/share/chezmoi/provision/local/gpu-passthrough/";
mode = "0755";
"libvirt/qemu.conf" = {
source = "/home/${user}/.local/share/chezmoi/provision/local/gpu-passthrough/qemu.conf";
mode = "0755";
"libvirt/libvirtd.conf" = {
source = "/home/${user}/.local/share/chezmoi/provision/local/gpu-passthrough/libvirtd.conf";
mode = "0755";