# Additional Setup The following documents some NixOS setup that wasn't automated. ## Encryption Keys ### Github SSH Keys for SSH aren't automatically placed with chezmoi `secret` since it complicated things to much. The key for github SSH must be transferred manually from Bitwarden or: - `/run/secrets/keys/github_personal` to `~/.ssh/keys/github_personal`. - `/run/secrets/radicale/users` to `~/.config/radicale/users`. ### NIPR email, Teams, etc. - Run `pcscan` and make sure card reader shows up. - Run `pkcs11-register` to register cac. - Download certs (i.e. unclass-certificates_pkcs7_DoD.zip) and import into Firefox. - Use below links: [Teams](https://dod.teams.microsoft.us) [Outlook](https://webmail.apps.mil/owa) [OneDrive](https://usaf-my.dps.mil) ## Wireguard Client Wireguard is nice for a home vpn. NixOS setus up all of the configurations for peers automatically on `torus`. Public keys, private keys, and config files are generated and stored in `~/.wireguard`. Some machines like `kestrel` setup the vpn automatically within `configuration.nix`. However, others require a small amount of manual setup. Cell phones like `adjudicator` are added with a generated QR code: ```bash qrencode -t ansiutf8 < ``` Computers using NetworkManager like `bulwark` need to have conf file imported: ```bash nmcli connection import type wireguard file ``` ## Mount network drives I find fstab messing about more trobule than it is worth. Credentials need to be manually created in `~/.smb`. To mount network drives when needed with the following command: ```bash linux-mount- ``` ## Git-annex I use [git-annex](https://git-annex.branchable.com/walkthrough/) to sync some of the large files (mostly roms) that I don't want to have fill copies on each machine. Current git-annex stores I have are: - `roms` - `~/mnt/engi/media/roms` from `torus`. ## Chrome The vast majority of Chrome is setup with [browser.nix](./modules/desktop/browser.nix) including installing plugins and various settings. However, setup for [vimium](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/vimium/dbepggeogbaibhgnhhndojpepiihcmeb) and [New Tab Redirect](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/new-tab-redirect/icpgjfneehieebagbmdbhnlpiopdcmna) could not be fully automated. - Upon launch New Tab Redirect should prompt to set the new tab page. Set to `http://localhost:8080`. - Vimium config is saved in chezmoi. Open the vimium [plugin page](chrome-extension://dbepggeogbaibhgnhhndojpepiihcmeb/pages/options.html) and restore config from `~/.config/vimium-options.json`. - Pin and re-arrange plugins as desired. ## Obsidian Vault on New machine Clone `vulcan` vault from personal github. ```bash git clone https://:@git.tstarr.us/tstarr/vulcan.git ``` Copy another `.obsidian` folder for the new host (i.e. `.obsidian-`). Open vault folder in obsidian and change the `.obsidian` folder in settings. ## Wifi on Shivan Connect to wifi network with: `nmcli device wifi connect password `.