Subv 0f8be2d2cc HLE/Applets: Implemented a dummy Mii Selector applet.
This prevents some games (like Super Mario 3D Land) from freezing when trying to launch it, however, it's not complete and won't let you go past Mii selection as the parameter structure hasn't been reverse engineered yet.
2016-03-12 10:59:37 -05:00

460 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "common/common_paths.h"
#include "common/file_util.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "core/hle/applets/applet.h"
#include "core/hle/service/service.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt_a.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt_s.h"
#include "core/hle/service/apt/apt_u.h"
#include "core/hle/service/fs/archive.h"
#include "core/hle/hle.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/event.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/mutex.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/process.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/shared_memory.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/thread.h"
namespace Service {
namespace APT {
// Address used for shared font (as observed on HW)
// TODO(bunnei): This is the hard-coded address where we currently dump the shared font from via
// This is technically a hack, and will not work at any
// address other than 0x18000000 due to internal pointers in the shared font dump that would need to
// be relocated. This might be fixed by dumping the shared font @ address 0x00000000 and then
// correctly mapping it in Citra, however we still do not understand how the mapping is determined.
static const VAddr SHARED_FONT_VADDR = 0x18000000;
/// Handle to shared memory region designated to for shared system font
static Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::SharedMemory> shared_font_mem;
static Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::Mutex> lock;
static Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::Event> notification_event; ///< APT notification event
static Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::Event> parameter_event; ///< APT parameter event
static std::shared_ptr<std::vector<u8>> shared_font;
static u32 cpu_percent; ///< CPU time available to the running application
/// Parameter data to be returned in the next call to Glance/ReceiveParameter
static MessageParameter next_parameter;
void SendParameter(const MessageParameter& parameter) {
next_parameter = parameter;
// Signal the event to let the application know that a new parameter is ready to be read
void Initialize(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[1];
u32 flags = cmd_buff[2];
cmd_buff[2] = IPC::MoveHandleDesc(2);
cmd_buff[3] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(notification_event).MoveFrom();
cmd_buff[4] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(parameter_event).MoveFrom();
// TODO(bunnei): Check if these events are cleared every time Initialize is called.
ASSERT_MSG((nullptr != lock), "Cannot initialize without lock");
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called app_id=0x%08X, flags=0x%08X", app_id, flags);
void GetSharedFont(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
if (shared_font != nullptr) {
// TODO(yuriks): This is a hack to keep this working right now even with our completely
// broken shared memory system.
shared_font_mem->fixed_address = SHARED_FONT_VADDR;
shared_font, 0, shared_font_mem->size, Kernel::MemoryState::Shared);
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x44, 2, 2);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = SHARED_FONT_VADDR;
cmd_buff[3] = IPC::MoveHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[4] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(shared_font_mem).MoveFrom();
} else {
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x44, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = -1; // Generic error (not really possible to verify this on hardware)
LOG_ERROR(Kernel_SVC, "called, but %s has not been loaded!", SHARED_FONT);
void NotifyToWait(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) app_id=%u", app_id);
void GetLockHandle(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
// Bits [0:2] are the applet type (System, Library, etc)
// Bit 5 tells the application that there's a pending APT parameter,
// this will cause the app to wait until parameter_event is signaled.
u32 applet_attributes = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = applet_attributes; // Applet Attributes, this value is passed to Enable.
cmd_buff[3] = 0; // Least significant bit = power button state
cmd_buff[4] = IPC::CopyHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[5] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(lock).MoveFrom();
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called handle=0x%08X applet_attributes=0x%08X", cmd_buff[5], applet_attributes);
void Enable(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 attributes = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
parameter_event->Signal(); // Let the application know that it has been started
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called attributes=0x%08X", attributes);
void GetAppletManInfo(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 unk = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = 0;
cmd_buff[3] = 0;
cmd_buff[4] = static_cast<u32>(AppletId::HomeMenu); // Home menu AppID
cmd_buff[5] = static_cast<u32>(AppletId::Application); // TODO(purpasmart96): Do this correctly
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called unk=0x%08X", unk);
void IsRegistered(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
// TODO(Subv): An application is considered "registered" if it has already called APT::Enable
// handle this properly once we implement multiprocess support.
