{ config, lib, pkgs, user, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ cron ]; services = { nginx.virtualHosts = { "cloud.tstarr.us" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; }; }; nextcloud = { enable = true; hostName = "cloud.tstarr.us"; # Need to manually increment with every major upgrade. package = pkgs.nextcloud29; # Let NixOS install and configure the database automatically. database.createLocally = true; # Let NixOS install and configure Redis caching automatically. configureRedis = true; # Increase the maximum file upload size to avoid problems uploading videos. maxUploadSize = "16G"; https = true; autoUpdateApps.enable = true; settings = { overwriteprotocol = "https"; default_phone_region = "US"; }; config = { dbtype = "mysql"; adminuser = "admin"; adminpassFile = "/run/secrets/nextcloud/password"; }; }; }; }