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synced 2025-02-19 19:27:31 -08:00
402 lines
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402 lines
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-- Base
import XMonad hiding (Tall(..))
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import Data.Semigroup
import Text.Read
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Text.Printf
-- Hook
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (dynamicLogWithPP, wrap, xmobarPP, xmobarColor, shorten, PP(..))
import XMonad.Hooks.OnPropertyChange
-- Layouts
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
import XMonad.Layout.SimpleFloat
import XMonad.Layout.HintedTile
import XMonad.Layout.Grid
import XMonad.Layout.TwoPane
import XMonad.Layout.TwoPanePersistent
import XMonad.Layout.Combo
import XMonad.Layout.Master
import XMonad.Layout.FocusTracking (focusTracking)
import XMonad.Layout.Renamed
import XMonad.Util.Run (spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (additionalKeysP, removeKeys)
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.ClickableWorkspaces (clickablePP)
import XMonad.Util.Loggers
--import XMonad.Util.XProp
-- Actions
import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces
import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
import XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves
import XMonad.Actions.RotateSome
import XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation
import XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D
import XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer
-- Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Window
import XMonad.Prompt.AppLauncher
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
-- Font to use
myFont :: String
myFont = "xft:Jet Brains Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true"
-- Terminal to use
myTerminal :: String
myTerminal = "alacritty"
-- Focus follows mouse pointer
myFocusFollowsMouse :: Bool
myFocusFollowsMouse = True
-- Define mod keys
myModMask :: KeyMask
--myModMask = mod4Mask
myModMask = mod4Mask
-- Define volume keys and commands
lowerVolumeCmd = "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2%"
raiseVolumeCmd = "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%"
muteVolumeCmd = "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle"
-- Count windows
windowCount :: X (Maybe String)
windowCount = gets $ Just . show . length . W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current . windowset
-- Define workspaces
myWorkspaces = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
-- Width of window border
myBorderWidth = 2
-- Border colors
myNormalBorderColor = "#282828"
myFocusedBorderColor = "#B16286"
-- Config for xmonad prompts
myXPConfig =
def { font = myFont
, bgColor = "#282828"
, fgColor = "#EBDBB2"
, fgHLight = "#B16286"
, bgHLight = "#282828"
, borderColor = "#B16286"
, promptBorderWidth = 2
, position = CenteredAt 0.5 0.25
, height = 40
, historySize = 256
, defaultText = ""
, autoComplete = Nothing
, historyFilter = id
, showCompletionOnTab = False
, promptKeymap = defaultXPKeymap
-- Config for tabs
myTabTheme =
def { fontName = myFont
, activeColor = "#B16286"
, inactiveColor = "#282828"
, activeBorderColor = "#B16286"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#282828"
, activeTextColor = "#282828"
, inactiveTextColor = "#B16286"
, decoHeight = 15
myStartupHook = do
spawnOnce "nitrogen --restore &"
spawnOnce "lxsession &"
spawnOnce "xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr"
spawnOnce "imwheel -b 45 &"
spawnOnce "udiskie &"
spawnOnce "dunst -conf ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc"
spawnOnce "emacs --daemon"
-- Config layouts
myLayout = windowNavigation
$ renamed [CutWordsLeft 1]
$ spacing 3
$ smartBorders
(masterTab ||| (tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme) ||| tiled Tall ||| noBorders Full)
-- tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
tiled = HintedTile 1 0.03 0.5 TopLeft
-- master and tabbed tiling
masterTab = renamed [Replace "Master Tab"] $ mastered (1/100) (1/2) $ (focusTracking (tabbed shrinkText myTabTheme))
myScratchPads :: [NamedScratchpad]
myScratchPads = [ NS "terminal" spawnTerm findTerm manageTerm
, NS "discord" spawnDiscord findDiscord manageDiscord
, NS "keepassxc" spawnKeepass findKeepass manageKeepass
, NS "qalculate-gtk" spawnCal findCal manageCal
, NS "scratch-emacs" spawnEmacs findEmacs manageEmacs]
-- Basic terminal
spawnTerm = myTerminal ++ " -t terminal"
findTerm = title =? "terminal"
manageTerm = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 0.9
w = 0.9
t = 0.95 -h
l = 0.95 -w
-- Discord
spawnDiscord = "flatpak run com.discordapp.Discord"
findDiscord = appName =? "discord"
manageDiscord = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 0.9
w = 0.9
t = 0.95 -h
l = 0.95 -w
-- Keepass
spawnKeepass = "keepassxc"
findKeepass = appName =? "keepassxc"
manageKeepass = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 0.9
w = 0.9
t = 0.95 -h
l = 0.95 -w
-- Calculator
spawnCal = "qalculate-gtk"
findCal = appName =? "qalculate-gtk"
manageCal = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 0.125
w = 0.1
t = 0.15 -h
l = 0.55 -w
-- Basic emacs
spawnEmacs = "emacsclient -c -n -e --eval '(set-frame-name \"scratch-emacs\")'"
findEmacs = title =? "scratch-emacs"
manageEmacs = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 0.9
w = 0.9
t = 0.95 -h
l = 0.95 -w
-- Set default display modes for applications
myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
-- Float fullscreen apps (mostly games)
[[className =? c --> doFloat | c <- myFloats],
[isDialog --> doCenterFloat,
isFullscreen --> doFullFloat,
className =? "net-runelite-client-RuneLite" --> doFloat,
className =? "mpv" --> doRectFloat (W.RationalRect 0.55 0.05 0.4 0.4),
className =? "Steam" --> doFullFloat,
className =? "Superslicer" --> doFullFloat,
isInProperty "WM_WINDOW_ROLE" "pop-up" --> doRectFloat (W.RationalRect 0.55 0.05 0.4 0.4),
namedScratchpadManageHook myScratchPads]]
myFloats = [
, "Gimp"
, "Plasma-desktop"
, "plasmashell"
, "krunner"
, "Klipper"
, "Keepassx"
, "latte-dock"
, "lattedock"
, "conky-semi"
, "TeamViewer"
, "teamviewer"
, "ksmserver-logout-greeter"]
-- Set dynamic display modes
myEventHook :: Event -> X All
myEventHook = onXPropertyChange "WM_NAME" (title =? "scratch-emacs" --> floating)
where floating = customFloating $ W.RationalRect (1/6) 0.05 (2/3) 0.9
-- Log hook
myLogHook = historyHook <+> updatePointer (0.5, 0.5) (0, 0)
myKeys :: String -> [([Char], X ())]
myKeys home =
-- Window/Focus Manipulation
-- Rotate through the available layout algorithms
("M-<Space>", sendMessage NextLayout)
-- Shrink the master area
, ("M-C-h", sendMessage Shrink)
-- Expand the master area
, ("M-C-l", sendMessage Expand)
-- Push window back into tiling
, ("M-t", withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
-- close focused window
, ("M-q", kill)
-- Move focus to the next window.
, ("M-j", windows W.focusDown)
-- Move focus to the previous window.
, ("M-k", windows W.focusUp)
-- Swap the focused window with the next window.
, ("M-S-j", windows W.swapDown)
-- Swap the focused window with the previous window.
, ("M-S-k", windows W.swapUp)
-- Swap the focused window with the next window.
, ("M-C-j", rotSlavesDown)
-- Swap the focused window with the previous window.
, ("M-C-k", rotSlavesUp)
-- Move focus to the master window.
, ("M-m", windows W.focusMaster)
-- Swap the focused window and the master window.
, ("M-S-m", windows W.swapMaster)
-- Increment number of windows in master
, ("M-.", sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
-- Decrement number of windows in master
, ("M-,", sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
-- Swap the focused window and the master window.
, ("M-b", nextMatch History (return True))
-- Bring a window to focus.
