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chore: make yuzu REUSE compliant [REUSE] is a specification that aims at making file copyright information consistent, so that it can be both human and machine readable. It basically requires that all files have a header containing copyright and licensing information. When this isn't possible, like when dealing with binary assets, generated files or embedded third-party dependencies, it is permitted to insert copyright information in the `.reuse/dep5` file. Oh, and it also requires that all the licenses used in the project are present in the `LICENSES` folder, that's why the diff is so huge. This can be done automatically with `reuse download --all`. The `reuse` tool also contains a handy subcommand that analyzes the project and tells whether or not the project is (still) compliant, `reuse lint`. Following REUSE has a few advantages over the current approach: - Copyright information is easy to access for users / downstream - Files like `dist/license.md` do not need to exist anymore, as `.reuse/dep5` is used instead - `reuse lint` makes it easy to ensure that copyright information of files like binary assets / images is always accurate and up to date To add copyright information of files that didn't have it I looked up who committed what and when, for each file. As yuzu contributors do not have to sign a CLA or similar I couldn't assume that copyright ownership was of the "yuzu Emulator Project", so I used the name and/or email of the commit author instead. [REUSE]: https://reuse.software Follow-up to 01cf05bc75b1e47beb08937439f3ed9339e7b254
2022-05-14 17:06:02 -07:00
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2016-09-18 21:13:38 -07:00
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2016-09-18 21:13:38 -07:00
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