2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
# pragma once
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
// distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
// binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
// means.
// In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
// of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
// software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
// of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
// successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
// relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
// software under copyright law.
// For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
// ***********************************************************************
# error "microprofile.h must be included before including microprofileui.h"
# endif
# endif
# endif
# define MicroProfileMouseButton(foo, bar) do{}while(0)
# define MicroProfileMousePosition(foo, bar, z) do{}while(0)
# define MicroProfileModKey(key) do{}while(0)
# define MicroProfileDraw(foo, bar) do{}while(0)
# define MicroProfileIsDrawing() 0
# define MicroProfileToggleDisplayMode() do{}while(0)
# define MicroProfileSetDisplayMode(f) do{}while(0)
# else
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# define MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT "Left-Click"
# endif
# define MICROPROFILE_HELP_ALT "Alt-Click"
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
# define MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_COLOR_CPU 0xffff7f27 //255 127 39
# define MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_COLOR_GPU 0xff37a0ee //55 160 238
} ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDraw ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight ) ; //! call if drawing microprofilers
MICROPROFILEUI_API bool MicroProfileIsDrawing ( ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileToggleGraph ( MicroProfileToken nToken ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API bool MicroProfileDrawGraph ( uint32_t nScreenWidth , uint32_t nScreenHeight ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileToggleDisplayMode ( ) ; //switch between off, bars, detailed
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileSetDisplayMode ( int ) ; //switch between off, bars, detailed
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileClearGraph ( ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileMousePosition ( uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , int nWheelDelta ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileModKey ( uint32_t nKeyState ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileMouseButton ( uint32_t nLeft , uint32_t nRight ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( int nX , int nTop , int nBottom , uint32_t nColor ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal ( int nLeft , int nRight , int nY , uint32_t nColor ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileLoadPreset ( const char * pSuffix ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileSavePreset ( const char * pSuffix ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawText ( int nX , int nY , uint32_t nColor , const char * pText , uint32_t nNumCharacters ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawBox ( int nX , int nY , int nX1 , int nY1 , uint32_t nColor , MicroProfileBoxType = MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawLine2D ( uint32_t nVertices , float * pVertices , uint32_t nColor ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDumpTimers ( ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileInitUI ( ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupToggle ( const char * pCustomName ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( const char * pCustomName ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( uint32_t nIndex ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable ( ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroup ( const char * pCustomName , uint32_t nMaxTimers , uint32_t nAggregateFlip , float fReferenceTime , uint32_t nFlags ) ;
MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupAddTimer ( const char * pCustomName , const char * pGroup , const char * pTimer ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
# include <inttypes.h>
2016-10-10 03:07:53 +00:00
# include <stdio.h>
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <algorithm>
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
# include <array>
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MICROPROFILE_DEFINE ( g_MicroProfileDetailed , " MicroProfile " , " Detailed View " , 0x8888000 ) ;
MICROPROFILE_DEFINE ( g_MicroProfileDrawGraph , " MicroProfile " , " Draw Graph " , 0xff44ee00 ) ;
MICROPROFILE_DEFINE ( g_MicroProfileDrawBarView , " MicroProfile " , " DrawBarView " , 0x00dd77 ) ;
MICROPROFILE_DEFINE ( g_MicroProfileDraw , " MicroProfile " , " Draw " , 0x737373 ) ;
struct MicroProfileStringArray
const char * ppStrings [ MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_STRINGS ] ;
char * pBufferPos ;
uint32_t nNumStrings ;
} ;
struct MicroProfileGroupMenuItem
uint32_t nIsCategory ;
uint32_t nCategoryIndex ;
uint32_t nIndex ;
const char * pName ;
} ;
struct MicroProfileCustom
uint32_t nFlags ;
uint32_t nAggregateFlip ;
uint32_t nNumTimers ;
uint32_t nMaxTimers ;
uint64_t nGroupMask ;
float fReference ;
uint64_t * pTimers ;
} ;
struct SOptionDesc
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
SOptionDesc ( ) = default ;
SOptionDesc ( uint8_t nSubType_ , uint8_t nIndex_ , const char * fmt , . . . ) : nSubType ( nSubType_ ) , nIndex ( nIndex_ )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
va_list args ;
va_start ( args , fmt ) ;
vsprintf ( Text , fmt , args ) ;
va_end ( args ) ;
char Text [ 32 ] ;
uint8_t nSubType ;
uint8_t nIndex ;
bool bSelected ;
} ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
static const std : : array < uint32_t , 6 > g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets { 0 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 60 , 120 } ;
static const std : : array < float , 10 > g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets { 5.f , 10.f , 15.f , 20.f , 33.33f , 66.66f , 100.f , 250.f , 500.f , 1000.f } ;
static const std : : array < uint32_t , 4 > g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets { 0x40 , 0x80 , 0xc0 , 0xff } ;
static const std : : array < const char * , 7 > g_MicroProfilePresetNames
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
" Render " ,
" GPU " ,
" Lighting " ,
" AI " ,
" Visibility " ,
" Sound " ,
} ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MICROPROFILE_NUM_REFERENCE_PRESETS = g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets . size ( ) ,
MICROPROFILE_NUM_OPACITY_PRESETS = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets . size ( ) ,
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
# else
# endif
} ;
struct MicroProfileUI
//menu/mouse over stuff
uint64_t nHoverToken ;
int64_t nHoverTime ;
int nHoverFrame ;
uint64_t nHoverAddressEnter ;
uint64_t nHoverAddressLeave ;
# endif
uint32_t nWidth ;
uint32_t nHeight ;
int nOffsetX ;
int nOffsetY ;
float fDetailedOffset ; //display offset relative to start of latest displayable frame.
float fDetailedRange ; //no. of ms to display
float fDetailedOffsetTarget ;
float fDetailedRangeTarget ;
uint32_t nOpacityBackground ;
uint32_t nOpacityForeground ;
bool bShowSpikes ;
uint32_t nMouseX ;
uint32_t nMouseY ;
uint32_t nMouseDownX ;
uint32_t nMouseDownY ;
int nMouseWheelDelta ;
uint32_t nMouseDownLeft ;
uint32_t nMouseDownRight ;
uint32_t nMouseLeft ;
uint32_t nMouseRight ;
uint32_t nMouseLeftMod ;
uint32_t nMouseRightMod ;
uint32_t nModDown ;
uint32_t nActiveMenu ;
MicroProfileLogEntry * pDisplayMouseOver ;
int64_t nRangeBegin ;
int64_t nRangeEnd ;
int64_t nRangeBeginGpu ;
int64_t nRangeEndGpu ;
uint32_t nRangeBeginIndex ;
uint32_t nRangeEndIndex ;
MicroProfileThreadLog * pRangeLog ;
uint32_t nHoverColor ;
uint32_t nHoverColorShared ;
MicroProfileStringArray LockedToolTips [ MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ] ;
uint32_t nLockedToolTipColor [ MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ] ;
int LockedToolTipFront ;
uint32_t GroupMenuCount ;
uint32_t nCustomActive ;
uint32_t nCustomTimerCount ;
uint32_t nCustomCount ;
MicroProfileCustom Custom [ MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_MAX ] ;
} ;
MicroProfileUI g_MicroProfileUI ;
# define UI g_MicroProfileUI
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
static const std : : array < uint32_t , 2 > g_nMicroProfileBackColors { 0x474747 , 0x313131 } ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
static const std : : array < uint32_t , MICROPROFILE_NUM_CONTEXT_SWITCH_COLORS > g_nMicroProfileContextSwitchThreadColors //palette generated by http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/index.php
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
0x63607B ,
0x755E2B ,
0x326A55 ,
0x523135 ,
0x904F42 ,
0x87536B ,
0x346875 ,
0x5E6046 ,
0x35404C ,
0x224038 ,
0x413D1E ,
0x5E3A26 ,
0x5D6161 ,
0x4C6234 ,
0x7D564F ,
0x5C4352 ,
} ;
void MicroProfileInitUI ( )
static bool bInitialized = false ;
if ( ! bInitialized )
bInitialized = true ;
memset ( & g_MicroProfileUI , 0 , sizeof ( g_MicroProfileUI ) ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
UI . nActiveMenu = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
UI . fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI . fDetailedOffset = 0.f ;
UI . fDetailedRangeTarget = UI . fDetailedRange = 50.f ;
UI . nOpacityBackground = 0xff < < 24 ;
UI . nOpacityForeground = 0xff < < 24 ;
UI . bShowSpikes = false ;
UI . nWidth = 100 ;
UI . nHeight = 100 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
UI . nCustomActive = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
UI . nCustomTimerCount = 0 ;
UI . nCustomCount = 0 ;
int nIndex = 0 ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 0xff , 0 , " %s " , " Reference " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_REFERENCE_PRESETS ; + + i )
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 0 , i , " %6.2fms " , g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets [ i ] ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 0xff , 0 , " %s " , " BG Opacity " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_OPACITY_PRESETS ; + + i )
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 1 , i , " %7d%% " , ( i + 1 ) * 25 ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 0xff , 0 , " %s " , " FG Opacity " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_OPACITY_PRESETS ; + + i )
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 2 , i , " %7d%% " , ( i + 1 ) * 25 ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 0xff , 0 , " %s " , " Spike Display " ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 3 , 0 , " %s " , " Enable " ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 0xff , 0 , " %s " , " CSwitch Trace " ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 4 , 0 , " %s " , " Enable " ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 4 , 1 , " %s " , " All Threads " ) ;
UI . Options [ nIndex + + ] = SOptionDesc ( 4 , 2 , " %s " , " No Bars " ) ;
# endif
void MicroProfileSetDisplayMode ( int nValue )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
nValue = nValue > = 0 & & nValue < 4 ? nValue : S . nDisplay ;
S . nDisplay = nValue ;
UI . nOffsetY = 0 ;
void MicroProfileToggleDisplayMode ( )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
S . nDisplay = ( S . nDisplay + 1 ) % 4 ;
UI . nOffsetY = 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( MicroProfileStringArray * pArray )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
pArray - > nNumStrings = 0 ;
pArray - > pBufferPos = & pArray - > Buffer [ 0 ] ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( MicroProfileStringArray * pArray , const char * pLiteral )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
pArray - > ppStrings [ pArray - > nNumStrings + + ] = pLiteral ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( MicroProfileStringArray * pArray , const char * fmt , . . . )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
pArray - > ppStrings [ pArray - > nNumStrings + + ] = pArray - > pBufferPos ;
va_list args ;
va_start ( args , fmt ) ;
pArray - > pBufferPos + = 1 + vsprintf ( pArray - > pBufferPos , fmt , args ) ;
va_end ( args ) ;
MP_ASSERT ( pArray - > pBufferPos < pArray - > Buffer + MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileStringArrayCopy ( MicroProfileStringArray * pDest , MicroProfileStringArray * pSrc )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
memcpy ( & pDest - > ppStrings [ 0 ] , & pSrc - > ppStrings [ 0 ] , sizeof ( pDest - > ppStrings ) ) ;
memcpy ( & pDest - > Buffer [ 0 ] , & pSrc - > Buffer [ 0 ] , sizeof ( pDest - > Buffer ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_STRINGS ; + + i )
if ( i < pSrc - > nNumStrings )
if ( pSrc - > ppStrings [ i ] > = & pSrc - > Buffer [ 0 ] & & pSrc - > ppStrings [ i ] < & pSrc - > Buffer [ 0 ] + MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE )
pDest - > ppStrings [ i ] + = & pDest - > Buffer [ 0 ] - & pSrc - > Buffer [ 0 ] ;
pDest - > nNumStrings = pSrc - > nNumStrings ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileFloatWindowSize ( const char * * ppStrings , uint32_t nNumStrings , uint32_t * pColors , uint32_t & nWidth , uint32_t & nHeight , uint32_t * pStringLengths = 0 )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
uint32_t * nStringLengths = pStringLengths ? pStringLengths : ( uint32_t * ) alloca ( nNumStrings * sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
uint32_t nTextCount = nNumStrings / 2 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nTextCount ; + + i )
uint32_t i0 = i * 2 ;
uint32_t s0 , s1 ;
nStringLengths [ i0 ] = s0 = ( uint32_t ) strlen ( ppStrings [ i0 ] ) ;
nStringLengths [ i0 + 1 ] = s1 = ( uint32_t ) strlen ( ppStrings [ i0 + 1 ] ) ;
nWidth = MicroProfileMax ( s0 + s1 , nWidth ) ;
nWidth = ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) * ( 2 + nWidth ) + 2 * MICROPROFILE_BORDER_SIZE ;
if ( pColors )
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , const char * * ppStrings , uint32_t nNumStrings , uint32_t nColor , uint32_t * pColors = 0 )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
uint32_t nWidth = 0 , nHeight = 0 ;
uint32_t * nStringLengths = ( uint32_t * ) alloca ( nNumStrings * sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
MicroProfileFloatWindowSize ( ppStrings , nNumStrings , pColors , nWidth , nHeight , nStringLengths ) ;
uint32_t nTextCount = nNumStrings / 2 ;
if ( nX + nWidth > UI . nWidth )
nX = UI . nWidth - nWidth ;
if ( nY + nHeight > UI . nHeight )
nY = UI . nHeight - nHeight ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX - 1 , nY - 1 , nX + nWidth + 1 , nY + nHeight + 1 , 0xff000000 | nColor ) ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY , nX + nWidth , nY + nHeight , 0xff000000 ) ;
if ( pColors )
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nTextCount ; + + i )
int i0 = i * 2 ;
if ( pColors )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX - MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH , nY , nX , nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH , pColors [ i ] | 0xff000000 ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX + 1 , nY + 1 , UINT32_MAX , ppStrings [ i0 ] , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( ppStrings [ i0 ] ) ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX + nWidth - nStringLengths [ i0 + 1 ] * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nY + 1 , UINT32_MAX , ppStrings [ i0 + 1 ] , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( ppStrings [ i0 + 1 ] ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawTextBox ( uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , const char * * ppStrings , uint32_t nNumStrings , uint32_t nColor , uint32_t * pColors = 0 )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
uint32_t nWidth = 0 , nHeight = 0 ;
uint32_t * nStringLengths = ( uint32_t * ) alloca ( nNumStrings * sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nNumStrings ; + + i )
nStringLengths [ i ] = ( uint32_t ) strlen ( ppStrings [ i ] ) ;
nWidth = MicroProfileMax ( nWidth , nStringLengths [ i ] ) ;
nHeight + + ;
nWidth = ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) * ( 2 + nWidth ) + 2 * MICROPROFILE_BORDER_SIZE ;
if ( nX + nWidth > UI . nWidth )
nX = UI . nWidth - nWidth ;
if ( nY + nHeight > UI . nHeight )
