{ config, lib, pkgs, user, ... }: let cfg = config.modules.system.terminal; in { options.modules.system.terminal.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "terminal"; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ git # Version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. git-annex # Manages files with git, without checking the file contents into git. lazygit # Terminal-based GUI for git, making it easier to use and visualize git repositories. killall # Command-line utility to terminate processes by name. pciutils # Utilities for inspecting and manipulating devices connected to the PCI bus. chezmoi # Manages your dotfiles across multiple machines, ensuring consistency and version control. btop # Terminal-based resource monitor, providing an interactive view of system resources. cookcli # Command-line tool for managing Cook, a job scheduling system. nix-search-cli # Command-line utility for searching the Nix package repository. rbw # Command-line interface to the Bitwarden password manager. pinentry-curses # Simple curses-based passphrase entry dialog for GnuPG. bash # GNU Bourne-Again SHell, a command language interpreter for Unix-like operating systems. bash-completion # Provides programmable completion for the bash shell. tmux # Terminal multiplexer, allowing multiple terminal sessions within a single window. tmuxp # Manages tmux sessions through simple, declarative configuration files. thefuck # Corrects errors in previous console commands. nnn # Terminal file manager with a focus on performance and ease of use. advcpmv # Advanced version of the Unix utilities cp and mv. unzip # Command-line utility for extracting files from ZIP archives. trash-cli # Command-line interface to the freedesktop.org Trash. catimg # Display images in the terminal using ASCII characters. vim # Text editor that is highly configurable and widely used, especially in the Unix environment. neovim # Fork of Vim aiming to improve extensibility and usability. nodejs # JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. ripgrep # Line-oriented search tool that recursively searches directories for a regex pattern. cargo # Package manager and build system for Rust. taskwarrior # Command-line task management tool. taskopen # Open Taskwarrior tasks in a text editor. taskwarrior-tui # Interactive terminal user interface for Taskwarrior. timewarrior # Command-line time tracking utility. ollama # Command-line tool for viewing and managing Open Location Codes. docker-compose opensc pcsc-tools firefox pkcs11helper ]; }; }