# Dotfiles > My dotfiles... What do you want? My personal dotfiles repo. Documentation is pretty spotty. Maybe I'll fix that someday, but I probably won't. ## Usage Dotfiles are managed with chezmoi and Ansible (built for Void) is used for the bulk of configuration. ## Initial Setup Install Void with BTRFS and run the following commands: ```bash sudo xbps-install -Syu -y sudo xbps-install -S git chezmoi -y git clone https://github.com/starr-dusT/dotfiles ~/.local/share/chezmoi ``` Then edit the `.chezmoidata.yaml` file within `home` to desired settings and run the following commands: ```bash ~/.local/share/chezmoi/jumpstart.sh ``` After reboot log into window manager and run `linux-monitor`, follow the prompts, reapply chezmoi config, and restart the window manager. Perform additional setup found in [additional-setup](additional-setup.md) ## Update Setup `void-update` command updates the system with ansible. Run `void-update -h` for information on usage. ## TODO - setup pavucontrol and bluetooth with scratchpads, polybar integration, etc. - install taskopen with ansible? - crontab for calendar and contact sync? - figure out wireguard setup for `additional-setup`