nY = UI . nHeight - nHeight ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY , nX + nWidth , nY + nHeight , 0xff000000 ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nNumStrings ; + + i )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX + 1 , nY + 1 , UINT32_MAX , ppStrings [ i ] , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( ppStrings [ i ] ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileToolTipMeta ( MicroProfileStringArray * pToolTip )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
if ( UI . nRangeBeginIndex ! = UI . nRangeEndIndex & & UI . pRangeLog )
uint64_t nMetaSum [ MICROPROFILE_META_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
uint64_t nMetaSumInclusive [ MICROPROFILE_META_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
int nStackDepth = 0 ;
uint32_t nRange [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
MicroProfileThreadLog * pLog = UI . pRangeLog ;
MicroProfileGetRange ( UI . nRangeEndIndex , UI . nRangeBeginIndex , nRange ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < 2 ; + + i )
uint32_t nStart = nRange [ i ] [ 0 ] ;
uint32_t nEnd = nRange [ i ] [ 1 ] ;
for ( uint32_t j = nStart ; j < nEnd ; + + j )
MicroProfileLogEntry LE = pLog - > Log [ j ] ;
int nType = MicroProfileLogType ( LE ) ;
switch ( nType )
case MP_LOG_META :
int64_t nMetaIndex = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( LE ) ;
int64_t nMetaCount = MicroProfileLogGetTick ( LE ) ;
if ( nStackDepth > 1 )
nMetaSumInclusive [ nMetaIndex ] + = nMetaCount ;
nMetaSum [ nMetaIndex ] + = nMetaCount ;
break ;
if ( nStackDepth )
nStackDepth - - ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
for ( int k = 0 ; k < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX ; + + k )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
nMetaSumInclusive [ k ] + = nMetaSum [ k ] ;
nMetaSum [ k ] = 0 ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
break ;
nStackDepth + + ;
break ;
bool bSpaced = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX ; + + i )
if ( S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName & & ( nMetaSum [ i ] | | nMetaSumInclusive [ i ] ) )
if ( ! bSpaced )
bSpaced = true ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( pToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( pToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( pToolTip , " %s excl " , S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( pToolTip , " %5d " , nMetaSum [ i ] ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( pToolTip , " %s incl " , S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( pToolTip , " %5d " , nMetaSum [ i ] + nMetaSumInclusive [ i ] ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawFloatTooltip ( uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , uint32_t nToken , uint64_t nTime )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( nToken ) ;
uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S . nAggregateFrames ? S . nAggregateFrames : 1 ;
uint32_t nAggregateCount = S . Aggregate [ nIndex ] . nCount ? S . Aggregate [ nIndex ] . nCount : 1 ;
uint32_t nGroupId = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( nToken ) ;
uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( nToken ) ;
bool bGpu = S . GroupInfo [ nGroupId ] . Type = = MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( bGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
float fMs = fToMs * ( nTime ) ;
float fFrameMs = fToMs * ( S . Frame [ nIndex ] . nTicks ) ;
float fAverage = fToMs * ( S . Aggregate [ nIndex ] . nTicks / nAggregateFrames ) ;
float fCallAverage = fToMs * ( S . Aggregate [ nIndex ] . nTicks / nAggregateCount ) ;
float fMax = fToMs * ( S . AggregateMax [ nIndex ] ) ;
float fFrameMsExclusive = fToMs * ( S . FrameExclusive [ nIndex ] ) ;
float fAverageExclusive = fToMs * ( S . AggregateExclusive [ nIndex ] / nAggregateFrames ) ;
float fMaxExclusive = fToMs * ( S . AggregateMaxExclusive [ nIndex ] ) ;
float fGroupAverage = fToMs * ( S . AggregateGroup [ nGroupId ] / nAggregateFrames ) ;
float fGroupMax = fToMs * ( S . AggregateGroupMax [ nGroupId ] ) ;
float fGroup = fToMs * ( S . FrameGroup [ nGroupId ] ) ;
MicroProfileStringArray ToolTip ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & ToolTip ) ;
const char * pGroupName = S . GroupInfo [ nGroupId ] . pName ;
const char * pTimerName = S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . pName ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Timer: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %s " , pTimerName ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " 0x%p " , UI . nHoverAddressEnter ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " 0x%p " , UI . nHoverAddressLeave ) ;
# endif
if ( nTime ! = ( uint64_t ) 0 )
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Time: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fMs ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Frame Time: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fFrameMs ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Average: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fAverage ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Max: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fMax ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Frame Call Average: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fCallAverage ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Frame Call Count: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6d " , nAggregateCount / nAggregateFrames ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Exclusive Frame Time: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fFrameMsExclusive ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Exclusive Average: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fAverageExclusive ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Exclusive Max: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3fms " , fMaxExclusive ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Group: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %s " , pGroupName ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Frame Time: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3f " , fGroup ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Frame Average: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3f " , fGroupAverage ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Frame Max: " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.3f " , fGroupMax ) ;
MicroProfileToolTipMeta ( & ToolTip ) ;
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( nX , nY + 20 , & ToolTip . ppStrings [ 0 ] , ToolTip . nNumStrings , S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . nColor ) ;
if ( UI . nMouseLeftMod )
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
int nToolTipIndex = ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTipFront + MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED - 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ;
g_MicroProfileUI . nLockedToolTipColor [ nToolTipIndex ] = S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . nColor ;
MicroProfileStringArrayCopy ( & g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nToolTipIndex ] , & ToolTip ) ;
g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTipFront = nToolTipIndex ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileZoomTo ( int64_t nTickStart , int64_t nTickEnd )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
int64_t nStart = S . Frames [ S . nFrameCurrent ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
UI . fDetailedOffsetTarget = MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nStart , nTickStart ) * fToMs ;
UI . fDetailedRangeTarget = MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nTickStart , nTickEnd ) * fToMs ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileCenter ( int64_t nTickCenter )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
int64_t nStart = S . Frames [ S . nFrameCurrent ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
float fCenter = MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nStart , nTickCenter ) * fToMs ;
UI . fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI . fDetailedOffset = fCenter - 0.5f * UI . fDetailedRange ;
uint64_t * g_pMicroProfileDumpStart = 0 ;
uint64_t * g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd = 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDebugDumpRange ( )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
if ( g_pMicroProfileDumpStart ! = g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd )
uint64_t * pStart = g_pMicroProfileDumpStart ;
uint64_t * pEnd = g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd ;
while ( pStart ! = pEnd )
uint64_t nTick = MicroProfileLogGetTick ( * pStart ) ;
uint64_t nToken = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pStart ) ;
uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( nToken ) ;
const char * pTimerName = S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . pName ;
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
int type = MicroProfileLogType ( * pStart ) ;
const char * pBegin = type = = MP_LOG_LEAVE ? " END " :
( type = = MP_LOG_ENTER ? " BEGIN " : " META " ) ;
snprintf ( buffer , 255 , " DUMP 0x%p: %s :: %llx: %s \n " , pStart , pBegin , nTick , pTimerName ) ;
# ifdef _WIN32
OutputDebugString ( buffer ) ;
# else
printf ( " %s " , buffer ) ;
# endif
pStart + + ;
g_pMicroProfileDumpStart = g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd ;
# define MP_DEBUG_DUMP_RANGE() MicroProfileDebugDumpRange();
# else
# define MP_DEBUG_DUMP_RANGE() do{} while(0)
# endif
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedContextSwitchBars ( uint32_t nY , uint32_t nThreadId , uint32_t nContextSwitchStart , uint32_t nContextSwitchEnd , int64_t nBaseTicks , uint32_t nBaseY )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
int64_t nTickIn = - 1 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t nThreadBefore = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
float fMsToScreen = UI . nWidth / UI . fDetailedRange ;
float fMouseX = ( float ) UI . nMouseX ;
float fMouseY = ( float ) UI . nMouseY ;
for ( uint32_t j = nContextSwitchStart ; j ! = nContextSwitchEnd ; j = ( j + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_CONTEXT_SWITCH_BUFFER_SIZE )
MicroProfileContextSwitch CS = S . ContextSwitch [ j ] ;
if ( nTickIn = = - 1 )
if ( CS . nThreadIn = = nThreadId )
nTickIn = CS . nTicks ;
nThreadBefore = CS . nThreadOut ;
if ( CS . nThreadOut = = nThreadId )
int64_t nTickOut = CS . nTicks ;
float fMsStart = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicks , nTickIn ) ;
float fMsEnd = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicks , nTickOut ) ;
if ( fMsStart < = fMsEnd )
float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen ;
float fXEnd = fMsEnd * fMsToScreen ;
float fYStart = ( float ) nY ;
uint32_t nColor = g_nMicroProfileContextSwitchThreadColors [ CS . nCpu % MICROPROFILE_NUM_CONTEXT_SWITCH_COLORS ] ;
float fXDist = MicroProfileMax ( fXStart - fMouseX , fMouseX - fXEnd ) ;
bool bHover = fXDist < MICROPROFILE_HOVER_DIST & & fYStart < = fMouseY & & fMouseY < = fYEnd & & nBaseY < fMouseY ;
if ( bHover )
UI . nRangeBegin = nTickIn ;
UI . nRangeEnd = nTickOut ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverTickIn = nTickIn ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverTickOut = nTickOut ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverThread = CS . nThreadOut ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = nThreadBefore ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = CS . nThreadIn ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverCpuNext = CS . nCpu ;
nColor = UI . nHoverColor ;
if ( CS . nCpu = = S . nContextSwitchHoverCpu )
nColor = UI . nHoverColorShared ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXStart , fYStart , fXEnd , fYEnd , nColor | UI . nOpacityForeground , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
nTickIn = - 1 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedBars ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight , int nBaseY , int nSelectedFrame )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
int nY = nBaseY - UI . nOffsetY ;
uint32_t nFrameNext = ( S . nFrameCurrent + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameCurrent = & S . Frames [ S . nFrameCurrent ] ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameNext = & S . Frames [ nFrameNext ] ;
UI . nRangeBegin = 0 ;
UI . nRangeEnd = 0 ;
UI . nRangeBeginGpu = 0 ;
UI . nRangeEndGpu = 0 ;
UI . nRangeBeginIndex = UI . nRangeEndIndex = 0 ;
UI . pRangeLog = 0 ;
int64_t nFrameStartCpu = pFrameCurrent - > nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nFrameStartGpu = pFrameCurrent - > nFrameStartGpu ;
int64_t nTicksPerSecondCpu = MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ;
int64_t nTicksPerSecondGpu = MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) ;
float fToMsCpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( nTicksPerSecondCpu ) ;
float fToMsGpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( nTicksPerSecondGpu ) ;
float fDetailedOffset = UI . fDetailedOffset ;
float fDetailedRange = UI . fDetailedRange ;
int64_t nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu = MicroProfileMsToTick ( fDetailedOffset , MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
int64_t nDetailedOffsetTicksGpu = MicroProfileMsToTick ( fDetailedOffset , MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) ) ;
int64_t nBaseTicksCpu = nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu + nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nBaseTicksGpu = nDetailedOffsetTicksGpu + nFrameStartGpu ;
int64_t nBaseTicksEndCpu = nBaseTicksCpu + MicroProfileMsToTick ( fDetailedRange , MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
int64_t nTickReferenceCpu = 0 , nTickReferenceGpu = 0 ;
static int64_t nRefCpu = 0 , nRefGpu = 0 ;
if ( MicroProfileGetGpuTickReference ( & nTickReferenceCpu , & nTickReferenceGpu ) )
2016-03-27 12:01:29 +08:00
if ( 0 = = nRefCpu | | std : : abs ( nRefCpu - nBaseTicksCpu ) > std : : abs ( nTickReferenceCpu - nBaseTicksCpu ) )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nRefCpu = nTickReferenceCpu ;
nRefGpu = nTickReferenceGpu ;
nTickReferenceCpu = nRefCpu ;
nTickReferenceGpu = nRefGpu ;
nBaseTicksGpu = ( nBaseTicksCpu - nTickReferenceCpu ) * nTicksPerSecondGpu / nTicksPerSecondCpu + nTickReferenceGpu ;
int64_t nBaseTicksEndGpu = nBaseTicksCpu + MicroProfileMsToTick ( fDetailedRange , MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameFirst = pFrameCurrent ;
int64_t nGapTime = MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) * MICROPROFILE_GAP_TIME / 1000 ;
pFrameFirst = & S . Frames [ nNextIndex ] ;
if ( pFrameFirst - > nFrameStartCpu < = nBaseTicksCpu - nGapTime )
break ;
float fMsBase = fToMsCpu * nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu ;
float fMs = fDetailedRange ;
float fMsEnd = fMs + fMsBase ;
float fWidth = ( float ) nWidth ;
float fMsToScreen = fWidth / fMs ;
float fRate = floor ( 2 * ( log10 ( fMs ) - 1 ) ) / 2 ;
float fStep = powf ( 10.f , fRate ) ;
float fRcpStep = 1.f / fStep ;
int nColorIndex = ( int ) ( floor ( fMsBase * fRcpStep ) ) ;
float fStart = floor ( fMsBase * fRcpStep ) * fStep ;
for ( float f = fStart ; f < fMsEnd ; )
float fNext = f + fStep ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( ( ( f - fMsBase ) * fMsToScreen ) , nBaseY , ( fNext - fMsBase ) * fMsToScreen + 1 , nBaseY + nHeight , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ nColorIndex + + & 1 ] ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
f = fNext ;
MicroProfileLogEntry * pMouseOver = UI . pDisplayMouseOver ;
MicroProfileLogEntry * pMouseOverNext = 0 ;
uint64_t nMouseOverToken = pMouseOver ? MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pMouseOver ) : MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ;
float fMouseX = ( float ) UI . nMouseX ;
float fMouseY = ( float ) UI . nMouseY ;
int64_t nHoverTime = 0 ;
static int nHoverCounter = 155 ;
static int nHoverCounterDelta = 10 ;
nHoverCounter + = nHoverCounterDelta ;
if ( nHoverCounter > = 245 )
nHoverCounterDelta = - 10 ;
else if ( nHoverCounter < 100 )
nHoverCounterDelta = 10 ;
UI . nHoverColor = ( nHoverCounter < < 24 ) | ( nHoverCounter < < 16 ) | ( nHoverCounter < < 8 ) | nHoverCounter ;
uint32_t nHoverCounterShared = nHoverCounter > > 2 ;
UI . nHoverColorShared = ( nHoverCounterShared < < 24 ) | ( nHoverCounterShared < < 16 ) | ( nHoverCounterShared < < 8 ) | nHoverCounterShared ;
