// Copyright 2018 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <SDL.h>
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/param_package.h"
#include "common/threadsafe_queue.h"
#include "core/frontend/input.h"
#include "input_common/sdl/sdl_impl.h"
#include "input_common/settings.h"

namespace InputCommon::SDL {

namespace {
std::string GetGUID(SDL_Joystick* joystick) {
    const SDL_JoystickGUID guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(joystick);
    char guid_str[33];
    SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str));
    return guid_str;

/// Creates a ParamPackage from an SDL_Event that can directly be used to create a ButtonDevice
Common::ParamPackage SDLEventToButtonParamPackage(SDLState& state, const SDL_Event& event);
} // Anonymous namespace

static int SDLEventWatcher(void* user_data, SDL_Event* event) {
    auto* const sdl_state = static_cast<SDLState*>(user_data);

    // Don't handle the event if we are configuring
    if (sdl_state->polling) {
    } else {

    return 0;

class SDLJoystick {
    SDLJoystick(std::string guid_, int port_, SDL_Joystick* joystick,
                SDL_GameController* gamecontroller)
        : guid{std::move(guid_)}, port{port_}, sdl_joystick{joystick, &SDL_JoystickClose},
          sdl_controller{gamecontroller, &SDL_GameControllerClose} {}

    void SetButton(int button, bool value) {
        std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
        state.buttons.insert_or_assign(button, value);

    bool GetButton(int button) const {
        std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
        return state.buttons.at(button);

    void SetAxis(int axis, Sint16 value) {
        std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
        state.axes.insert_or_assign(axis, value);

    float GetAxis(int axis, float range) const {
        std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
        return state.axes.at(axis) / (32767.0f * range);

    std::tuple<float, float> GetAnalog(int axis_x, int axis_y, float range) const {
        float x = GetAxis(axis_x, range);
        float y = GetAxis(axis_y, range);
        y = -y; // 3DS uses an y-axis inverse from SDL

        // Make sure the coordinates are in the unit circle,
        // otherwise normalize it.
        float r = x * x + y * y;
        if (r > 1.0f) {
            r = std::sqrt(r);
            x /= r;
            y /= r;

        return std::make_tuple(x, y);

    void SetHat(int hat, Uint8 direction) {
        std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
        state.hats.insert_or_assign(hat, direction);

    bool GetHatDirection(int hat, Uint8 direction) const {
        std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
        return (state.hats.at(hat) & direction) != 0;
     * The guid of the joystick
    const std::string& GetGUID() const {
        return guid;

     * The number of joystick from the same type that were connected before this joystick
    int GetPort() const {
        return port;

    SDL_Joystick* GetSDLJoystick() const {
        return sdl_joystick.get();

    void SetSDLJoystick(SDL_Joystick* joystick, SDL_GameController* controller) {

    SDL_GameController* GetSDLGameController() const {
        return sdl_controller.get();

    struct State {
        std::unordered_map<int, bool> buttons;
        std::unordered_map<int, Sint16> axes;
        std::unordered_map<int, Uint8> hats;
    } state;
    std::string guid;
    int port;
    std::unique_ptr<SDL_Joystick, decltype(&SDL_JoystickClose)> sdl_joystick;
    std::unique_ptr<SDL_GameController, decltype(&SDL_GameControllerClose)> sdl_controller;
    mutable std::mutex mutex;

std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> SDLState::GetSDLJoystickByGUID(const std::string& guid, int port) {
    std::lock_guard lock{joystick_map_mutex};
    const auto it = joystick_map.find(guid);
    if (it != joystick_map.end()) {
        while (it->second.size() <= static_cast<std::size_t>(port)) {
            auto joystick = std::make_shared<SDLJoystick>(guid, static_cast<int>(it->second.size()),
                                                          nullptr, nullptr);
        return it->second[port];
    auto joystick = std::make_shared<SDLJoystick>(guid, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
    return joystick_map[guid].emplace_back(std::move(joystick));

std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> SDLState::GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(SDL_JoystickID sdl_id) {
    auto sdl_joystick = SDL_JoystickFromInstanceID(sdl_id);
    auto sdl_controller = SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(sdl_id);
    const std::string guid = GetGUID(sdl_joystick);

    std::lock_guard lock{joystick_map_mutex};
    const auto map_it = joystick_map.find(guid);
    if (map_it != joystick_map.end()) {
        const auto vec_it =
            std::find_if(map_it->second.begin(), map_it->second.end(),
                         [&sdl_joystick](const std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick>& joystick) {
                             return sdl_joystick == joystick->GetSDLJoystick();
        if (vec_it != map_it->second.end()) {
            // This is the common case: There is already an existing SDL_Joystick maped to a
            // SDLJoystick. return the SDLJoystick
            return *vec_it;

