from libqtile.config import EzKey from libqtile.command import lazy from libqtile import qtile from custom.traverse import * import os # Set mod key to the "windows" key xeph = os.environ.get('xeph_qtile') if xeph == None or xeph == 0: mod = "mod4" else: mod="mod1" def window_to_previous_screen(qtile): i = qtile.screens.index(qtile.current_screen) if i != 0: group = qtile.screens[i - 1] qtile.current_window.togroup(group) def window_to_next_screen(qtile): i = qtile.screens.index(qtile.current_screen) if i + 1 != len(qtile.screens): group = qtile.screens[i + 1] qtile.current_window.togroup(group) def switch_screens(qtile): i = qtile.screens.index(qtile.current_screen) group = qtile.screens[i - 1].group qtile.current_screen.set_group(group) # Define keybinds keys = [EzKey(k[0], *k[1:]) for k in [ # ------ Movement ------ # # Navigate between windows ("M-h", lazy.function(left)), ("M-j", lazy.function(down)), ("M-k", lazy.function(up)), ("M-l", lazy.function(right)), # Switch windows ("M-S-", lazy.function(switch_screens)), # Switch focus between two screens ("M-", lazy.next_screen()), ("M-", lazy.prev_screen()), ("M-S-", lazy.function(window_to_next_screen)), ("M-S-", lazy.function(window_to_previous_screen)), # Move windows around ("M-S-h", lazy.layout.shuffle_left(), lazy.layout.swap_left()), ("M-S-j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), ("M-S-k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), ("M-S-l", lazy.layout.shuffle_right(), lazy.layout.swap_right()), # Resize windows ("M-C-h", lazy.layout.grow_left().when('bsp'), lazy.layout.shrink().when(['monadtall', 'monadwide'])), ("M-C-j", lazy.layout.grow_down().when('bsp')), ("M-C-k", lazy.layout.grow_up().when('bsp')), ("M-C-l", lazy.layout.grow_right().when('bsp'), lazy.layout.grow().when(['monadtall', 'monadwide'])), ("M-C-n", lazy.layout.normalize()), # Swap master and stack ("M-", lazy.layout.flip().when(['monadtall', 'monadwide']), lazy.layout.rotate().when(['stack'])), # ------ Window State Changes ------ # # Kill focused window ("M-q", lazy.window.kill()), # Toggle Floating ("M-t", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), # ------ Progam Launching ------ # # Program launcher ("M-w", lazy.spawn("rofi -show drun")), ("M-S-w", lazy.spawn("rofi -show window")), # Open Programs ("M-", lazy.spawn("alacritty")), ("M-S-", lazy.spawn("alacritty -e vifm")), ("M-b", lazy.spawn("brave")), ("M-d", lazy.spawn("discord")), ("M-e", lazy.spawn("emacs")), ("M-g", lazy.spawn("lutris")), # ------ System + Utils ------- # # Resart qtile ("M-S-r", lazy.restart()), # Quit qtile ("M-S-q", lazy.shutdown()), # Switch between layouts ("M-", lazy.next_layout()), ("M-S-", lazy.prev_layout()), # Screenshot ("M-s", lazy.spawn("flameshot gui")), # Gamemode ("M-S-g", lazy.spawn('toggle_gamemode')), #Manage computer audio ("", lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%")), ("", lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%")), ("", lazy.spawn("pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle")), ]]