uint32_t nLinesDrawn [ MICROPROFILE_STACK_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
uint32_t nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter ;
uint32_t nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
S . nContextSwitchHoverThread = S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t nContextSwitchStart = UINT32_MAX ;
uint32_t nContextSwitchEnd = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
S . nContextSwitchHoverCpuNext = 0xff ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverTickIn = - 1 ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverTickOut = - 1 ;
if ( S . bContextSwitchRunning )
MicroProfileContextSwitchSearch ( & nContextSwitchStart , & nContextSwitchEnd , nBaseTicksCpu , nBaseTicksEndCpu ) ;
bool bSkipBarView = S . bContextSwitchRunning & & S . bContextSwitchNoBars ;
if ( ! bSkipBarView )
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ; + + i )
MicroProfileThreadLog * pLog = S . Pool [ i ] ;
if ( ! pLog )
continue ;
uint32_t nPut = pFrameNext - > nLogStart [ i ] ;
///note: this may display new samples as old data, but this will only happen when
// unpaused, where the detailed view is hardly perceptible
uint32_t nFront = S . Pool [ i ] - > nPut . load ( std : : memory_order_relaxed ) ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameLogFirst = pFrameCurrent ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameLogLast = pFrameNext ;
uint32_t nGet = pFrameLogFirst - > nLogStart [ i ] ;
MP_ASSERT ( pFrameLogFirst > = & S . Frames [ 0 ] & & pFrameLogFirst < & S . Frames [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ] ) ;
uint32_t nNewGet = pFrameLogFirst - > nLogStart [ i ] ;
bool bIsValid = false ;
if ( nPut < nFront )
bIsValid = nNewGet < = nPut | | nNewGet > = nFront ;
bIsValid = nNewGet < = nPut & & nNewGet > = nFront ;
if ( bIsValid )
nGet = nNewGet ;
pFrameLogFirst - - ;
if ( pFrameLogFirst < & S . Frames [ 0 ] )
pFrameLogFirst = & S . Frames [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY - 1 ] ;
break ;
} while ( pFrameLogFirst ! = pFrameFirst ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( nGet = = UINT32_MAX ) {
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
continue ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MP_ASSERT ( nGet ! = UINT32_MAX ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nPut = pFrameLogLast - > nLogStart [ i ] ;
uint32_t nRange [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = { { 0 , 0 } , { 0 , 0 } , } ;
MicroProfileGetRange ( nPut , nGet , nRange ) ;
if ( nPut = = nGet )
continue ;
uint32_t nMaxStackDepth = 0 ;
bool bGpu = pLog - > nGpu ! = 0 ;
float fToMs = bGpu ? fToMsGpu : fToMsCpu ;
int64_t nBaseTicks = bGpu ? nBaseTicksGpu : nBaseTicksCpu ;
char ThreadName [ MicroProfileThreadLog : : THREAD_MAX_LEN + 16 ] ;
uint64_t nThreadId = pLog - > nThreadId ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
snprintf ( ThreadName , sizeof ( ThreadName ) - 1 , " %04 " PRIx64 " : %s " , nThreadId , & pLog - > ThreadName [ 0 ] ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nY + = 3 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t nThreadColor = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( pLog - > nThreadId = = nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter | | pLog - > nThreadId = = nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore )
nThreadColor = UI . nHoverColorShared | 0x906060 ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( 0 , nY , nThreadColor , & ThreadName [ 0 ] , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( & ThreadName [ 0 ] ) ) ;
nY + = 3 ;
if ( S . bContextSwitchRunning )
MicroProfileDrawDetailedContextSwitchBars ( nY , pLog - > nThreadId , nContextSwitchStart , nContextSwitchEnd , nBaseTicks , nBaseY ) ;
uint32_t nStack [ MICROPROFILE_STACK_MAX ] ;
uint32_t nStackPos = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < 2 ; + + j )
uint32_t nStart = nRange [ j ] [ 0 ] ;
uint32_t nEnd = nRange [ j ] [ 1 ] ;
for ( uint32_t k = nStart ; k < nEnd ; + + k )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileLogEntry * pEntry = & pLog - > Log [ k ] ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nType = MicroProfileLogType ( * pEntry ) ;
if ( MP_LOG_ENTER = = nType )
nStack [ nStackPos + + ] = k ;
else if ( MP_LOG_META = = nType )
else if ( MP_LOG_LEAVE = = nType )
if ( 0 = = nStackPos )
continue ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileLogEntry * pEntryEnter = & pLog - > Log [ nStack [ nStackPos - 1 ] ] ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pEntryEnter ) ! = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pEntry ) )
//uprintf("mismatch %llx %llx\n", pEntryEnter->nToken, pEntry->nToken);
continue ;
int64_t nTickStart = MicroProfileLogGetTick ( * pEntryEnter ) ;
int64_t nTickEnd = MicroProfileLogGetTick ( * pEntry ) ;
uint64_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pEntry ) ;
uint32_t nColor = S . TimerInfo [ nTimerIndex ] . nColor ;
if ( nMouseOverToken = = nTimerIndex )
if ( pEntry = = pMouseOver )
nColor = UI . nHoverColor ;
if ( bGpu )
UI . nRangeBeginGpu = * pEntryEnter ;
UI . nRangeEndGpu = * pEntry ;
uint32_t nCpuBegin = ( nStack [ nStackPos - 1 ] + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE ;
uint32_t nCpuEnd = ( k + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE ;
MicroProfileLogEntry LogCpuBegin = pLog - > Log [ nCpuBegin ] ;
MicroProfileLogEntry LogCpuEnd = pLog - > Log [ nCpuEnd ] ;
if ( MicroProfileLogType ( LogCpuBegin ) = = 3 & & MicroProfileLogType ( LogCpuEnd ) = = 3 )
UI . nRangeBegin = LogCpuBegin ;
UI . nRangeEnd = LogCpuEnd ;
UI . nRangeBeginIndex = nStack [ nStackPos - 1 ] ;
UI . nRangeEndIndex = k ;
UI . pRangeLog = pLog ;
UI . nRangeBegin = * pEntryEnter ;
UI . nRangeEnd = * pEntry ;
UI . nRangeBeginIndex = nStack [ nStackPos - 1 ] ;
UI . nRangeEndIndex = k ;
UI . pRangeLog = pLog ;
nColor = UI . nHoverColorShared ;
nMaxStackDepth = MicroProfileMax ( nMaxStackDepth , nStackPos ) ;
float fMsStart = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicks , nTickStart ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
float fMsEnd2 = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicks , nTickEnd ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
float fXEnd = fMsEnd2 * fMsToScreen ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fYStart = ( float ) ( nY + nStackPos * nYDelta ) ;
float fXDist = MicroProfileMax ( fXStart - fMouseX , fMouseX - fXEnd ) ;
bool bHover = fXDist < MICROPROFILE_HOVER_DIST & & fYStart < = fMouseY & & fMouseY < = fYEnd & & nBaseY < fMouseY ;
uint32_t nIntegerWidth = ( uint32_t ) ( fXEnd - fXStart ) ;
if ( nIntegerWidth )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( bHover & & UI . nActiveMenu = = UINT32_MAX )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nHoverToken = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pEntry ) ;
UI . nHoverAddressEnter = ( uint64_t ) pEntryEnter ;
UI . nHoverAddressLeave = ( uint64_t ) pEntry ;
# endif
nHoverTime = MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nTickStart , nTickEnd ) ;
pMouseOverNext = pEntry ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXStart , fYStart , fXEnd , fYEnd , nColor | UI . nOpacityForeground , MicroProfileBoxTypeBar ) ;
if ( nIntegerWidth > 3 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH )
float fXStartText = MicroProfileMax ( fXStart , 0.f ) ;
int nTextWidth = ( int ) ( fXEnd - fXStartText ) ;
int nCharacters = ( nTextWidth - 2 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) / MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ;
if ( nCharacters > 0 )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( fXStartText + 1 , fYStart + 1 , UINT32_MAX , S . TimerInfo [ nTimerIndex ] . pName , MicroProfileMin < uint32_t > ( S . TimerInfo [ nTimerIndex ] . nNameLen , nCharacters ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
# endif
float fXAvg = 0.5f * ( fXStart + fXEnd ) ;
int nLineX = ( int ) floor ( fXAvg + 0.5f ) ;
if ( nLineX ! = ( int ) nLinesDrawn [ nStackPos ] )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( bHover & & UI . nActiveMenu = = UINT32_MAX )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nHoverToken = ( uint32_t ) MicroProfileLogTimerIndex ( * pEntry ) ;
nHoverTime = MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nTickStart , nTickEnd ) ;
pMouseOverNext = pEntry ;
nLinesDrawn [ nStackPos ] = nLineX ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( nLineX , fYStart + 0.5f , fYEnd + 0.5f , nColor | UI . nOpacityForeground ) ;
nStackPos - - ;
if ( 0 = = nStackPos )
if ( bGpu ? ( nTickStart > nBaseTicksEndGpu ) : ( nTickStart > nBaseTicksEndCpu ) )
break ;
nY + = nMaxStackDepth * nYDelta + MICROPROFILE_DETAILED_BAR_HEIGHT + 1 ;
if ( S . bContextSwitchRunning & & ( S . bContextSwitchAllThreads | | S . bContextSwitchNoBars ) )
uint32_t nNumThreads = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS & & S . Pool [ i ] ; + + i )
nThreads [ nNumThreads + + ] = S . Pool [ i ] - > nThreadId ;
uint32_t nNumThreadsBase = nNumThreads ;
if ( S . bContextSwitchAllThreads )
for ( uint32_t i = nContextSwitchStart ; i ! = nContextSwitchEnd ; i = ( i + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_CONTEXT_SWITCH_BUFFER_SIZE )
MicroProfileContextSwitch CS = S . ContextSwitch [ i ] ;
ThreadIdType nThreadId = CS . nThreadIn ;
if ( nThreadId )
bool bSeen = false ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < nNumThreads ; + + j )
if ( nThreads [ j ] = = nThreadId )
bSeen = true ;
break ;
if ( ! bSeen )
nThreads [ nNumThreads + + ] = nThreadId ;
S . nOverflow = 10 ;
break ;
std : : sort ( & nThreads [ nNumThreadsBase ] , & nThreads [ nNumThreads ] ) ;
uint32_t nStart = nNumThreadsBase ;
if ( S . bContextSwitchNoBars )
nStart = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t i = nStart ; i < nNumThreads ; + + i )
ThreadIdType nThreadId = nThreads [ i ] ;
if ( nThreadId )
char ThreadName [ MicroProfileThreadLog : : THREAD_MAX_LEN + 16 ] ;
const char * cLocal = MicroProfileIsLocalThread ( nThreadId ) ? " * " : " " ;
2017-02-04 14:17:52 -06:00
# if defined(_WIN32)
2016-03-27 12:01:57 +08:00
// nThreadId is 32-bit on Windows
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nStrLen = snprintf ( ThreadName , sizeof ( ThreadName ) - 1 , " %04x: %s%s " , nThreadId , cLocal , i < nNumThreadsBase ? & S . Pool [ i ] - > ThreadName [ 0 ] : MICROPROFILE_THREAD_NAME_FROM_ID ( nThreadId ) ) ;
2016-03-27 12:01:57 +08:00
# else
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
int nStrLen = snprintf ( ThreadName , sizeof ( ThreadName ) - 1 , " %04 " PRIx64 " : %s%s " , nThreadId , cLocal , i < nNumThreadsBase ? & S . Pool [ i ] - > ThreadName [ 0 ] : MICROPROFILE_THREAD_NAME_FROM_ID ( nThreadId ) ) ;
2016-03-27 12:01:57 +08:00
# endif
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t nThreadColor = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( nThreadId = = nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter | | nThreadId = = nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore )
nThreadColor = UI . nHoverColorShared | 0x906060 ;
MicroProfileDrawDetailedContextSwitchBars ( nY + 2 , nThreadId , nContextSwitchStart , nContextSwitchEnd , nBaseTicksCpu , nBaseY ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( 0 , nY , nThreadColor , & ThreadName [ 0 ] , nStrLen ) ;
S . nContextSwitchHoverCpu = S . nContextSwitchHoverCpuNext ;
UI . pDisplayMouseOver = pMouseOverNext ;
if ( ! S . nRunning )
if ( nHoverToken ! = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN & & nHoverTime )
UI . nHoverToken = nHoverToken ;
UI . nHoverTime = nHoverTime ;
if ( nSelectedFrame ! = - 1 )
UI . nRangeBegin = S . Frames [ nSelectedFrame ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
UI . nRangeEnd = S . Frames [ ( nSelectedFrame + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
UI . nRangeBeginGpu = S . Frames [ nSelectedFrame ] . nFrameStartGpu ;
UI . nRangeEndGpu = S . Frames [ ( nSelectedFrame + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ] . nFrameStartGpu ;
if ( UI . nRangeBegin ! = UI . nRangeEnd )
float fMsStart = fToMsCpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicksCpu , UI . nRangeBegin ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
float fMsEnd3 = fToMsCpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicksCpu , UI . nRangeEnd ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
float fXEnd = fMsEnd3 * fMsToScreen ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXStart , nBaseY , fXEnd , nHeight , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( fXStart , nBaseY , nHeight , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT | 0x44000000 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( fXEnd , nBaseY , nHeight , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT | 0x44000000 ) ;
fMsStart + = fDetailedOffset ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
fMsEnd3 + = fDetailedOffset ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
char sBuffer [ 32 ] ;
uint32_t nLenStart = snprintf ( sBuffer , sizeof ( sBuffer ) - 1 , " %.2fms " , fMsStart ) ;
float fStartTextWidth = ( float ) ( ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * nLenStart ) ;
float fStartTextX = fXStart - fStartTextWidth - 2 ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fStartTextX , nBaseY , fStartTextX + fStartTextWidth + 2 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY , 0x33000000 , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( fStartTextX + 1 , nBaseY , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLenStart ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
uint32_t nLenEnd = snprintf ( sBuffer , sizeof ( sBuffer ) - 1 , " %.2fms " , fMsEnd3 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXEnd + 1 , nBaseY , fXEnd + 1 + ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * nLenEnd + 3 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY , 0x33000000 , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( fXEnd + 2 , nBaseY + 1 , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLenEnd ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( UI . nMouseRight )
MicroProfileZoomTo ( UI . nRangeBegin , UI . nRangeEnd ) ;
if ( UI . nRangeBeginGpu ! = UI . nRangeEndGpu )
float fMsStart = fToMsGpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicksGpu , UI . nRangeBeginGpu ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
float fMsEnd4 = fToMsGpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( nBaseTicksGpu , UI . nRangeEndGpu ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
float fXEnd = fMsEnd4 * fMsToScreen ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXStart , nBaseY , fXEnd , nHeight , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT_GPU , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( fXStart , nBaseY , nHeight , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT_GPU | 0x44000000 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( fXEnd , nBaseY , nHeight , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT_GPU | 0x44000000 ) ;
fMsStart + = fDetailedOffset ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
fMsEnd4 + = fDetailedOffset ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
char sBuffer [ 32 ] ;
uint32_t nLenStart = snprintf ( sBuffer , sizeof ( sBuffer ) - 1 , " %.2fms " , fMsStart ) ;
float fStartTextWidth = ( float ) ( ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * nLenStart ) ;
float fStartTextX = fXStart - fStartTextWidth - 2 ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fStartTextX , nBaseY , fStartTextX + fStartTextWidth + 2 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY , 0x33000000 , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( fStartTextX + 1 , nBaseY , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLenStart ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
uint32_t nLenEnd = snprintf ( sBuffer , sizeof ( sBuffer ) - 1 , " %.2fms " , fMsEnd4 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXEnd + 1 , nBaseY , fXEnd + 1 + ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * nLenEnd + 3 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY , 0x33000000 , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( fXEnd + 2 , nBaseY + 1 , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLenEnd ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedFrameHistory ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight , uint32_t nBaseY , uint32_t nSelectedFrame )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
float fBaseX = ( float ) nWidth ;