        // Search for a SDLJoystick without a mapped SDL_Joystick...
        const auto nullptr_it = std::find_if(map_it->second.begin(), map_it->second.end(),
                                             [](const std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick>& joystick) {
                                                 return !joystick->GetSDLJoystick();
        if (nullptr_it != map_it->second.end()) {
            // ... and map it
            (*nullptr_it)->SetSDLJoystick(sdl_joystick, sdl_controller);
            return *nullptr_it;

        // There is no SDLJoystick without a mapped SDL_Joystick
        // Create a new SDLJoystick
        const int port = static_cast<int>(map_it->second.size());
        auto joystick = std::make_shared<SDLJoystick>(guid, port, sdl_joystick, sdl_controller);
        return map_it->second.emplace_back(std::move(joystick));

    auto joystick = std::make_shared<SDLJoystick>(guid, 0, sdl_joystick, sdl_controller);
    return joystick_map[guid].emplace_back(std::move(joystick));

void SDLState::InitJoystick(int joystick_index) {
    SDL_Joystick* sdl_joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(joystick_index);
    SDL_GameController* sdl_gamecontroller = nullptr;
    if (SDL_IsGameController(joystick_index)) {
        sdl_gamecontroller = SDL_GameControllerOpen(joystick_index);
    if (!sdl_joystick) {
        LOG_ERROR(Input, "failed to open joystick {}", joystick_index);
    const std::string guid = GetGUID(sdl_joystick);

    std::lock_guard lock{joystick_map_mutex};
    if (joystick_map.find(guid) == joystick_map.end()) {
        auto joystick = std::make_shared<SDLJoystick>(guid, 0, sdl_joystick, sdl_gamecontroller);
    auto& joystick_guid_list = joystick_map[guid];
    const auto it = std::find_if(
        joystick_guid_list.begin(), joystick_guid_list.end(),
        [](const std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick>& joystick) { return !joystick->GetSDLJoystick(); });
    if (it != joystick_guid_list.end()) {
        (*it)->SetSDLJoystick(sdl_joystick, sdl_gamecontroller);
    const int port = static_cast<int>(joystick_guid_list.size());
    auto joystick = std::make_shared<SDLJoystick>(guid, port, sdl_joystick, sdl_gamecontroller);

void SDLState::CloseJoystick(SDL_Joystick* sdl_joystick) {
    const std::string guid = GetGUID(sdl_joystick);

    std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
        std::lock_guard lock{joystick_map_mutex};
        // This call to guid is safe since the joystick is guaranteed to be in the map
        const auto& joystick_guid_list = joystick_map[guid];
        const auto joystick_it =
            std::find_if(joystick_guid_list.begin(), joystick_guid_list.end(),
                         [&sdl_joystick](const std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick>& joystick) {
                             return joystick->GetSDLJoystick() == sdl_joystick;
        joystick = *joystick_it;

    // Destruct SDL_Joystick outside the lock guard because SDL can internally call the
    // event callback which locks the mutex again.
    joystick->SetSDLJoystick(nullptr, nullptr);

void SDLState::HandleGameControllerEvent(const SDL_Event& event) {
    switch (event.type) {
        if (auto joystick = GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jbutton.which)) {
            joystick->SetButton(event.jbutton.button, false);
        if (auto joystick = GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jbutton.which)) {
            joystick->SetButton(event.jbutton.button, true);
        if (auto joystick = GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jhat.which)) {
            joystick->SetHat(event.jhat.hat, event.jhat.value);
        if (auto joystick = GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jaxis.which)) {
            joystick->SetAxis(event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value);
        LOG_DEBUG(Input, "Controller removed with Instance_ID {}", event.jdevice.which);
        LOG_DEBUG(Input, "Controller connected with device index {}", event.jdevice.which);

void SDLState::CloseJoysticks() {
    std::lock_guard lock{joystick_map_mutex};

class SDLButton final : public Input::ButtonDevice {
    explicit SDLButton(std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick_, int button_)
        : joystick(std::move(joystick_)), button(button_) {}

    bool GetStatus() const override {
        return joystick->GetButton(button);

    std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
    int button;

class SDLDirectionButton final : public Input::ButtonDevice {
    explicit SDLDirectionButton(std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick_, int hat_, Uint8 direction_)
        : joystick(std::move(joystick_)), hat(hat_), direction(direction_) {}