, ("M-z", bringMenu)
-- Remove workspace
, ("M-r", removeWorkspace)
-- Rename workspace
, ("M-S-r", renameWorkspace myXPConfig)
-- Add or select workspace
, ("M-a", selectWorkspace myXPConfig)
-- Toggle Struts
, ("M-i", sendMessage ToggleStruts)
-- Basic Utils
-- Spawn terminal
, ("M-<Return>" , spawn "alacritty")
-- Spawn rofi drun
, ("M-w", spawn "rofi -show window -theme gruvbox-dark-soft -show-icons")
, ("M-S-w", spawn "rofi -show drun -theme gruvbox-dark-soft -show-icons")
-- Scratchpads
-- Spawn terminal scratchpad
, ("M-S-<Return>", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "terminal")
-- Spawn discord scratchpad
, ("M-d", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "discord")
-- Spawn keepass scratchpad
, ("M-p", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "keepassxc")
-- Spawn calendar scratchpad
, ("M-c", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "qalculate-gtk")
-- Spawn emacs scratchpad
, ("M-e", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "scratch-emacs")
-- Open Applications
-- Spawn firefox
, ("M-o b" , spawn "chromium")
-- Spawn lutris
, ("M-o l" , spawn "lutris")
-- Spawn steam
, ("M-o s" , spawn "steam")
-- Spawn flameshot
, ("M-o f" , spawn "flameshot gui")
-- Spawn emacs
, ("M-o e" , spawn "emacsclient -c -n -e '(switch-to-buffer nil)'")
-- System Utils
-- Recompile and restart xmonad
, ("M-x r", spawn "xmonad --recompile; xmonad --restart")
-- Quit xmonad
, ("M-x q", io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
-- Start gamemode
, ("M-x g", spawn "gamemoded -r")
-- Stop gamemode
, ("M-x S-g", spawn "killall gamemoded")
-- Open nvidia-settings
, ("M-x n", spawn "nvidia-settings")
-- mute overall volume
, ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn muteVolumeCmd)
-- raise overall volume
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn raiseVolumeCmd)
-- lower overall volume
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn lowerVolumeCmd)
-- Switch to dynamically created workspace
zip (["M-<F1>","M-<F2>","M-<F3>","M-<F4>",
"M-<F5>","M-<F6>","M-<F7>","M-<F8>"]) (map (withNthWorkspace W.greedyView) [10..])
-- Shift windows to dynamically created workspace
zip (["M-S-<F1>","M-S-<F2>","M-S-<F3>","M-S-<F4>",
"M-S-<F5>","M-S-<F6>","M-S-<F7>","M-S-<F8>"]) (map (withNthWorkspace W.shift) [10..])
-- Remove the default binding for quit xmonad
rmKeys :: String -> [(KeyMask, KeySym)]
rmKeys keys =
(myModMask .|. shiftMask, xK_q)
main = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
xmproc0 <- spawnPipe "xmobar -x 0 ~/.config/xmobar/xmobarrc"
xmproc1 <- spawnPipe "xmobar -x 1 ~/.config/xmobar/xmobarrc1"
-- The monad
$ docks
$ ewmh
$ ewmhFullscreen
$ navigation2DP def
("", "h", "", "l")
[("M-", screenGo),
("M-S-", screenSwap)]
$ def
-- Simple items
terminal = myTerminal,
focusFollowsMouse = myFocusFollowsMouse,
borderWidth = myBorderWidth,
modMask = myModMask,
workspaces = myWorkspaces,
normalBorderColor = myNormalBorderColor,
focusedBorderColor = myFocusedBorderColor,
-- Hooks, Layouts
layoutHook = avoidStruts $ myLayout,
manageHook = myManageHook,
handleEventHook = myEventHook,
logHook = workspaceHistoryHook <+> myLogHook <+> dynamicLogWithPP xmobarPP
{ ppOutput = \x -> hPutStrLn xmproc0 x
>> hPutStrLn xmproc1 x
, ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#B8BB26" "" . wrap "[" "]" -- Current workspace in xmobar
, ppVisible = xmobarColor "#83A598" "" -- Visible but not current workspace
, ppHidden = xmobarColor "#83A598" "" . wrap "*" "" -- Hidden workspaces in xmobar
, ppHiddenNoWindows= \( _ ) -> "" -- Only shows visible workspaces. Useful for TreeSelect.
, ppTitle = xmobarColor "#EBDBB2" "" . shorten 60 -- Title of active window in xmobar
, ppSep = "<fc=" ++ "#EBDBB2" ++ "> | </fc>" -- Separators in xmobar
, ppUrgent = xmobarColor "#FB2934" "" . wrap "!" "!" -- Urgent workspace
, ppExtras = [windowCount] -- # of windows current workspace
, ppOrder = \(ws:l:t:ex) -> [ws,l]++ex++[t]},
startupHook = myStartupHook
} `removeKeys` rmKeys home
`additionalKeysP` myKeys home