uint32_t nLastIndex = ( S . nFrameCurrent + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( 0 , nBaseY , nWidth , nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT , 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) * S . fRcpReferenceTime ;
float fToMsGpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) ) * S . fRcpReferenceTime ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameCurrent = & S . Frames [ S . nFrameCurrent ] ;
uint64_t nFrameStartCpu = pFrameCurrent - > nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu = MicroProfileMsToTick ( UI . fDetailedOffset , MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
int64_t nCpuStart = nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu + nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nCpuEnd = nCpuStart + MicroProfileMsToTick ( UI . fDetailedRange , MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ; ;
float fSelectionStart = ( float ) nWidth ;
float fSelectionEnd = 0.f ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES ; + + i )
MicroProfileFrameState * pCurrent = & S . Frames [ nIndex ] ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pNext = & S . Frames [ nLastIndex ] ;
int64_t nTicks = pNext - > nFrameStartCpu - pCurrent - > nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nTicksGpu = pNext - > nFrameStartGpu - pCurrent - > nFrameStartGpu ;
float fScale = fToMs * nTicks ;
float fScaleGpu = fToMsGpu * nTicksGpu ;
fScale = fScale > 1.f ? 0.f : 1.f - fScale ;
fScaleGpu = fScaleGpu > 1.f ? 0.f : 1.f - fScaleGpu ;
float fXEnd = fBaseX ;
float fXStart = fBaseX - fDx ;
fBaseX = fXStart ;
if ( nIndex = = nSelectedFrame )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
nColor = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fXStart , nBaseY + fScale * nBarHeight , fXEnd , nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT , nColor , MicroProfileBoxTypeBar ) ;
if ( pNext - > nFrameStartCpu > nCpuStart )
fSelectionStart = fXStart ;
if ( pCurrent - > nFrameStartCpu < nCpuEnd & & fSelectionEnd = = 0.f )
fSelectionEnd = fXEnd ;
nLastIndex = nIndex ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( fSelectionStart , nBaseY , fSelectionEnd , nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT , MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedView ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
MICROPROFILE_SCOPE ( g_MicroProfileDetailed ) ;
uint32_t nBaseY = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 ;
int nSelectedFrame = - 1 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( UI . nMouseY > nBaseY & & UI . nMouseY < = nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT & & UI . nActiveMenu = = UINT32_MAX )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nSelectedFrame = ( ( MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES ) * ( UI . nWidth - UI . nMouseX ) / UI . nWidth ) ;
nSelectedFrame = ( S . nFrameCurrent + MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY - nSelectedFrame ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ;
UI . nHoverFrame = nSelectedFrame ;
if ( UI . nMouseRight )
int64_t nRangeBegin = S . Frames [ nSelectedFrame ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nRangeEnd = S . Frames [ ( nSelectedFrame + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
MicroProfileZoomTo ( nRangeBegin , nRangeEnd ) ;
if ( UI . nMouseDownLeft )
uint64_t nFrac = ( 1024 * ( MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES ) * ( UI . nMouseX ) / UI . nWidth ) % 1024 ;
int64_t nRangeBegin = S . Frames [ nSelectedFrame ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nRangeEnd = S . Frames [ ( nSelectedFrame + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
MicroProfileCenter ( nRangeBegin + ( nRangeEnd - nRangeBegin ) * nFrac / 1024 ) ;
UI . nHoverFrame = - 1 ;
MicroProfileDrawDetailedBars ( nWidth , nHeight , nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT , nSelectedFrame ) ;
MicroProfileDrawDetailedFrameHistory ( nWidth , nHeight , nBaseY , nSelectedFrame ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawTextRight ( uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , uint32_t nColor , const char * pStr , uint32_t nStrLen )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX - nStrLen * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nY , nColor , pStr , nStrLen ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawHeader ( int32_t nX , uint32_t nWidth , const char * pName )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( pName )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX - 8 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 , nX + nWidth + 5 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 ) , 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 , UINT32_MAX , pName , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( pName ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
typedef void ( * MicroProfileLoopGroupCallback ) ( uint32_t nTimer , uint32_t nIdx , uint64_t nGroupMask , uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , void * pData ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw ( int32_t nX , int32_t nY , const char * pName , MicroProfileLoopGroupCallback CB , void * pData )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint64_t nGroup = S . nAllGroupsWanted ? S . nGroupMask : S . nActiveGroupWanted ;
uint32_t nCount = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + j )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint64_t nMask = 1ULL < < j ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( nMask & nGroup )
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < S . nTotalTimers ; + + i )
uint64_t nTokenMask = MicroProfileGetGroupMask ( S . TimerInfo [ i ] . nToken ) ;
if ( nTokenMask & nMask )
if ( nY > = 0 )
CB ( i , nCount , nMask , nX , nY , pData ) ;
nCount + = 2 ;
if ( nY > ( int ) UI . nHeight )
return ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileCalcTimers ( float * pTimers , float * pAverage , float * pMax , float * pCallAverage , float * pExclusive , float * pAverageExclusive , float * pMaxExclusive , uint64_t nGroup , uint32_t nSize )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint32_t nCount = 0 ;
uint64_t nMask = 1 ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + j )
if ( nMask & nGroup )
const float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( S . GroupInfo [ j ] . Type = = MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < S . nTotalTimers ; + + i )
uint64_t nTokenMask = MicroProfileGetGroupMask ( S . TimerInfo [ i ] . nToken ) ;
if ( nTokenMask & nMask )
uint32_t nTimer = i ;
uint32_t nIdx = nCount ;
uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S . nAggregateFrames ? S . nAggregateFrames : 1 ;
uint32_t nAggregateCount = S . Aggregate [ nTimer ] . nCount ? S . Aggregate [ nTimer ] . nCount : 1 ;
float fToPrc = S . fRcpReferenceTime ;
float fMs = fToMs * ( S . Frame [ nTimer ] . nTicks ) ;
float fPrc = MicroProfileMin ( fMs * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
float fAverageMs = fToMs * ( S . Aggregate [ nTimer ] . nTicks / nAggregateFrames ) ;
float fAveragePrc = MicroProfileMin ( fAverageMs * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
float fMaxMs = fToMs * ( S . AggregateMax [ nTimer ] ) ;
float fMaxPrc = MicroProfileMin ( fMaxMs * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
float fCallAverageMs = fToMs * ( S . Aggregate [ nTimer ] . nTicks / nAggregateCount ) ;
float fCallAveragePrc = MicroProfileMin ( fCallAverageMs * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
float fMsExclusive = fToMs * ( S . FrameExclusive [ nTimer ] ) ;
float fPrcExclusive = MicroProfileMin ( fMsExclusive * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
float fAverageMsExclusive = fToMs * ( S . AggregateExclusive [ nTimer ] / nAggregateFrames ) ;
float fAveragePrcExclusive = MicroProfileMin ( fAverageMsExclusive * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
float fMaxMsExclusive = fToMs * ( S . AggregateMaxExclusive [ nTimer ] ) ;
float fMaxPrcExclusive = MicroProfileMin ( fMaxMsExclusive * fToPrc , 1.f ) ;
pTimers [ nIdx ] = fMs ;
pTimers [ nIdx + 1 ] = fPrc ;
pAverage [ nIdx ] = fAverageMs ;
pAverage [ nIdx + 1 ] = fAveragePrc ;
pMax [ nIdx ] = fMaxMs ;
pMax [ nIdx + 1 ] = fMaxPrc ;
pCallAverage [ nIdx ] = fCallAverageMs ;
pCallAverage [ nIdx + 1 ] = fCallAveragePrc ;
pExclusive [ nIdx ] = fMsExclusive ;
pExclusive [ nIdx + 1 ] = fPrcExclusive ;
pAverageExclusive [ nIdx ] = fAverageMsExclusive ;
pAverageExclusive [ nIdx + 1 ] = fAveragePrcExclusive ;
pMaxExclusive [ nIdx ] = fMaxMsExclusive ;
pMaxExclusive [ nIdx + 1 ] = fMaxPrcExclusive ;
nCount + = 2 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
nMask < < = 1 ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
# define SBUF_MAX 32
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawBarArrayCallback ( uint32_t nTimer , uint32_t nIdx , uint64_t nGroupMask , uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , void * pExtra )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
const uint32_t nHeight = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT ;
const uint32_t nTextWidth = 6 * ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) ;
const float fWidth = ( float ) MICROPROFILE_BAR_WIDTH ;
float * pTimers = ( ( float * * ) pExtra ) [ 0 ] ;
float * pTimers2 = ( ( float * * ) pExtra ) [ 1 ] ;
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
char sBuffer [ SBUF_MAX ] ;
if ( pTimers2 & & pTimers2 [ nIdx ] > 0.1f )
snprintf ( sBuffer , SBUF_MAX - 1 , " %5.2f %3.1fx " , pTimers [ nIdx ] , pTimers [ nIdx ] / pTimers2 [ nIdx ] ) ;
snprintf ( sBuffer , SBUF_MAX - 1 , " %5.2f " , pTimers [ nIdx ] ) ;
if ( ! pTimers2 )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX + nTextWidth , nY , nX + nTextWidth + fWidth * pTimers [ nIdx + 1 ] , nY + nHeight , UI . nOpacityForeground | S . TimerInfo [ nTimer ] . nColor , MicroProfileBoxTypeBar ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( sBuffer ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( int32_t nX , int32_t nY , float * pTimers , const char * pName , uint32_t nTotalHeight , float * pTimers2 = NULL )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
const uint32_t nTextWidth = 6 * ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) ;
const uint32_t nWidth = MICROPROFILE_BAR_WIDTH ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( nX - 5 , 0 , nTotalHeight + nY , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
float * pTimersArray [ 2 ] = { pTimers , pTimers2 } ;
MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw ( nX , nY , pName , MicroProfileDrawBarArrayCallback , pTimersArray ) ;
MicroProfileDrawHeader ( nX , nTextWidth + nWidth , pName ) ;
return nWidth + 5 + nTextWidth ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawBarCallCountCallback ( uint32_t nTimer , uint32_t nIdx , uint64_t nGroupMask , uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , void * pExtra )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
char sBuffer [ SBUF_MAX ] ;
int nLen = snprintf ( sBuffer , SBUF_MAX - 1 , " %5d " , S . Frame [ nTimer ] . nCount ) ; //fix
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarCallCount ( int32_t nX , int32_t nY , const char * pName )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw ( nX , nY , pName , MicroProfileDrawBarCallCountCallback , 0 ) ;
const uint32_t nTextWidth = 6 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ;
MicroProfileDrawHeader ( nX , 5 + nTextWidth , pName ) ;
return 5 + nTextWidth ;
struct MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs
uint64_t * pCounters ;
float fRcpFrames ;
} ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverageCallback ( uint32_t nTimer , uint32_t nIdx , uint64_t nGroupMask , uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , void * pExtra )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs * pArgs = ( MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs * ) pExtra ;
uint64_t * pCounters = pArgs - > pCounters ;
float fRcpFrames = pArgs - > fRcpFrames ;
char sBuffer [ SBUF_MAX ] ;
int nLen = snprintf ( sBuffer , SBUF_MAX - 1 , " %5.2f " , pCounters [ nTimer ] * fRcpFrames ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX - nLen * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nY , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverage ( int32_t nX , int32_t nY , uint64_t * pCounters , const char * pName , uint32_t nTotalHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( ! pName )
return 0 ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( nX - 5 , 0 , nTotalHeight + nY , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
uint32_t nTextWidth = ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * MicroProfileMax < uint32_t > ( 6 , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( pName ) ) ;
float fRcpFrames = 1.f / ( MicroProfileGet ( ) - > nAggregateFrames ? MicroProfileGet ( ) - > nAggregateFrames : 1 ) ;
MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs Args = { pCounters , fRcpFrames } ;
MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw ( nX + nTextWidth , nY , pName , MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverageCallback , & Args ) ;
MicroProfileDrawHeader ( nX , 5 + nTextWidth , pName ) ;
return 5 + nTextWidth ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCountCallback ( uint32_t nTimer , uint32_t nIdx , uint64_t nGroupMask , uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , void * pExtra )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
uint64_t * pCounters = ( uint64_t * ) pExtra ;
char sBuffer [ SBUF_MAX ] ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
int nLen = snprintf ( sBuffer , SBUF_MAX - 1 , " %5 " PRIu64 , pCounters [ nTimer ] ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX - nLen * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nY , UINT32_MAX , sBuffer , nLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCount ( int32_t nX , int32_t nY , uint64_t * pCounters , const char * pName , uint32_t nTotalHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( ! pName )
return 0 ;
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( nX - 5 , 0 , nTotalHeight + nY , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
uint32_t nTextWidth = ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * MicroProfileMax < uint32_t > ( 6 , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( pName ) ) ;
MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw ( nX + nTextWidth , nY , pName , MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCountCallback , pCounters ) ;
MicroProfileDrawHeader ( nX , 5 + nTextWidth , pName ) ;
return 5 + nTextWidth ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawBarLegendCallback ( uint32_t nTimer , uint32_t nIdx , uint64_t nGroupMask , uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , void * pExtra )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
if ( S . TimerInfo [ nTimer ] . bGraph )
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY , S . TimerInfo [ nTimer ] . nColor , " > " , 1 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawTextRight ( nX , nY , S . TimerInfo [ nTimer ] . nColor , S . TimerInfo [ nTimer ] . pName , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( S . TimerInfo [ nTimer ] . pName ) ) ;
if ( UI . nMouseY > = nY & & UI . nMouseY < nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 )
UI . nHoverToken = nTimer ;
UI . nHoverTime = 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarLegend ( int32_t nX , int32_t nY , uint32_t nTotalHeight , uint32_t nMaxWidth )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( nX - 5 , nY , nTotalHeight , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw ( nMaxWidth , nY , 0 , MicroProfileDrawBarLegendCallback , 0 ) ;
return nX ;
bool MicroProfileDrawGraph ( uint32_t nScreenWidth , uint32_t nScreenHeight )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
MICROPROFILE_SCOPE ( g_MicroProfileDrawGraph ) ;
bool bEnabled = false ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ! = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN )
bEnabled = true ;
if ( ! bEnabled )
return false ;
uint32_t nX = nScreenWidth - MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH ;
uint32_t nY = nScreenHeight - MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY , nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH , nY + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT , 0x88000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] ) ;
bool bMouseOver = UI . nMouseX > = nX & & UI . nMouseY > = nY ;