    bool GetStatus() const override {
        return joystick->GetHatDirection(hat, direction);

    std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
    int hat;
    Uint8 direction;

class SDLAxisButton final : public Input::ButtonDevice {
    explicit SDLAxisButton(std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick_, int axis_, float threshold_,
                           bool trigger_if_greater_)
        : joystick(std::move(joystick_)), axis(axis_), threshold(threshold_),
          trigger_if_greater(trigger_if_greater_) {}

    bool GetStatus() const override {
        const float axis_value = joystick->GetAxis(axis, 1.0f);
        if (trigger_if_greater) {
            return axis_value > threshold;
        return axis_value < threshold;

    std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
    int axis;
    float threshold;
    bool trigger_if_greater;

class SDLAnalog final : public Input::AnalogDevice {
    SDLAnalog(std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick_, int axis_x_, int axis_y_, float deadzone_,
              float range_)
        : joystick(std::move(joystick_)), axis_x(axis_x_), axis_y(axis_y_), deadzone(deadzone_),
          range(range_) {}

    std::tuple<float, float> GetStatus() const override {
        const auto [x, y] = joystick->GetAnalog(axis_x, axis_y, range);
        const float r = std::sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
        if (r > deadzone) {
            return std::make_tuple(x / r * (r - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone),
                                   y / r * (r - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone));
        return std::make_tuple<float, float>(0.0f, 0.0f);

    bool GetAnalogDirectionStatus(Input::AnalogDirection direction) const override {
        const auto [x, y] = GetStatus();
        const float directional_deadzone = 0.5f;
        switch (direction) {
        case Input::AnalogDirection::RIGHT:
            return x > directional_deadzone;
        case Input::AnalogDirection::LEFT:
            return x < -directional_deadzone;
        case Input::AnalogDirection::UP:
            return y > directional_deadzone;
        case Input::AnalogDirection::DOWN:
            return y < -directional_deadzone;
        return false;

    std::shared_ptr<SDLJoystick> joystick;
    const int axis_x;
    const int axis_y;
    const float deadzone;
    const float range;

/// A button device factory that creates button devices from SDL joystick
class SDLButtonFactory final : public Input::Factory<Input::ButtonDevice> {
    explicit SDLButtonFactory(SDLState& state_) : state(state_) {}

     * Creates a button device from a joystick button
     * @param params contains parameters for creating the device:
     *     - "guid": the guid of the joystick to bind
     *     - "port": the nth joystick of the same type to bind
     *     - "button"(optional): the index of the button to bind
     *     - "hat"(optional): the index of the hat to bind as direction buttons
     *     - "axis"(optional): the index of the axis to bind
     *     - "direction"(only used for hat): the direction name of the hat to bind. Can be "up",
     *         "down", "left" or "right"
     *     - "threshold"(only used for axis): a float value in (-1.0, 1.0) which the button is
     *         triggered if the axis value crosses
     *     - "direction"(only used for axis): "+" means the button is triggered when the axis
     * value is greater than the threshold; "-" means the button is triggered when the axis
     * value is smaller than the threshold
    std::unique_ptr<Input::ButtonDevice> Create(const Common::ParamPackage& params) override {
        const std::string guid = params.Get("guid", "0");
        const int port = params.Get("port", 0);

        auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickByGUID(guid, port);

        if (params.Has("hat")) {
            const int hat = params.Get("hat", 0);
            const std::string direction_name = params.Get("direction", "");
            Uint8 direction;
            if (direction_name == "up") {
                direction = SDL_HAT_UP;
            } else if (direction_name == "down") {
                direction = SDL_HAT_DOWN;
            } else if (direction_name == "left") {
                direction = SDL_HAT_LEFT;
            } else if (direction_name == "right") {
                direction = SDL_HAT_RIGHT;
            } else {
                direction = 0;
            // This is necessary so accessing GetHat with hat won't crash
            joystick->SetHat(hat, SDL_HAT_CENTERED);
            return std::make_unique<SDLDirectionButton>(joystick, hat, direction);

        if (params.Has("axis")) {
            const int axis = params.Get("axis", 0);
            const float threshold = params.Get("threshold", 0.5f);
            const std::string direction_name = params.Get("direction", "");
            bool trigger_if_greater;
            if (direction_name == "+") {
                trigger_if_greater = true;
            } else if (direction_name == "-") {
                trigger_if_greater = false;
            } else {
                trigger_if_greater = true;
                LOG_ERROR(Input, "Unknown direction {}", direction_name);
            // This is necessary so accessing GetAxis with axis won't crash
            joystick->SetAxis(axis, 0);
            return std::make_unique<SDLAxisButton>(joystick, axis, threshold, trigger_if_greater);

        const int button = params.Get("button", 0);
        // This is necessary so accessing GetButton with button won't crash
        joystick->SetButton(button, false);
        return std::make_unique<SDLButton>(joystick, button);

