- name: Install desktop dnf packages xbps: name: - xorg - xterm - alacritty - mpv # Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs - python3-i3ipc # IPC interface to control i3 from Python - xprop - lxappearance - blueman - xrandr - dunst - ffmpeg - firefox - i3-gaps - i3status - nitrogen - nvidia - nvidia-libs-32bit - pavucontrol - polybar - rofi - pcmanfm - xclip - autorandr - xsel - clipmenu - nerd-fonts state: present become: true - name: Install desktop flatpaks flatpak: name: - com.discordapp.Discord # Voice, video and text communication service - org.gimp.GIMP # Create images and edit photographs - org.inkscape.Inkscape # Vector Graphics Editor - com.github.tchx84.Flatseal # Manage Flatpak permissions state: present become: true - name: Install bitwarden unarchive: src: "https://vault.bitwarden.com/download/?app=cli&platform=linux" dest: /home/{{ user }}/bin remote_src: true mode: 0755 - name: Install greenclip get_url: url: "https://github.com/erebe/greenclip/releases/download/v4.2/greenclip" dest: /home/{{ user }}/bin mode: 0755 #void-repo-multilib #void-repo-multilib-nonfree #void-repo-nonfree