float fMouseXPrc = ( float ( UI . nMouseX - nX ) ) / MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH ;
if ( bMouseOver )
float fXAvg = fMouseXPrc * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH + nX ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( fXAvg , nY , nY + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT , UINT32_MAX ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fY = ( float ) nScreenHeight ;
uint32_t nPut = S . nGraphPut ;
float * pGraphData = ( float * ) alloca ( sizeof ( float ) * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY * 2 ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ! = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN )
uint32_t nGroupId = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ) ;
bool bGpu = S . GroupInfo [ nGroupId ] . Type = = MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( bGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
float fToPrc = fToMs * S . fRcpReferenceTime * 3 / 4 ;
float fX = ( float ) nX ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY ; + + j )
float fWeigth = MicroProfileMin ( fToPrc * ( S . Graph [ i ] . nHistory [ ( j + nPut ) % MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY ] ) , 1.f ) ;
pGraphData [ ( j * 2 ) ] = fX ;
pGraphData [ ( j * 2 ) + 1 ] = fY - fDY * fWeigth ;
fX + = fDX ;
MicroProfileDrawLine2D ( MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY , pGraphData , S . TimerInfo [ MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ) ] . nColor ) ;
float fY1 = 0.25f * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT + nY ;
float fY2 = 0.50f * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT + nY ;
float fY3 = 0.75f * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT + nY ;
MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal ( nX , nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH , fY1 , 0xffdd4444 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal ( nX , nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH , fY2 , 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal ( nX , nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH , fY3 , 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] ) ;
char buf [ 32 ] ;
int nLen = snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 , " %5.2fms " , S . fReferenceTime ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX + 1 , fY1 - ( 2 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT ) , UINT32_MAX , buf , nLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( bMouseOver )
uint32_t pColors [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ] ;
MicroProfileStringArray Strings ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & Strings ) ;
uint32_t nTextCount = 0 ;
uint32_t nGraphIndex = ( S . nGraphPut + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY - int ( MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY * ( 1.f - fMouseXPrc ) ) ) % MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
uint32_t nMouseX = UI . nMouseX ;
uint32_t nMouseY = UI . nMouseY + 20 ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ! = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN )
uint32_t nGroupId = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ) ;
bool bGpu = S . GroupInfo [ nGroupId ] . Type = = MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( bGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ) ;
uint32_t nColor = S . TimerInfo [ nIndex ] . nColor ;
const char * pName = S . TimerInfo [ nIndex ] . pName ;
pColors [ nTextCount + + ] = nColor ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Strings , pName ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & Strings , " %5.2fms " , fToMs * ( S . Graph [ i ] . nHistory [ nGraphIndex ] ) ) ;
if ( nTextCount )
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( nMouseX , nMouseY , Strings . ppStrings , Strings . nNumStrings , 0 , pColors ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( UI . nMouseRight )
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ;
return bMouseOver ;
void MicroProfileDumpTimers ( )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint64_t nActiveGroup = S . nGroupMask ;
uint32_t nNumTimers = S . nTotalTimers ;
uint32_t nBlockSize = 2 * nNumTimers ;
float * pTimers = ( float * ) alloca ( nBlockSize * 7 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
float * pAverage = pTimers + nBlockSize ;
float * pMax = pTimers + 2 * nBlockSize ;
float * pCallAverage = pTimers + 3 * nBlockSize ;
float * pTimersExclusive = pTimers + 4 * nBlockSize ;
float * pAverageExclusive = pTimers + 5 * nBlockSize ;
float * pMaxExclusive = pTimers + 6 * nBlockSize ;
MicroProfileCalcTimers ( pTimers , pAverage , pMax , pCallAverage , pTimersExclusive , pAverageExclusive , pMaxExclusive , nActiveGroup , nNumTimers ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, " , " Time " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, " , " Average " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, " , " Max " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, " , " Call Avg " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9s, " , " Count " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, " , " Excl " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, " , " Avg Excl " ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %11s, \n " , " Max Excl " ) ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + j )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint64_t nMask = 1ULL < < j ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( nMask & nActiveGroup )
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %s \n " , S . GroupInfo [ j ] . pName ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < S . nTotalTimers ; + + i )
uint64_t nTokenMask = MicroProfileGetGroupMask ( S . TimerInfo [ i ] . nToken ) ;
if ( nTokenMask & nMask )
uint32_t nIdx = i * 2 ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pTimers [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pAverage [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pMax [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pCallAverage [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9d, " , S . Frame [ i ] . nCount ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pTimersExclusive [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pAverageExclusive [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %9.2fms, " , pMaxExclusive [ nIdx ] ) ;
MICROPROFILE_PRINTF ( " %s \n " , S . TimerInfo [ i ] . pName ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawBarView ( uint32_t nScreenWidth , uint32_t nScreenHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint64_t nActiveGroup = S . nAllGroupsWanted ? S . nGroupMask : S . nActiveGroupWanted ;
if ( ! nActiveGroup )
return ;
MICROPROFILE_SCOPE ( g_MicroProfileDrawBarView ) ;
const uint32_t nHeight = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT ;
int nColorIndex = 0 ;
uint32_t nMaxTimerNameLen = 1 ;
uint32_t nNumTimers = 0 ;
uint32_t nNumGroups = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + j )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( nActiveGroup & ( 1ULL < < j ) )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nNumTimers + = S . GroupInfo [ j ] . nNumTimers ;
nNumGroups + = 1 ;
nMaxTimerNameLen = MicroProfileMax ( nMaxTimerNameLen , S . GroupInfo [ j ] . nMaxTimerNameLen ) ;
uint32_t nTimerWidth = 2 + ( 4 + nMaxTimerNameLen ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
uint32_t nX = nTimerWidth + UI . nOffsetX ;
uint32_t nY = nHeight + 3 - UI . nOffsetY ;
uint32_t nBlockSize = 2 * nNumTimers ;
float * pTimers = ( float * ) alloca ( nBlockSize * 7 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
float * pAverage = pTimers + nBlockSize ;
float * pMax = pTimers + 2 * nBlockSize ;
float * pCallAverage = pTimers + 3 * nBlockSize ;
float * pTimersExclusive = pTimers + 4 * nBlockSize ;
float * pAverageExclusive = pTimers + 5 * nBlockSize ;
float * pMaxExclusive = pTimers + 6 * nBlockSize ;
MicroProfileCalcTimers ( pTimers , pAverage , pMax , pCallAverage , pTimersExclusive , pAverageExclusive , pMaxExclusive , nActiveGroup , nNumTimers ) ;
uint32_t nWidth = 0 ;
uint32_t nMetaIndex = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i ; i < < = 1 )
if ( S . nBars & i )
if ( i > = MP_DRAW_META_FIRST )
if ( nMetaIndex < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX & & S . MetaCounters [ nMetaIndex ] . pName )
2018-01-15 00:08:03 +01:00
uint32_t nStrWidth = static_cast < uint32_t > ( strlen ( S . MetaCounters [ nMetaIndex ] . pName ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS )
nWidth + = 6 + ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * ( nStrWidth ) ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_AVERAGE )
nWidth + = 6 + ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * ( nStrWidth + 4 ) ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX )
nWidth + = 6 + ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ) * ( nStrWidth + 4 ) ;
nWidth + = 6 + 6 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH ;
if ( i > = MP_DRAW_META_FIRST )
+ + nMetaIndex ;
nWidth + = ( 1 + nMaxTimerNameLen ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nNumTimers + nNumGroups + 1 ; + + i )
uint32_t nY0 = nY + i * ( nHeight + 1 ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
bool bInside = ( UI . nActiveMenu = = UINT32_MAX ) & & ( ( UI . nMouseY > = nY0 ) & & ( UI . nMouseY < ( nY0 + nHeight + 1 ) ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY0 , nWidth + nX , nY0 + ( nHeight + 1 ) + 1 , UI . nOpacityBackground | ( g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ nColorIndex + + & 1 ] + ( ( bInside ) ? 0x002c2c2c : 0 ) ) ) ;
nX + = 10 ;
int nTotalHeight = ( nNumTimers + nNumGroups + 1 ) * ( nHeight + 1 ) ;
uint32_t nLegendOffset = 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS )
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pTimers , " Time " , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_AVERAGE )
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pAverage , " Average " , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX )
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pMax , ( ! UI . bShowSpikes ) ? " Max Time " : " Max Time, Spike " , nTotalHeight , UI . bShowSpikes ? pAverage : NULL ) + 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_CALL_COUNT )
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pCallAverage , " Call Average " , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarCallCount ( nX , nY , " Count " ) + 1 ;
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pTimersExclusive , " Exclusive Time " , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pAverageExclusive , " Exclusive Average " , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX_EXCLUSIVE )
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarArray ( nX , nY , pMaxExclusive , ( ! UI . bShowSpikes ) ? " Exclusive Max Time " : " Excl Max Time, Spike " , nTotalHeight , UI . bShowSpikes ? pAverageExclusive : NULL ) + 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX ; + + i )
if ( 0 ! = ( S . nBars & ( MP_DRAW_META_FIRST < < i ) ) & & S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName )
2018-01-15 00:08:03 +01:00
uint32_t nBufferSize = static_cast < uint32_t > ( strlen ( S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName ) + 32 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
char * buffer = ( char * ) alloca ( nBufferSize ) ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS )
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCount ( nX , nY , & S . MetaCounters [ i ] . nCounters [ 0 ] , S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_AVERAGE )
snprintf ( buffer , nBufferSize - 1 , " %s Avg " , S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName ) ;
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverage ( nX , nY , & S . MetaCounters [ i ] . nAggregate [ 0 ] , buffer , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
if ( S . nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX )
snprintf ( buffer , nBufferSize - 1 , " %s Max " , S . MetaCounters [ i ] . pName ) ;
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCount ( nX , nY , & S . MetaCounters [ i ] . nAggregateMax [ 0 ] , buffer , nTotalHeight ) + 1 ;
nX = 0 ;
nY = nHeight + 3 - UI . nOffsetY ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nNumTimers + nNumGroups + 1 ; + + i )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
const uint32_t nY0 = nY + i * ( nHeight + 1 ) ;
const bool bInside = ( UI . nActiveMenu = = UINT32_MAX ) & & ( ( UI . nMouseY > = nY0 ) & & ( UI . nMouseY < ( nY0 + nHeight + 1 ) ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY0 , nTimerWidth , nY0 + ( nHeight + 1 ) + 1 , 0xff0000000 | ( g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ nColorIndex + + & 1 ] + ( ( bInside ) ? 0x002c2c2c : 0 ) ) ) ;
nX + = MicroProfileDrawBarLegend ( nX , nY , nTotalHeight , nTimerWidth - 5 ) + 1 ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + j )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( nActiveGroup & ( 1ULL < < j ) )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY + ( 1 + nHeight ) * nLegendOffset , UINT32_MAX , S . GroupInfo [ j ] . pName , S . GroupInfo [ j ] . nNameLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nLegendOffset + = S . GroupInfo [ j ] . nNumTimers + 1 ;
MicroProfileDrawHeader ( nX , nTimerWidth - 5 , " Group " ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawTextRight ( nTimerWidth - 3 , MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 , UINT32_MAX , " Timer " , 5 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( nTimerWidth , 0 , nTotalHeight + nY , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal ( 0 , nWidth , 2 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 3 , UI . nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
typedef const char * ( * MicroProfileSubmenuCallback ) ( int , bool * bSelected ) ;
typedef void ( * MicroProfileClickCallback ) ( int ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuMode ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
switch ( nIndex )
case 0 :
* bSelected = S . nDisplay = = MP_DRAW_DETAILED ;
return " Detailed " ;
case 1 :
* bSelected = S . nDisplay = = MP_DRAW_BARS ;
return " Timers " ;
case 2 :
* bSelected = S . nDisplay = = MP_DRAW_HIDDEN ;
return " Hidden " ;
case 3 :
* bSelected = true ;
return " Off " ;
case 4 :
* bSelected = true ;
return " ------ " ;
case 5 :
* bSelected = S . nForceEnable ! = 0 ;
return " Force Enable " ;
default : return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuGroups ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
* bSelected = false ;
if ( nIndex = = 0 )
* bSelected = S . nAllGroupsWanted ! = 0 ;
return " [ALL] " ;
nIndex = nIndex - 1 ;
2018-01-15 16:24:29 +01:00
if ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( nIndex ) < UI . GroupMenuCount )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileGroupMenuItem & Item = UI . GroupMenu [ nIndex ] ;
static char buffer [ MICROPROFILE_NAME_MAX_LEN + 32 ] ;
if ( Item . nIsCategory )
uint64_t nGroupMask = S . CategoryInfo [ Item . nIndex ] . nGroupMask ;
* bSelected = nGroupMask = = ( nGroupMask & S . nActiveGroupWanted ) ;
snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) - 1 , " [%s] " , Item . pName ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
* bSelected = 0 ! = ( S . nActiveGroupWanted & ( 1ULL < < Item . nIndex ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
snprintf ( buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) - 1 , " %s " , Item . pName ) ;
return buffer ;
return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuAggregate ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( nIndex ) < g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets . size ( ) )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t val = g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets [ nIndex ] ;
* bSelected = S . nAggregateFlip = = val ;
if ( 0 = = val )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
return " Infinite " ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
static char buf [ 128 ] ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 , " %7u " , val ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
return buf ;
return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuTimers ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
* bSelected = 0 ! = ( S . nBars & ( 1 < < nIndex ) ) ;
switch ( nIndex )
case 0 : return " Time " ;