    SDLState& state;

/// An analog device factory that creates analog devices from SDL joystick
class SDLAnalogFactory final : public Input::Factory<Input::AnalogDevice> {
    explicit SDLAnalogFactory(SDLState& state_) : state(state_) {}
     * Creates analog device from joystick axes
     * @param params contains parameters for creating the device:
     *     - "guid": the guid of the joystick to bind
     *     - "port": the nth joystick of the same type
     *     - "axis_x": the index of the axis to be bind as x-axis
     *     - "axis_y": the index of the axis to be bind as y-axis
    std::unique_ptr<Input::AnalogDevice> Create(const Common::ParamPackage& params) override {
        const std::string guid = params.Get("guid", "0");
        const int port = params.Get("port", 0);
        const int axis_x = params.Get("axis_x", 0);
        const int axis_y = params.Get("axis_y", 1);
        const float deadzone = std::clamp(params.Get("deadzone", 0.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f);
        const float range = std::clamp(params.Get("range", 1.0f), 0.50f, 1.50f);
        auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickByGUID(guid, port);

        // This is necessary so accessing GetAxis with axis_x and axis_y won't crash
        joystick->SetAxis(axis_x, 0);
        joystick->SetAxis(axis_y, 0);
        return std::make_unique<SDLAnalog>(joystick, axis_x, axis_y, deadzone, range);

    SDLState& state;

SDLState::SDLState() {
    using namespace Input;
    analog_factory = std::make_shared<SDLAnalogFactory>(*this);
    button_factory = std::make_shared<SDLButtonFactory>(*this);
    RegisterFactory<AnalogDevice>("sdl", analog_factory);
    RegisterFactory<ButtonDevice>("sdl", button_factory);

    // If the frontend is going to manage the event loop, then we dont start one here
    start_thread = !SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK);
    if (start_thread && SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) {
        LOG_CRITICAL(Input, "SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) failed with: {}", SDL_GetError());
    has_gamecontroller = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER);
        LOG_ERROR(Input, "Failed to set hint for background events with: {}", SDL_GetError());

    SDL_AddEventWatch(&SDLEventWatcher, this);

    initialized = true;
    if (start_thread) {
        poll_thread = std::thread([this] {
            using namespace std::chrono_literals;
            while (initialized) {
    // Because the events for joystick connection happens before we have our event watcher added, we
    // can just open all the joysticks right here
    for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); ++i) {

SDLState::~SDLState() {
    using namespace Input;

    SDL_DelEventWatch(&SDLEventWatcher, this);

    initialized = false;
    if (start_thread) {

std::vector<Common::ParamPackage> SDLState::GetInputDevices() {
    std::scoped_lock lock(joystick_map_mutex);
    std::vector<Common::ParamPackage> devices;
    for (const auto& [key, value] : joystick_map) {
        for (const auto& joystick : value) {
            auto joy = joystick->GetSDLJoystick();
            if (auto controller = joystick->GetSDLGameController()) {
                std::string name =
                    fmt::format("{} {}", SDL_GameControllerName(controller), joystick->GetPort());
                    {"class", "sdl"},
                    {"display", std::move(name)},
                    {"guid", joystick->GetGUID()},
                    {"port", std::to_string(joystick->GetPort())},
            } else if (joy) {
                std::string name = fmt::format("{} {}", SDL_JoystickName(joy), joystick->GetPort());
                    {"class", "sdl"},
                    {"display", std::move(name)},
                    {"guid", joystick->GetGUID()},
                    {"port", std::to_string(joystick->GetPort())},
    return devices;

namespace {
Common::ParamPackage BuildAnalogParamPackageForButton(int port, std::string guid, u8 axis,
                                                      float value = 0.1) {
    Common::ParamPackage params({{"engine", "sdl"}});
    params.Set("port", port);
    params.Set("guid", guid);
    params.Set("axis", axis);
    if (value > 0) {
        params.Set("direction", "+");
        params.Set("threshold", "0.5");
    } else {
        params.Set("direction", "-");
        params.Set("threshold", "-0.5");
    return params;

