#!/usr/bin/env bash echo -e "Starting initial setup for Arch..." CHEZDIR="$HOME/.local/share/chezmoi" echo "Input email for bitwarden:" read bitemail # Install ansible python dependencies sudo pacman -Syu sudo pacman -S python python-pip ansible cargo -y pip install pexpect cargo install rbw # Add things to path for this script export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin" export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" export PATH="$PATH:$CHEZDIR/temp_bin" # Install ansible extensions ansible-galaxy install -r "$CHEZDIR/provision/arch/ansible/requirements.yml" # Run setup playbook ansible-playbook "$CHEZDIR/provision/arch/ansible/setup.yml" -i "$CHEZDIR/provision/fedora/ansible/hosts" --ask-become-pass # Copy jumpstart scripts to temp bin dir and add to path mkdir -p "$CHEZDIR/temp_bin" cp "$CHEZDIR/home/bin/executable_rbw-get" "$CHEZDIR/temp_bin/rbw-get" chmod +x "$CHEZDIR/temp_bin/rbw-get" # Set bitwarden email rbw config set email "$bitemail" # Make temporary i3 gen file mkdir -p "$CHEZDIR/home/.gen" echo "{ \"disp_pri\": \"HDMI-0\", \"disp_sec\": \"HDMI-0\" }" > "$CHEZDIR/home/.gen/i3.json" # Wait in-case there is an error read lel # initialize chezmoi chezmoi init # first chezmoi apply chezmoi apply # reboot! read -p "You should reboot, but I won't make you. Reboot? " -n 1 -r if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then exit 1 fi sudo reboot