case 1 : return " Average " ;
case 2 : return " Max " ;
case 3 : return " Call Count " ;
case 4 : return " Exclusive Timers " ;
case 5 : return " Exclusive Average " ;
case 6 : return " Exclusive Max " ;
int nMetaIndex = nIndex - 7 ;
return S . MetaCounters [ nMetaIndex ] . pName ;
return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuOptions ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
if ( nIndex > = MICROPROFILE_OPTION_SIZE ) return 0 ;
switch ( UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nSubType )
case 0 :
* bSelected = S . fReferenceTime = = g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets [ UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex ] ;
break ;
case 1 :
* bSelected = UI . nOpacityBackground > > 24 = = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets [ UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex ] ;
break ;
case 2 :
* bSelected = UI . nOpacityForeground > > 24 = = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets [ UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex ] ;
break ;
case 3 :
* bSelected = UI . bShowSpikes ;
break ;
case 4 :
switch ( UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex )
case 0 :
* bSelected = S . bContextSwitchRunning ;
break ;
case 1 :
* bSelected = S . bContextSwitchAllThreads ;
break ;
case 2 :
* bSelected = S . bContextSwitchNoBars ;
break ;
break ;
# endif
return UI . Options [ nIndex ] . Text ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuPreset ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
static char buf [ 128 ] ;
* bSelected = false ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
int nNumPresets = static_cast < int > ( g_MicroProfilePresetNames . size ( ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nIndexSave = nIndex - nNumPresets - 1 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( nIndex = = nNumPresets )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
return " -- " ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
else if ( nIndexSave > = 0 & & nIndexSave < nNumPresets )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 , " Save '%s' " , g_MicroProfilePresetNames [ nIndexSave ] ) ;
return buf ;
else if ( nIndex < nNumPresets )
snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) - 1 , " Load '%s' " , g_MicroProfilePresetNames [ nIndex ] ) ;
return buf ;
return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuCustom ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( UINT32_MAX = = UI . nCustomActive )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
* bSelected = nIndex = = 0 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
* bSelected = nIndex - 2 = = static_cast < int > ( UI . nCustomActive ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
switch ( nIndex )
case 0 : return " Disable " ;
case 1 : return " -- " ;
default :
nIndex - = 2 ;
2018-01-15 16:24:29 +01:00
if ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( nIndex ) < UI . nCustomCount )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
return UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pName ;
return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline const char * MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty ( int nIndex , bool * bSelected )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
return 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickMode ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
switch ( nIndex )
case 0 :
S . nDisplay = MP_DRAW_DETAILED ;
break ;
case 1 :
S . nDisplay = MP_DRAW_BARS ;
break ;
case 2 :
S . nDisplay = MP_DRAW_HIDDEN ;
break ;
case 3 :
S . nDisplay = 0 ;
break ;
case 4 :
break ;
case 5 :
S . nForceEnable = ! S . nForceEnable ;
break ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickGroups ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
if ( nIndex = = 0 )
S . nAllGroupsWanted = 1 - S . nAllGroupsWanted ;
nIndex - = 1 ;
2018-01-15 16:24:29 +01:00
if ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( nIndex ) < UI . GroupMenuCount )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileGroupMenuItem & Item = UI . GroupMenu [ nIndex ] ;
if ( Item . nIsCategory )
uint64_t nGroupMask = S . CategoryInfo [ Item . nIndex ] . nGroupMask ;
if ( nGroupMask ! = ( nGroupMask & S . nActiveGroupWanted ) )
S . nActiveGroupWanted | = nGroupMask ;
S . nActiveGroupWanted & = ~ nGroupMask ;
MP_ASSERT ( Item . nIndex < S . nGroupCount ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
S . nActiveGroupWanted ^ = ( 1ULL < < Item . nIndex ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickAggregate ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
S . nAggregateFlip = g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets [ nIndex ] ;
if ( 0 = = S . nAggregateFlip )
S . nAggregateClear = 1 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickTimers ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
S . nBars ^ = ( 1 < < nIndex ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickOptions ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
switch ( UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nSubType )
case 0 :
S . fReferenceTime = g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets [ UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex ] ;
S . fRcpReferenceTime = 1.f / S . fReferenceTime ;
break ;
case 1 :
UI . nOpacityBackground = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets [ UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex ] < < 24 ;
break ;
case 2 :
UI . nOpacityForeground = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets [ UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex ] < < 24 ;
break ;
case 3 :
UI . bShowSpikes = ! UI . bShowSpikes ;
break ;
case 4 :
switch ( UI . Options [ nIndex ] . nIndex )
case 0 :
if ( S . bContextSwitchRunning )
MicroProfileStopContextSwitchTrace ( ) ;
MicroProfileStartContextSwitchTrace ( ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
S . bContextSwitchAllThreads = ! S . bContextSwitchAllThreads ;
break ;
case 2 :
S . bContextSwitchNoBars = ! S . bContextSwitchNoBars ;
break ;
break ;
# endif
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickPreset ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
int nNumPresets = static_cast < int > ( g_MicroProfilePresetNames . size ( ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nIndexSave = nIndex - nNumPresets - 1 ;
if ( nIndexSave > = 0 & & nIndexSave < nNumPresets )
MicroProfileSavePreset ( g_MicroProfilePresetNames [ nIndexSave ] ) ;
else if ( nIndex > = 0 & & nIndex < nNumPresets )
MicroProfileLoadPreset ( g_MicroProfilePresetNames [ nIndex ] ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickCustom ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( nIndex = = 0 )
MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable ( ) ;
MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( nIndex - 2 ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileUIClickEmpty ( int nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawMenu ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint32_t nX = 0 ;
uint32_t nY = 0 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
# define SBUF_SIZE 256
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY , nX + nWidth , nY + ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 ) + 1 , 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
const char * pMenuText [ MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
uint32_t nMenuX [ MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
uint32_t nNumMenuItems = 0 ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
int nMPTextLen = snprintf ( buffer , 127 , " MicroProfile " ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY , UINT32_MAX , buffer , nMPTextLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nX + = ( sizeof ( " MicroProfile " ) + 2 ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Mode " ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Groups " ;
char AggregateText [ 64 ] ;
snprintf ( AggregateText , sizeof ( AggregateText ) - 1 , " Aggregate[%d] " , S . nAggregateFlip ? S . nAggregateFlip : S . nAggregateFlipCount ) ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = & AggregateText [ 0 ] ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Timers " ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Options " ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Preset " ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Custom " ;
const int nPauseIndex = nNumMenuItems ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = S . nRunning ? " Pause " : " Unpause " ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " Help " ;
if ( S . nOverflow )
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = " !BUFFERSFULL! " ;
if ( UI . GroupMenuCount ! = S . nGroupCount + S . nCategoryCount )
UI . GroupMenuCount = S . nGroupCount + S . nCategoryCount ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < S . nCategoryCount ; + + i )
UI . GroupMenu [ i ] . nIsCategory = 1 ;
UI . GroupMenu [ i ] . nCategoryIndex = i ;
UI . GroupMenu [ i ] . nIndex = i ;
UI . GroupMenu [ i ] . pName = S . CategoryInfo [ i ] . pName ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < S . nGroupCount ; + + i )
uint32_t idx = i + S . nCategoryCount ;
UI . GroupMenu [ idx ] . nIsCategory = 0 ;
UI . GroupMenu [ idx ] . nCategoryIndex = S . GroupInfo [ i ] . nCategory ;
UI . GroupMenu [ idx ] . nIndex = i ;
UI . GroupMenu [ idx ] . pName = S . GroupInfo [ i ] . pName ;
std : : sort ( & UI . GroupMenu [ 0 ] , & UI . GroupMenu [ UI . GroupMenuCount ] ,
[ ] ( const MicroProfileGroupMenuItem & l , const MicroProfileGroupMenuItem & r ) - > bool
if ( l . nCategoryIndex < r . nCategoryIndex )
return true ;
else if ( r . nCategoryIndex < l . nCategoryIndex )
return false ;
if ( r . nIsCategory | | l . nIsCategory )
return l . nIsCategory > r . nIsCategory ;
return MP_STRCASECMP ( l . pName , r . pName ) < 0 ;
) ;
MicroProfileSubmenuCallback GroupCallback [ MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX ] =
MicroProfileUIMenuMode ,
MicroProfileUIMenuGroups ,
MicroProfileUIMenuAggregate ,
MicroProfileUIMenuTimers ,
MicroProfileUIMenuOptions ,
MicroProfileUIMenuPreset ,
MicroProfileUIMenuCustom ,
MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty ,
MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty ,
MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty ,
} ;
MicroProfileClickCallback CBClick [ MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX ] =
MicroProfileUIClickMode ,
MicroProfileUIClickGroups ,
MicroProfileUIClickAggregate ,
MicroProfileUIClickTimers ,
MicroProfileUIClickOptions ,
MicroProfileUIClickPreset ,
MicroProfileUIClickCustom ,
MicroProfileUIClickEmpty ,
MicroProfileUIClickEmpty ,
MicroProfileUIClickEmpty ,
} ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t nSelectMenu = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nNumMenuItems ; + + i )
nMenuX [ i ] = nX ;
uint32_t nLen = ( uint32_t ) strlen ( pMenuText [ i ] ) ;
uint32_t nEnd = nX + nLen * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
if ( UI . nMouseY < = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT & & UI . nMouseX < = nEnd & & UI . nMouseX > = nX )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX - 1 , nY , nX + nLen * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nY + ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 ) + 1 , 0xff888888 ) ;
nSelectMenu = i ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( ( UI . nMouseLeft | | UI . nMouseRight ) & & i = = ( uint32_t ) nPauseIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
S . nToggleRunning = 1 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY , UINT32_MAX , pMenuText [ i ] , ( uint32_t ) strlen ( pMenuText [ i ] ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nX + = ( nLen + 1 ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
uint32_t nMenu = nSelectMenu ! = UINT32_MAX ? nSelectMenu : UI . nActiveMenu ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
UI . nActiveMenu = nMenu ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( UINT32_MAX ! = nMenu )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nX = nMenuX [ nMenu ] ;
MicroProfileSubmenuCallback CB = GroupCallback [ nMenu ] ;
int nNumLines = 0 ;
bool bSelected = false ;
const char * pString = CB ( nNumLines , & bSelected ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
uint32_t nTextWidth = 0 , nTextHeight = 0 ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
while ( pString )
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
nTextWidth = MicroProfileMax < int > ( nTextWidth , ( int ) strlen ( pString ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nNumLines + + ;
pString = CB ( nNumLines , & bSelected ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
nTextWidth = ( 2 + nTextWidth ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
nTextHeight = nNumLines * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 ) ;
if ( UI . nMouseY < = nY + nTextHeight + 0 & & UI . nMouseY > = nY - 0 & & UI . nMouseX < = nX + nTextWidth + 0 & & UI . nMouseX > = nX - 0 )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
UI . nActiveMenu = nMenu ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
else if ( nSelectMenu = = UINT32_MAX )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
UI . nActiveMenu = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY , nX + nTextWidth , nY + nTextHeight , 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 1 ] ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nNumLines ; + + i )
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
bool bSelected2 = false ;
const char * pString2 = CB ( i , & bSelected2 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( UI . nMouseY > = nY & & UI . nMouseY < nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 )
if ( UI . nMouseLeft | | UI . nMouseRight )
CBClick [ nMenu ] ( i ) ;
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nY , nX + nTextWidth , nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1 , 0xff888888 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
int nTextLen = snprintf ( buffer , SBUF_SIZE - 1 , " %c %s " , bSelected2 ? ' * ' : ' ' , pString2 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( nX , nY , UINT32_MAX , buffer , nTextLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
static char FrameTimeMessage [ 64 ] ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S . nAggregateFrames ? S . nAggregateFrames : 1 ;
float fMs = fToMs * ( S . nFlipTicks ) ;
float fAverageMs = fToMs * ( S . nFlipAggregateDisplay / nAggregateFrames ) ;
float fMaxMs = fToMs * S . nFlipMaxDisplay ;
int nLen = snprintf ( FrameTimeMessage , sizeof ( FrameTimeMessage ) - 1 , " Time[%6.2f] Avg[%6.2f] Max[%6.2f] " , fMs , fAverageMs , fMaxMs ) ;
pMenuText [ nNumMenuItems + + ] = & FrameTimeMessage [ 0 ] ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nWidth - nLen * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , 0 , UINT32_MAX , FrameTimeMessage , nLen ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileMoveGraph ( )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nZoom = UI . nMouseWheelDelta ;
int nPanX = 0 ;
int nPanY = 0 ;
static int X = 0 , Y = 0 ;
if ( UI . nMouseDownLeft & & ! UI . nModDown )
nPanX = UI . nMouseX - X ;
nPanY = UI . nMouseY - Y ;
X = UI . nMouseX ;
Y = UI . nMouseY ;
if ( nZoom )
float fOldRange = UI . fDetailedRange ;
if ( nZoom > 0 )
UI . fDetailedRangeTarget = UI . fDetailedRange * = UI . nModDown ? 1.40f : 1.05f ;
float fNewDetailedRange = UI . fDetailedRange / ( UI . nModDown ? 1.40f : 1.05f ) ;
if ( fNewDetailedRange < 1e-4 f ) //100ns
fNewDetailedRange = 1e-4 f ;
UI . fDetailedRangeTarget = UI . fDetailedRange = fNewDetailedRange ;
float fDiff = fOldRange - UI . fDetailedRange ;
float fMousePrc = MicroProfileMax ( ( float ) UI . nMouseX / UI . nWidth , 0.f ) ;
UI . fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI . fDetailedOffset + = fDiff * fMousePrc ;
if ( nPanX )
UI . fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI . fDetailedOffset + = - nPanX * UI . fDetailedRange / UI . nWidth ;
UI . nOffsetY - = nPanY ;
UI . nOffsetX + = nPanX ;
if ( UI . nOffsetX > 0 )
UI . nOffsetX = 0 ;
if ( UI . nOffsetY < 0 )
UI . nOffsetY = 0 ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDrawCustom ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( UINT32_MAX ! = UI . nCustomActive )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
MicroProfileCustom * pCustom = & UI . Custom [ UI . nCustomActive ] ;
uint32_t nCount = pCustom - > nNumTimers ;
uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S . nAggregateFrames ? S . nAggregateFrames : 1 ;
uint32_t nExtraOffset = 1 + ( ( pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK ) ! = 0 ? 3 : 0 ) ;
uint32_t nOffsetYBase = nHeight - ( nExtraOffset + nCount ) * ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT ) - MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING ;
uint32_t nOffsetY = nOffsetYBase ;
float fReference = pCustom - > fReference ;
float fRcpReference = 1.f / fReference ;
char Buffer [ MICROPROFILE_NAME_MAX_LEN * 2 + 1 ] ;
float * pTime = ( float * ) alloca ( sizeof ( float ) * nCount ) ;
float * pTimeAvg = ( float * ) alloca ( sizeof ( float ) * nCount ) ;
float * pTimeMax = ( float * ) alloca ( sizeof ( float ) * nCount ) ;
uint32_t * pColors = ( uint32_t * ) alloca ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) * nCount ) ;
uint32_t nMaxOffsetX = 0 ;
MicroProfileDrawBox ( MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING - 1 , nOffsetY - 1 , MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING + nReducedWidth + 1 , UI . nHeight - MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING + 1 , 0x88000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nCount ; + + i )
uint16_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( pCustom - > pTimers [ i ] ) ;
uint16_t nGroupIndex = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( pCustom - > pTimers [ i ] ) ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( S . GroupInfo [ nGroupIndex ] . Type = = MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
pTime [ i ] = S . Frame [ nTimerIndex ] . nTicks * fToMs ;
pTimeAvg [ i ] = fToMs * ( S . Aggregate [ nTimerIndex ] . nTicks / nAggregateFrames ) ;
pTimeMax [ i ] = fToMs * ( S . AggregateMax [ nTimerIndex ] ) ;
pColors [ i ] = S . TimerInfo [ nTimerIndex ] . nColor ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING + 3 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , " Avg " , sizeof ( " Avg " ) - 1 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING + 13 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , " Max " , sizeof ( " Max " ) - 1 ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nCount ; + + i )
uint16_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( pCustom - > pTimers [ i ] ) ;
uint16_t nGroupIndex = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( pCustom - > pTimers [ i ] ) ;
MicroProfileTimerInfo * pTimerInfo = & S . TimerInfo [ nTimerIndex ] ;
int nSize ;
nSize = snprintf ( Buffer , sizeof ( Buffer ) - 1 , " %6.2f " , pTimeAvg [ i ] ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nOffsetX , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , Buffer , nSize ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nOffsetX + = ( nSize + 2 ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
nSize = snprintf ( Buffer , sizeof ( Buffer ) - 1 , " %6.2f " , pTimeMax [ i ] ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nOffsetX , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , Buffer , nSize ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
nOffsetX + = ( nSize + 2 ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
nSize = snprintf ( Buffer , sizeof ( Buffer ) - 1 , " %s:%s " , S . GroupInfo [ nGroupIndex ] . pName , pTimerInfo - > pName ) ;
MicroProfileDrawText ( nOffsetX , nOffsetY , pTimerInfo - > nColor , Buffer , nSize ) ;
nOffsetX + = ( nSize + 2 ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) ;
nMaxOffsetX = MicroProfileMax ( nMaxOffsetX , nOffsetX ) ;
uint32_t nMaxWidth = nReducedWidth - nMaxOffsetX ;
if ( pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_BARS )
nOffsetY = nOffsetYBase ;
float * pMs = pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_BAR_SOURCE_MAX ? pTimeMax : pTimeAvg ;
const char * pString = pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_BAR_SOURCE_MAX ? " Max " : " Avg " ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nMaxOffsetX , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , pString , static_cast < uint32_t > ( strlen ( pString ) ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nSize = snprintf ( Buffer , sizeof ( Buffer ) - 1 , " %6.2fms " , fReference ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nReducedWidth - ( 1 + nSize ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , Buffer , nSize ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nCount ; + + i )
2022-06-13 16:04:40 -04:00
nWidth = MicroProfileMin ( nMaxWidth , ( uint32_t ) ( nMaxWidth * pMs [ i ] * fRcpReference ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nMaxOffsetX , nOffsetY , nMaxOffsetX + nWidth , nOffsetY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT , pColors [ i ] | 0xff000000 ) ;
if ( pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK )
nOffsetY + = 2 * ( 1 + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT ) ;
const char * pString = pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK_SOURCE_MAX ? " Max " : " Avg " ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , pString , static_cast < uint32_t > ( strlen ( pString ) ) ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
int nSize = snprintf ( Buffer , sizeof ( Buffer ) - 1 , " %6.2fms " , fReference ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawText ( nReducedWidth - ( 1 + nSize ) * ( MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ) , nOffsetY , UINT32_MAX , Buffer , nSize ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float * pMs = pCustom - > nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK_SOURCE_MAX ? pTimeMax : pTimeAvg ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nCount ; + + i )
float fWidth = pMs [ i ] * fRcpReference * nReducedWidth ;
uint32_t nX = fPosX ;
fPosX + = fWidth ;
uint32_t nXEnd = fPosX ;
if ( nX < nXEnd )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nOffsetY , nXEnd , nOffsetY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT , pColors [ i ] | 0xff000000 ) ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileDraw ( uint32_t nWidth , uint32_t nHeight )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MICROPROFILE_SCOPE ( g_MicroProfileDraw ) ;
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
static int once = 0 ;
if ( 0 = = once )
std : : recursive_mutex & m = MicroProfileGetMutex ( ) ;
m . lock ( ) ;
MicroProfileInitUI ( ) ;
uint32_t nDisplay = S . nDisplay ;
once + + ;
S . nDisplay = nDisplay ; // dont load display, just state
m . unlock ( ) ;
if ( S . nDisplay )
std : : recursive_mutex & m = MicroProfileGetMutex ( ) ;
m . lock ( ) ;
UI . nWidth = nWidth ;
UI . nHeight = nHeight ;
UI . nHoverTime = 0 ;
UI . nHoverFrame = - 1 ;
if ( S . nDisplay ! = MP_DRAW_DETAILED )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
S . nContextSwitchHoverThread = S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileMoveGraph ( ) ;
if ( S . nDisplay = = MP_DRAW_DETAILED )
MicroProfileDrawDetailedView ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
else if ( S . nDisplay = = MP_DRAW_BARS & & S . nBars )
MicroProfileDrawBarView ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
MicroProfileDrawMenu ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
bool bMouseOverGraph = MicroProfileDrawGraph ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
MicroProfileDrawCustom ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
bool bHidden = S . nDisplay = = MP_DRAW_HIDDEN ;
if ( ! bHidden )
uint32_t nLockedToolTipX = 3 ;
bool bDeleted = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ; + + i )
int nIndex = ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTipFront + i ) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ;
if ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex ] . ppStrings [ 0 ] )
uint32_t nToolTipWidth = 0 , nToolTipHeight = 0 ;
MicroProfileFloatWindowSize ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex ] . ppStrings , g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex ] . nNumStrings , 0 , nToolTipWidth , nToolTipHeight , 0 ) ;
uint32_t nStartY = nHeight - nToolTipHeight - 2 ;
if ( ! bDeleted & & UI . nMouseY > nStartY & & UI . nMouseX > nLockedToolTipX & & UI . nMouseX < = nLockedToolTipX + nToolTipWidth & & ( UI . nMouseLeft | | UI . nMouseRight ) )
bDeleted = true ;
int j = i ;
for ( ; j < MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED - 1 ; + + j )
int nIndex0 = ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTipFront + j ) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ;
int nIndex1 = ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTipFront + j + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ;
MicroProfileStringArrayCopy ( & g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex0 ] , & g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex1 ] ) ;
M icroProfileStringArrayClear ( & g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ ( g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTipFront + j ) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED ] ) ;
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( nLockedToolTipX , nHeight - nToolTipHeight - 2 , & g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex ] . ppStrings [ 0 ] , g_MicroProfileUI . LockedToolTips [ nIndex ] . nNumStrings , g_MicroProfileUI . nLockedToolTipColor [ nIndex ] ) ;
nLockedToolTipX + = nToolTipWidth + 4 ;
if ( UI . nActiveMenu = = 8 )
if ( S . nDisplay & MP_DRAW_DETAILED )
MicroProfileStringArray DetailedHelp ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & DetailedHelp ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & DetailedHelp , " %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Toggle Graph " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & DetailedHelp , " %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_ALT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Zoom " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & DetailedHelp , " %s + %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_MOD , MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Lock Tooltip " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Drag " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Pan View " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Mouse Wheel " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHelp , " Zoom " ) ;
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( nWidth , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT + 20 , DetailedHelp . ppStrings , DetailedHelp . nNumStrings , 0xff777777 ) ;
MicroProfileStringArray DetailedHistoryHelp ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & DetailedHistoryHelp ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & DetailedHistoryHelp , " %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHistoryHelp , " Center View " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & DetailedHistoryHelp , " %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_ALT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & DetailedHistoryHelp , " Zoom to frame " ) ;
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( nWidth , 20 , DetailedHistoryHelp . ppStrings , DetailedHistoryHelp . nNumStrings , 0xff777777 ) ;
else if ( 0 ! = ( S . nDisplay & MP_DRAW_BARS ) & & S . nBars )
MicroProfileStringArray BarHelp ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & BarHelp ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & BarHelp , " %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & BarHelp , " Toggle Graph " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & BarHelp , " %s + %s " , MICROPROFILE_HELP_MOD , MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & BarHelp , " Lock Tooltip " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & BarHelp , " Drag " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & BarHelp , " Pan View " ) ;
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( nWidth , MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT + 20 , BarHelp . ppStrings , BarHelp . nNumStrings , 0xff777777 ) ;
MicroProfileStringArray Debug ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & Debug ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " Memory Usage " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & Debug , " %4.2fmb " , S . nMemUsage / ( 1024.f * 1024.f ) ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " Web Server Port " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & Debug , " %d " , MicroProfileWebServerPort ( ) ) ;
uint32_t nFrameNext = ( S . nFrameCurrent + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameCurrent = & S . Frames [ S . nFrameCurrent ] ;
MicroProfileFrameState * pFrameNext = & S . Frames [ nFrameNext ] ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " Usage " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " markers [frames] " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & Debug , " Context Switch " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & Debug , " %9d [%7d] " , S . nContextSwitchUsage , MICROPROFILE_CONTEXT_SWITCH_BUFFER_SIZE / S . nContextSwitchUsage ) ;
# endif
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ; + + i )
if ( pFrameCurrent - > nLogStart [ i ] & & S . Pool [ i ] )
uint32_t nEnd = pFrameNext - > nLogStart [ i ] ;
uint32_t nStart = pFrameCurrent - > nLogStart [ i ] ;
uint32_t nUsage = nStart < nEnd ? ( nEnd - nStart ) : ( nEnd + MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE - nStart ) ;
uint32_t nFrameSupport = MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE / nUsage ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & Debug , " %s " , & S . Pool [ i ] - > ThreadName [ 0 ] ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & Debug , " %9d [%7d] " , nUsage , nFrameSupport ) ;
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( 0 , nHeight - 10 , Debug . ppStrings , Debug . nNumStrings , 0xff777777 ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( UI . nActiveMenu = = UINT32_MAX & & ! bMouseOverGraph )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileDrawFloatTooltip ( UI . nMouseX , UI . nMouseY , UI . nHoverToken , UI . nHoverTime ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
else if ( S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter ! = UINT32_MAX & & S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore ! = UINT32_MAX )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
MicroProfileStringArray ToolTip ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & ToolTip ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Context Switch " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %04x " , S . nContextSwitchHoverThread ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Before " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %04x " , S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " After " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %04x " , S . nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " Duration " ) ;
int64_t nDifference = MicroProfileLogTickDifference ( S . nContextSwitchHoverTickIn , S . nContextSwitchHoverTickOut ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.2fms " , fToMs * nDifference ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " CPU " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %d " , S . nContextSwitchHoverCpu ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( UI . nMouseX , UI . nMouseY + 20 , & ToolTip . ppStrings [ 0 ] , ToolTip . nNumStrings , UINT32_MAX ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
else if ( UI . nHoverFrame ! = - 1 )
uint32_t nNextFrame = ( UI . nHoverFrame + 1 ) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY ;
int64_t nTick = S . Frames [ UI . nHoverFrame ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nTickNext = S . Frames [ nNextFrame ] . nFrameStartCpu ;
int64_t nTickGpu = S . Frames [ UI . nHoverFrame ] . nFrameStartGpu ;
int64_t nTickNextGpu = S . Frames [ nNextFrame ] . nFrameStartGpu ;
float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu ( ) ) ;
float fToMsGpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier ( MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu ( ) ) ;
float fMs = fToMs * ( nTickNext - nTick ) ;
float fMsGpu = fToMsGpu * ( nTickNextGpu - nTickGpu ) ;
MicroProfileStringArray ToolTip ;
MicroProfileStringArrayClear ( & ToolTip ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " Frame %d " , UI . nHoverFrame ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %p " , & S . Frames [ UI . nHoverFrame ] ) ;
# else
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " " ) ;