Common::ParamPackage BuildButtonParamPackageForButton(int port, std::string guid, u8 button) {
    Common::ParamPackage params({{"engine", "sdl"}});
    params.Set("port", port);
    params.Set("guid", guid);
    params.Set("button", button);
    return params;

Common::ParamPackage BuildHatParamPackageForButton(int port, std::string guid, u8 hat, u8 value) {
    Common::ParamPackage params({{"engine", "sdl"}});

    params.Set("port", port);
    params.Set("guid", guid);
    params.Set("hat", hat);
    switch (value) {
    case SDL_HAT_UP:
        params.Set("direction", "up");
    case SDL_HAT_DOWN:
        params.Set("direction", "down");
    case SDL_HAT_LEFT:
        params.Set("direction", "left");
    case SDL_HAT_RIGHT:
        params.Set("direction", "right");
        return {};
    return params;

Common::ParamPackage SDLEventToButtonParamPackage(SDLState& state, const SDL_Event& event) {
    switch (event.type) {
        const auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jaxis.which);
        return BuildAnalogParamPackageForButton(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(),
                                                event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value);
        const auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jbutton.which);
        return BuildButtonParamPackageForButton(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(),
        const auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jhat.which);
        return BuildHatParamPackageForButton(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(),
                                             event.jhat.hat, event.jhat.value);
    return {};

Common::ParamPackage BuildParamPackageForBinding(int port, const std::string& guid,
                                                 const SDL_GameControllerButtonBind& binding) {
    switch (binding.bindType) {
        return BuildAnalogParamPackageForButton(port, guid, binding.value.axis);
        return BuildButtonParamPackageForButton(port, guid, binding.value.button);
        return BuildHatParamPackageForButton(port, guid, binding.value.hat.hat,
    return {};

Common::ParamPackage BuildParamPackageForAnalog(int port, const std::string& guid, int axis_x,
                                                int axis_y) {
    Common::ParamPackage params;
    params.Set("engine", "sdl");
    params.Set("port", port);
    params.Set("guid", guid);
    params.Set("axis_x", axis_x);
    params.Set("axis_y", axis_y);
    return params;
} // Anonymous namespace

ButtonMapping SDLState::GetButtonMappingForDevice(const Common::ParamPackage& params) {
    // This list is missing ZL/ZR since those are not considered buttons in SDL GameController.
    // We will add those afterwards
    // This list also excludes Screenshot since theres not really a mapping for that
    std::unordered_map<Settings::NativeButton::Values, SDL_GameControllerButton>
        switch_to_sdl_button = {
            {Settings::NativeButton::A, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B},
            {Settings::NativeButton::B, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A},
            {Settings::NativeButton::X, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y},
            {Settings::NativeButton::Y, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X},
            {Settings::NativeButton::LStick, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSTICK},
            {Settings::NativeButton::RStick, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSTICK},
            {Settings::NativeButton::L, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER},
            {Settings::NativeButton::R, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER},
            {Settings::NativeButton::Plus, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START},
            {Settings::NativeButton::Minus, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK},
            {Settings::NativeButton::DLeft, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT},
            {Settings::NativeButton::DUp, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP},
            {Settings::NativeButton::DRight, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT},
            {Settings::NativeButton::DDown, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN},
            {Settings::NativeButton::SL, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER},
            {Settings::NativeButton::SR, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER},
            {Settings::NativeButton::Home, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_GUIDE},
    if (!params.Has("guid") || !params.Has("port")) {
        return {};
    const auto joystick = GetSDLJoystickByGUID(params.Get("guid", ""), params.Get("port", 0));
    auto controller = joystick->GetSDLGameController();
    if (!controller) {
        return {};

    ButtonMapping mapping{};
    for (const auto& [switch_button, sdl_button] : switch_to_sdl_button) {
        const auto& binding = SDL_GameControllerGetBindForButton(controller, sdl_button);
        mapping[switch_button] =
            BuildParamPackageForBinding(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(), binding);

    // Add the missing bindings for ZL/ZR
    std::unordered_map<Settings::NativeButton::Values, SDL_GameControllerAxis> switch_to_sdl_axis =
            {Settings::NativeButton::ZL, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT},
            {Settings::NativeButton::ZR, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT},
    for (const auto& [switch_button, sdl_axis] : switch_to_sdl_axis) {
        const auto& binding = SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, sdl_axis);
        mapping[switch_button] =
            BuildParamPackageForBinding(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(), binding);

    return mapping;

