# Provision Fedora > \*Tips Fedora\* Jumpstart scripts to install Fedora with packages and configs I use. ## Status :warning: :warning: :warning: I don't actively use this anymore. This is likely falling into disrepair. ## Usage Install Fedora Workstation with BTRFS and default partitions. Run the following commands: ```bash sudo dnf install vim git -y git clone https://github.com/starr-dusT/dotfiles ~/.local/share/chezmoi ``` Copy `.chezmoidata.yaml.example` to `.chezmoidata.yaml` and edit with desired settings then run the following commands: ```bash ~/.local/share/chezmoi/provision/fedora/jumpstart.sh ``` Perform additional setup found in [additional-setup](additional-setup.md) ## Update Setup `linux-update --fedora` command updates the system with ansible. Run `linux-update -h` for information on usage.