# endif
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " CPU Time " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.2fms " , fMs ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral ( & ToolTip , " GPU Time " ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %6.2fms " , fMsGpu ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ; + + i )
if ( S . Frames [ UI . nHoverFrame ] . nLogStart [ i ] )
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %d " , i ) ;
MicroProfileStringArrayFormat ( & ToolTip , " %d " , S . Frames [ UI . nHoverFrame ] . nLogStart [ i ] ) ;
# endif
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow ( UI . nMouseX , UI . nMouseY + 20 , & ToolTip . ppStrings [ 0 ] , ToolTip . nNumStrings , UINT32_MAX ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( UI . nMouseLeft )
MicroProfileToggleGraph ( UI . nHoverToken ) ;
float fCursor [ 8 ] =
MicroProfileMax ( 0 , ( int ) UI . nMouseX - 3 ) , UI . nMouseY ,
MicroProfileMin ( nWidth , UI . nMouseX + 3 ) , UI . nMouseY ,
UI . nMouseX , MicroProfileMax ( ( int ) UI . nMouseY - 3 , 0 ) ,
UI . nMouseX , MicroProfileMin ( nHeight , UI . nMouseY + 3 ) ,
} ;
MicroProfileDrawLine2D ( 2 , & fCursor [ 0 ] , 0xff00ff00 ) ;
MicroProfileDrawLine2D ( 2 , & fCursor [ 4 ] , 0xff00ff00 ) ;
# endif
m . unlock ( ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
else if ( UI . nCustomActive ! = UINT32_MAX )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
std : : recursive_mutex & m = MicroProfileGetMutex ( ) ;
m . lock ( ) ;
MicroProfileDrawGraph ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
MicroProfileDrawCustom ( nWidth , nHeight ) ;
m . unlock ( ) ;
UI . nMouseLeft = UI . nMouseRight = 0 ;
UI . nMouseLeftMod = UI . nMouseRightMod = 0 ;
UI . nMouseWheelDelta = 0 ;
if ( S . nOverflow )
S . nOverflow - - ;
UI . fDetailedOffset = UI . fDetailedOffset + ( UI . fDetailedOffsetTarget - UI . fDetailedOffset ) * MICROPROFILE_ANIM_DELAY_PRC ;
UI . fDetailedRange = UI . fDetailedRange + ( UI . fDetailedRangeTarget - UI . fDetailedRange ) * MICROPROFILE_ANIM_DELAY_PRC ;
bool MicroProfileIsDrawing ( )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
return S . nDisplay ! = 0 ;
void MicroProfileToggleGraph ( MicroProfileToken nToken )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( nToken ) ;
nToken & = 0xffff ;
int32_t nMinSort = 0x7fffffff ;
int32_t nFreeIndex = - 1 ;
int32_t nMinIndex = 0 ;
int32_t nMaxSort = 0x80000000 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN )
nFreeIndex = i ;
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = = nToken )
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ;
S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . bGraph = false ;
return ;
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nKey < nMinSort )
nMinSort = S . Graph [ i ] . nKey ;
nMinIndex = i ;
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nKey > nMaxSort )
nMaxSort = S . Graph [ i ] . nKey ;
int nIndex = nFreeIndex > - 1 ? nFreeIndex : nMinIndex ;
if ( nFreeIndex = = - 1 )
uint32_t idx = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( S . Graph [ nIndex ] . nToken ) ;
S . TimerInfo [ idx ] . bGraph = false ;
S . Graph [ nIndex ] . nToken = nToken ;
S . Graph [ nIndex ] . nKey = nMaxSort + 1 ;
memset ( & S . Graph [ nIndex ] . nHistory [ 0 ] , 0 , sizeof ( S . Graph [ nIndex ] . nHistory ) ) ;
S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . bGraph = true ;
void MicroProfileMousePosition ( uint32_t nX , uint32_t nY , int nWheelDelta )
UI . nMouseX = nX ;
UI . nMouseY = nY ;
UI . nMouseWheelDelta = nWheelDelta ;
void MicroProfileModKey ( uint32_t nKeyState )
UI . nModDown = nKeyState ? 1 : 0 ;
void MicroProfileClearGraph ( )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ! = 0 )
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ;
void MicroProfileMouseButton ( uint32_t nLeft , uint32_t nRight )
bool bCanRelease = abs ( ( int ) ( UI . nMouseDownX - UI . nMouseX ) ) + abs ( ( int ) ( UI . nMouseDownY - UI . nMouseY ) ) < 3 ;
if ( 0 = = nLeft & & UI . nMouseDownLeft & & bCanRelease )
if ( UI . nModDown )
UI . nMouseLeftMod = 1 ;
UI . nMouseLeft = 1 ;
if ( 0 = = nRight & & UI . nMouseDownRight & & bCanRelease )
if ( UI . nModDown )
UI . nMouseRightMod = 1 ;
UI . nMouseRight = 1 ;
if ( ( nLeft | | nRight ) & & ! ( UI . nMouseDownLeft | | UI . nMouseDownRight ) )
UI . nMouseDownX = UI . nMouseX ;
UI . nMouseDownY = UI . nMouseY ;
UI . nMouseDownLeft = nLeft ;
UI . nMouseDownRight = nRight ;
void MicroProfileDrawLineVertical ( int nX , int nTop , int nBottom , uint32_t nColor )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nX , nTop , nX + 1 , nBottom , nColor ) ;
void MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal ( int nLeft , int nRight , int nY , uint32_t nColor )
MicroProfileDrawBox ( nLeft , nY , nRight , nY + 1 , nColor ) ;
# include <stdio.h>
struct MicroProfilePresetHeader
uint32_t nMagic ;
uint32_t nVersion ;
//groups, threads, aggregate, reference frame, graphs timers
uint32_t nGroups [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ] ;
uint32_t nThreads [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ] ;
uint32_t nGraphName [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ] ;
uint32_t nGraphGroupName [ MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ] ;
uint32_t nAllGroupsWanted ;
uint32_t nAllThreadsWanted ;
uint32_t nAggregateFlip ;
float fReferenceTime ;
uint32_t nBars ;
uint32_t nDisplay ;
uint32_t nOpacityBackground ;
uint32_t nOpacityForeground ;
uint32_t nShowSpikes ;
} ;
# define MICROPROFILE_PRESET_FILENAME_FUNC MicroProfilePresetFilename
static const char * MicroProfilePresetFilename ( const char * pSuffix )
static char filename [ 512 ] ;
snprintf ( filename , sizeof ( filename ) - 1 , " .microprofilepreset.%s " , pSuffix ) ;
return filename ;
# endif
void MicroProfileSavePreset ( const char * pPresetName )
std : : lock_guard < std : : recursive_mutex > Lock ( MicroProfileGetMutex ( ) ) ;
FILE * F = fopen ( MICROPROFILE_PRESET_FILENAME_FUNC ( pPresetName ) , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! F ) return ;
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
MicroProfilePresetHeader Header ;
memset ( & Header , 0 , sizeof ( Header ) ) ;
Header . nAggregateFlip = S . nAggregateFlip ;
Header . nBars = S . nBars ;
Header . fReferenceTime = S . fReferenceTime ;
Header . nAllGroupsWanted = S . nAllGroupsWanted ;
Header . nAllThreadsWanted = S . nAllThreadsWanted ;
Header . nDisplay = S . nDisplay ;
Header . nOpacityBackground = UI . nOpacityBackground ;
Header . nOpacityForeground = UI . nOpacityForeground ;
Header . nShowSpikes = UI . bShowSpikes ? 1 : 0 ;
fwrite ( & Header , sizeof ( Header ) , 1 , F ) ;
uint64_t nMask = 1 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + i )
if ( S . nActiveGroupWanted & nMask )
uint32_t offset = ftell ( F ) ;
const char * pName = S . GroupInfo [ i ] . pName ;
int nLen = ( int ) strlen ( pName ) + 1 ;
fwrite ( pName , nLen , 1 , F ) ;
Header . nGroups [ i ] = offset ;
nMask < < = 1 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ; + + i )
MicroProfileThreadLog * pLog = S . Pool [ i ] ;
if ( pLog & & S . nThreadActive [ i ] )
uint32_t nOffset = ftell ( F ) ;
const char * pName = & pLog - > ThreadName [ 0 ] ;
int nLen = ( int ) strlen ( pName ) + 1 ;
fwrite ( pName , nLen , 1 , F ) ;
Header . nThreads [ i ] = nOffset ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
MicroProfileToken nToken = S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ;
uint32_t nGroupIndex = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( nToken ) ;
uint32_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( nToken ) ;
const char * pGroupName = S . GroupInfo [ nGroupIndex ] . pName ;
const char * pTimerName = S . TimerInfo [ nTimerIndex ] . pName ;
MP_ASSERT ( pGroupName ) ;
MP_ASSERT ( pTimerName ) ;
int nGroupLen = ( int ) strlen ( pGroupName ) + 1 ;
int nTimerLen = ( int ) strlen ( pTimerName ) + 1 ;
uint32_t nOffsetGroup = ftell ( F ) ;
fwrite ( pGroupName , nGroupLen , 1 , F ) ;
uint32_t nOffsetTimer = ftell ( F ) ;
fwrite ( pTimerName , nTimerLen , 1 , F ) ;
Header . nGraphName [ i ] = nOffsetTimer ;
Header . nGraphGroupName [ i ] = nOffsetGroup ;
fseek ( F , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
fwrite ( & Header , sizeof ( Header ) , 1 , F ) ;
fclose ( F ) ;
void MicroProfileLoadPreset ( const char * pSuffix )
std : : lock_guard < std : : recursive_mutex > Lock ( MicroProfileGetMutex ( ) ) ;
FILE * F = fopen ( MICROPROFILE_PRESET_FILENAME_FUNC ( pSuffix ) , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! F )
return ;
fseek ( F , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
int nSize = ftell ( F ) ;
char * const pBuffer = ( char * ) alloca ( nSize ) ;
fseek ( F , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
int nRead = ( int ) fread ( pBuffer , nSize , 1 , F ) ;
fclose ( F ) ;
if ( 1 ! = nRead )
return ;
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
MicroProfilePresetHeader & Header = * ( MicroProfilePresetHeader * ) pBuffer ;
return ;
S . nAggregateFlip = Header . nAggregateFlip ;
S . nBars = Header . nBars ;
S . fReferenceTime = Header . fReferenceTime ;
S . fRcpReferenceTime = 1.f / Header . fReferenceTime ;
S . nAllGroupsWanted = Header . nAllGroupsWanted ;
S . nAllThreadsWanted = Header . nAllThreadsWanted ;
S . nDisplay = Header . nDisplay ;
S . nActiveGroupWanted = 0 ;
UI . nOpacityBackground = Header . nOpacityBackground ;
UI . nOpacityForeground = Header . nOpacityForeground ;
UI . bShowSpikes = Header . nShowSpikes = = 1 ;
memset ( & S . nThreadActive [ 0 ] , 0 , sizeof ( S . nThreadActive ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + i )
if ( Header . nGroups [ i ] )
const char * pGroupName = pBuffer + Header . nGroups [ i ] ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS ; + + j )
if ( 0 = = MP_STRCASECMP ( pGroupName , S . GroupInfo [ j ] . pName ) )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
S . nActiveGroupWanted | = ( 1ULL < < j ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ; + + i )
if ( Header . nThreads [ i ] )
const char * pThreadName = pBuffer + Header . nThreads [ i ] ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS ; + + j )
MicroProfileThreadLog * pLog = S . Pool [ j ] ;
if ( pLog & & 0 = = MP_STRCASECMP ( pThreadName , & pLog - > ThreadName [ 0 ] ) )
S . nThreadActive [ j ] = 1 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
MicroProfileToken nPrevToken = S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ;
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ;
if ( Header . nGraphName [ i ] & & Header . nGraphGroupName [ i ] )
const char * pGraphName = pBuffer + Header . nGraphName [ i ] ;
const char * pGraphGroupName = pBuffer + Header . nGraphGroupName [ i ] ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < S . nTotalTimers ; + + j )
uint64_t nGroupIndex = S . TimerInfo [ j ] . nGroupIndex ;
if ( 0 = = MP_STRCASECMP ( pGraphName , S . TimerInfo [ j ] . pName ) & & 0 = = MP_STRCASECMP ( pGraphGroupName , S . GroupInfo [ nGroupIndex ] . pName ) )
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
MicroProfileToken nToken = MicroProfileMakeToken ( 1ULL < < nGroupIndex , ( uint16_t ) j ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = nToken ; // note: group index is stored here but is checked without in MicroProfileToggleGraph()!
S . TimerInfo [ j ] . bGraph = true ;
if ( nToken ! = nPrevToken )
memset ( & S . Graph [ i ] . nHistory , 0 , sizeof ( S . Graph [ i ] . nHistory ) ) ;
break ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileCustomGroupFind ( const char * pCustomName )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < UI . nCustomCount ; + + i )
if ( ! MP_STRCASECMP ( pCustomName , UI . Custom [ i ] . pName ) )
return i ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
return UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline uint32_t MicroProfileCustomGroup ( const char * pCustomName )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < UI . nCustomCount ; + + i )
if ( ! MP_STRCASECMP ( pCustomName , UI . Custom [ i ] . pName ) )
return i ;
uint32_t nIndex = UI . nCustomCount ;
UI . nCustomCount + + ;
memset ( & UI . Custom [ nIndex ] , 0 , sizeof ( UI . Custom [ nIndex ] ) ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
size_t nLen = strlen ( pCustomName ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
memcpy ( & UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pName [ 0 ] , pCustomName , nLen ) ;
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pName [ nLen ] = ' \0 ' ;
return nIndex ;
void MicroProfileCustomGroup ( const char * pCustomName , uint32_t nMaxTimers , uint32_t nAggregateFlip , float fReferenceTime , uint32_t nFlags )
uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroup ( pCustomName ) ;
MP_ASSERT ( UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pTimers = = 0 ) ; //only call once!
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pTimers = & UI . CustomTimer [ UI . nCustomTimerCount ] ;
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nMaxTimers = nMaxTimers ;
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . fReference = fReferenceTime ;
UI . nCustomTimerCount + = nMaxTimers ;
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nFlags = nFlags ;
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nAggregateFlip = nAggregateFlip ;
2020-04-16 22:43:33 -04:00
inline void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( uint32_t nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
if ( nIndex < UI . nCustomCount )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
S . nForceGroupUI = UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nGroupMask ;
MicroProfileSetAggregateFrames ( UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nAggregateFlip ) ;
S . fReferenceTime = UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . fReference ;
S . fRcpReferenceTime = 1.f / UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . fReference ;
UI . nCustomActive = nIndex ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS ; + + i )
if ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ! = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN )
uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ) ;
S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . bGraph = false ;
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nNumTimers ; + + i )
break ;
S . Graph [ i ] . nToken = UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pTimers [ i ] ;
S . Graph [ i ] . nKey = i ;
uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex ( S . Graph [ i ] . nToken ) ;
S . TimerInfo [ nTimerId ] . bGraph = true ;
void MicroProfileCustomGroupToggle ( const char * pCustomName )
uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroupFind ( pCustomName ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( nIndex = = UINT32_MAX | | nIndex = = UI . nCustomActive )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable ( ) ;
MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( nIndex ) ;
void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( const char * pCustomName )
uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroupFind ( pCustomName ) ;
MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable ( nIndex ) ;
void MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable ( )
MicroProfile & S = * MicroProfileGet ( ) ;
S . nForceGroupUI = 0 ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
UI . nCustomActive = UINT32_MAX ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
void MicroProfileCustomGroupAddTimer ( const char * pCustomName , const char * pGroup , const char * pTimer )
uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroupFind ( pCustomName ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
if ( UINT32_MAX = = nIndex )
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
return ;
uint32_t nTimerIndex = UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nNumTimers ;
MP_ASSERT ( nTimerIndex < UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nMaxTimers ) ;
uint64_t nToken = MicroProfileFindToken ( pGroup , pTimer ) ;
MP_ASSERT ( nToken ! = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN ) ; //Timer must be registered first.
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . pTimers [ nTimerIndex ] = nToken ;
uint16_t nGroup = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex ( nToken ) ;
2020-08-23 14:40:39 -04:00
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nGroupMask | = ( 1ULL < < nGroup ) ;
2015-08-17 18:25:21 -03:00
UI . Custom [ nIndex ] . nNumTimers + + ;
# undef UI
# endif
# endif