AnalogMapping SDLState::GetAnalogMappingForDevice(const Common::ParamPackage& params) {
    if (!params.Has("guid") || !params.Has("port")) {
        return {};
    const auto joystick = GetSDLJoystickByGUID(params.Get("guid", ""), params.Get("port", 0));
    auto controller = joystick->GetSDLGameController();
    if (!controller) {
        return {};

    AnalogMapping mapping = {};
    const auto& binding_left_x =
        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX);
    const auto& binding_left_y =
        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY);
    mapping[Settings::NativeAnalog::LStick] =
        BuildParamPackageForAnalog(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(),
                                   binding_left_x.value.axis, binding_left_y.value.axis);
    const auto& binding_right_x =
        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX);
    const auto& binding_right_y =
        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY);
    mapping[Settings::NativeAnalog::RStick] =
        BuildParamPackageForAnalog(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(),
                                   binding_right_x.value.axis, binding_right_y.value.axis);
    return mapping;

namespace Polling {
class SDLPoller : public InputCommon::Polling::DevicePoller {
    explicit SDLPoller(SDLState& state_) : state(state_) {}

    void Start(const std::string& device_id) override {
        state.polling = true;

    void Stop() override {
        state.polling = false;

    SDLState& state;

class SDLButtonPoller final : public SDLPoller {
    explicit SDLButtonPoller(SDLState& state_) : SDLPoller(state_) {}

    Common::ParamPackage GetNextInput() override {
        SDL_Event event;
        while (state.event_queue.Pop(event)) {
            const auto package = FromEvent(event);
            if (package) {
                return *package;
        return {};
    [[nodiscard]] std::optional<Common::ParamPackage> FromEvent(const SDL_Event& event) const {
        switch (event.type) {
            if (std::abs(event.jaxis.value / 32767.0) < 0.5) {
        case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP:
        case SDL_JOYHATMOTION:
            return {SDLEventToButtonParamPackage(state, event)};
        return std::nullopt;

 * Attempts to match the press to a controller joy axis (left/right stick) and if a match
 * isn't found, checks if the event matches anything from SDLButtonPoller and uses that
 * instead
class SDLAnalogPreferredPoller final : public SDLPoller {
    explicit SDLAnalogPreferredPoller(SDLState& state_)
        : SDLPoller(state_), button_poller(state_) {}

    void Start(const std::string& device_id) override {
        // Load the game controller
        // Reset stored axes
        analog_x_axis = -1;
        analog_y_axis = -1;

    Common::ParamPackage GetNextInput() override {
        SDL_Event event;
        while (state.event_queue.Pop(event)) {
            // Filter out axis events that are below a threshold
            if (event.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION && std::abs(event.jaxis.value / 32767.0) < 0.5) {
            // Simplify controller config by testing if game controller support is enabled.
            if (event.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) {
                const auto axis = event.jaxis.axis;
                const auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jaxis.which);
                const auto controller = joystick->GetSDLGameController();
                if (controller) {
                    const auto axis_left_x =
                        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX)
                    const auto axis_left_y =
                        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY)
                    const auto axis_right_x =
                        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX)
                    const auto axis_right_y =
                        SDL_GameControllerGetBindForAxis(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY)

                    if (axis == axis_left_x || axis == axis_left_y) {
                        analog_x_axis = axis_left_x;
                        analog_y_axis = axis_left_y;
                    } else if (axis == axis_right_x || axis == axis_right_y) {
                        analog_x_axis = axis_right_x;
                        analog_y_axis = axis_right_y;

            // If the press wasn't accepted as a joy axis, check for a button press
            auto button_press = button_poller.FromEvent(event);
            if (button_press) {
                return *button_press;

        if (analog_x_axis != -1 && analog_y_axis != -1) {
            const auto joystick = state.GetSDLJoystickBySDLID(event.jaxis.which);
            auto params = BuildParamPackageForAnalog(joystick->GetPort(), joystick->GetGUID(),
                                                     analog_x_axis, analog_y_axis);
            analog_x_axis = -1;
            analog_y_axis = -1;
            return params;
        return {};

    int analog_x_axis = -1;
    int analog_y_axis = -1;
    SDLButtonPoller button_poller;
} // namespace Polling

SDLState::Pollers SDLState::GetPollers(InputCommon::Polling::DeviceType type) {
    Pollers pollers;

    switch (type) {
    case InputCommon::Polling::DeviceType::AnalogPreferred:
    case InputCommon::Polling::DeviceType::Button:

    return pollers;

} // namespace InputCommon::SDL