// Copyright 2016 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#pragma once

#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "core/hle/ipc.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/domain.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/handle_table.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/hle_ipc.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/kernel.h"

namespace IPC {

class RequestHelperBase {
    Kernel::HLERequestContext* context = nullptr;
    u32* cmdbuf;
    ptrdiff_t index = 0;

    RequestHelperBase(u32* command_buffer) : cmdbuf(command_buffer) {}

    RequestHelperBase(Kernel::HLERequestContext& context)
        : context(&context), cmdbuf(context.CommandBuffer()) {}

    void ValidateHeader() {
        // DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(index == TotalSize(), "Operations do not match the header (cmd 0x%x)",
        //                 header.raw);

    void Skip(unsigned size_in_words, bool set_to_null) {
        if (set_to_null)
            memset(cmdbuf + index, 0, size_in_words * sizeof(u32));
        index += size_in_words;

     * Aligns the current position forward to a 16-byte boundary, padding with zeros.
    void AlignWithPadding() {
        if (index & 3) {
            Skip(4 - (index & 3), true);

    unsigned GetCurrentOffset() const {
        return static_cast<unsigned>(index);

class RequestBuilder : public RequestHelperBase {
    RequestBuilder(u32* command_buffer) : RequestHelperBase(command_buffer) {}

    RequestBuilder(Kernel::HLERequestContext& context, unsigned normal_params_size,
                   u32 num_handles_to_copy = 0, u32 num_handles_to_move = 0,
                   u32 num_domain_objects = 0)
        : RequestHelperBase(context) {
        memset(cmdbuf, 0, sizeof(u32) * IPC::COMMAND_BUFFER_LENGTH);

        IPC::CommandHeader header{};

        // The entire size of the raw data section in u32 units, including the 16 bytes of mandatory
        // padding.
        u32 raw_data_size = sizeof(IPC::DataPayloadHeader) / 4 + 4 + normal_params_size;
        if (context.IsDomain())
            raw_data_size += sizeof(DomainMessageHeader) / 4 + num_domain_objects;

        if (num_handles_to_copy || num_handles_to_move) {

        if (header.enable_handle_descriptor) {
            IPC::HandleDescriptorHeader handle_descriptor_header{};
            Skip(num_handles_to_copy + num_handles_to_move, true);


        if (context.IsDomain()) {
            IPC::DomainMessageHeader domain_header{};
            domain_header.num_objects = num_domain_objects;

        IPC::DataPayloadHeader data_payload_header{};
        data_payload_header.magic = Common::MakeMagic('S', 'F', 'C', 'O');

    template <class T>
    void PushIpcInterface() {

    // Validate on destruction, as there shouldn't be any case where we don't want it
    ~RequestBuilder() {

    template <typename T>
    void Push(T value);

    template <typename First, typename... Other>
    void Push(const First& first_value, const Other&... other_values);

     * @brief Copies the content of the given trivially copyable class to the buffer as a normal
     * param
     * @note: The input class must be correctly packed/padded to fit hardware layout.
    template <typename T>
    void PushRaw(const T& value);

    template <typename... O>
    void PushMoveObjects(Kernel::SharedPtr<O>... pointers);

    template <typename... O>
    void PushCopyObjects(Kernel::SharedPtr<O>... pointers);

/// Push ///

template <>
inline void RequestBuilder::Push(u32 value) {
    cmdbuf[index++] = value;

template <typename T>
void RequestBuilder::PushRaw(const T& value) {
    std::memcpy(cmdbuf + index, &value, sizeof(T));
    index += (sizeof(T) + 3) / 4; // round up to word length

template <>
inline void RequestBuilder::Push(ResultCode value) {
    // Result codes are actually 64-bit in the IPC buffer, but only the high part is discarded.

template <>
inline void RequestBuilder::Push(u8 value) {

template <>
inline void RequestBuilder::Push(u16 value) {

template <>
inline void RequestBuilder::Push(u64 value) {
    Push(static_cast<u32>(value >> 32));

template <>
inline void RequestBuilder::Push(bool value) {

template <typename First, typename... Other>
void RequestBuilder::Push(const First& first_value, const Other&... other_values) {

template <typename... O>
inline void RequestBuilder::PushCopyObjects(Kernel::SharedPtr<O>... pointers) {
    auto objects = {pointers...};
    for (auto& object : objects) {

template <typename... O>
inline void RequestBuilder::PushMoveObjects(Kernel::SharedPtr<O>... pointers) {
    auto objects = {pointers...};
    for (auto& object : objects) {

class RequestParser : public RequestHelperBase {
    RequestParser(u32* command_buffer) : RequestHelperBase(command_buffer) {}

    RequestParser(Kernel::HLERequestContext& context) : RequestHelperBase(context) {
        ASSERT_MSG(context.GetDataPayloadOffset(), "context is incomplete");
        Skip(context.GetDataPayloadOffset(), false);
        // Skip the u64 command id, it's already stored in the context
        static constexpr u32 CommandIdSize = 2;
        Skip(CommandIdSize, false);

    RequestBuilder MakeBuilder(u32 normal_params_size, u32 num_handles_to_copy,
                               u32 num_handles_to_move, u32 num_domain_objects,
                               bool validate_header = true) {
        if (validate_header) {

        return {*context, normal_params_size, num_handles_to_copy, num_handles_to_move,

    template <typename T>
    T Pop();

    template <typename T>
    void Pop(T& value);

    template <typename First, typename... Other>
    void Pop(First& first_value, Other&... other_values);

     * @brief Reads the next normal parameters as a struct, by copying it
     * @note: The output class must be correctly packed/padded to fit hardware layout.
    template <typename T>
    void PopRaw(T& value);

     * @brief Reads the next normal parameters as a struct, by copying it into a new value
     * @note: The output class must be correctly packed/padded to fit hardware layout.
    template <typename T>
    T PopRaw();

    template <typename T>
    Kernel::SharedPtr<T> GetMoveObject(size_t index);

    template <typename T>
    Kernel::SharedPtr<T> GetCopyObject(size_t index);

/// Pop ///

template <>
inline u32 RequestParser::Pop() {
    return cmdbuf[index++];

template <typename T>
void RequestParser::PopRaw(T& value) {
    std::memcpy(&value, cmdbuf + index, sizeof(T));
    index += (sizeof(T) + 3) / 4; // round up to word length

template <typename T>
T RequestParser::PopRaw() {
    T value;
    return value;

template <>
inline u8 RequestParser::Pop() {
    return PopRaw<u8>();

template <>
inline u16 RequestParser::Pop() {
    return PopRaw<u16>();

template <>
inline u64 RequestParser::Pop() {
    const u64 lsw = Pop<u32>();
    const u64 msw = Pop<u32>();
    return msw << 32 | lsw;

template <>
inline bool RequestParser::Pop() {
    return Pop<u8>() != 0;

template <>
inline ResultCode RequestParser::Pop() {
    return ResultCode{Pop<u32>()};

template <typename T>
void RequestParser::Pop(T& value) {
    value = Pop<T>();

template <typename First, typename... Other>
void RequestParser::Pop(First& first_value, Other&... other_values) {
    first_value = Pop<First>();

template <typename T>
Kernel::SharedPtr<T> RequestParser::GetMoveObject(size_t index) {
    return context->GetMoveObject<T>(index);

template <typename T>
Kernel::SharedPtr<T> RequestParser::GetCopyObject(size_t index) {
    return context->GetCopyObject<T>(index);

} // namespace IPC