cmd_buff[2] = 0; // Set to not registered by default
if (app_id == static_cast<u32>(AppletId::AnyLibraryApplet)) {
cmd_buff[2] = HLE::Applets::IsLibraryAppletRunning() ? 1 : 0;
} else if (auto applet = HLE::Applets::Applet::Get(static_cast<AppletId>(app_id))) {
cmd_buff[2] = 1; // Set to registered
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called app_id=0x%08X", app_id);
void InquireNotification(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[1];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = static_cast<u32>(SignalType::None); // Signal type
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called app_id=0x%08X", app_id);
void SendParameter(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 src_app_id = cmd_buff[1];
u32 dst_app_id = cmd_buff[2];
u32 signal_type = cmd_buff[3];
u32 buffer_size = cmd_buff[4];
u32 value = cmd_buff[5];
u32 handle = cmd_buff[6];
u32 size = cmd_buff[7];
u32 buffer = cmd_buff[8];
std::shared_ptr<HLE::Applets::Applet> dest_applet = HLE::Applets::Applet::Get(static_cast<AppletId>(dst_app_id));
if (dest_applet == nullptr) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "Unknown applet id=0x%08X", dst_app_id);
cmd_buff[1] = -1; // TODO(Subv): Find the right error code
MessageParameter param;
param.buffer_size = buffer_size;
param.destination_id = dst_app_id;
param.sender_id = src_app_id;
param.object = Kernel::g_handle_table.GetGeneric(handle);
param.signal = signal_type; = Memory::GetPointer(buffer);
cmd_buff[1] = dest_applet->ReceiveParameter(param).raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called src_app_id=0x%08X, dst_app_id=0x%08X, signal_type=0x%08X,"
"buffer_size=0x%08X, value=0x%08X, handle=0x%08X, size=0x%08X, in_param_buffer_ptr=0x%08X",
src_app_id, dst_app_id, signal_type, buffer_size, value, handle, size, buffer);
void ReceiveParameter(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[1];
u32 buffer_size = cmd_buff[2];
VAddr buffer = cmd_buff[0x104 >> 2];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = next_parameter.sender_id;
cmd_buff[3] = next_parameter.signal; // Signal type
cmd_buff[4] = next_parameter.buffer_size; // Parameter buffer size
cmd_buff[5] = 0x10;
cmd_buff[6] = 0;
if (next_parameter.object != nullptr)
cmd_buff[6] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(next_parameter.object).MoveFrom();
cmd_buff[7] = (next_parameter.buffer_size << 14) | 2;
cmd_buff[8] = buffer;
if (
memcpy(Memory::GetPointer(buffer),, std::min(buffer_size, next_parameter.buffer_size));
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "called app_id=0x%08X, buffer_size=0x%08X", app_id, buffer_size);
void GlanceParameter(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[1];
u32 buffer_size = cmd_buff[2];
VAddr buffer = cmd_buff[0x104 >> 2];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = next_parameter.sender_id;
cmd_buff[3] = next_parameter.signal; // Signal type
cmd_buff[4] = next_parameter.buffer_size; // Parameter buffer size
cmd_buff[5] = 0x10;
cmd_buff[6] = 0;
if (next_parameter.object != nullptr)
cmd_buff[6] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(next_parameter.object).MoveFrom();
cmd_buff[7] = (next_parameter.buffer_size << 14) | 2;
cmd_buff[8] = buffer;
if (
memcpy(Memory::GetPointer(buffer),, std::min(buffer_size, next_parameter.buffer_size));
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "called app_id=0x%08X, buffer_size=0x%08X", app_id, buffer_size);
void CancelParameter(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 flag1 = cmd_buff[1];
u32 unk = cmd_buff[2];
u32 flag2 = cmd_buff[3];
u32 app_id = cmd_buff[4];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = 1; // Set to Success
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called flag1=0x%08X, unk=0x%08X, flag2=0x%08X, app_id=0x%08X",
flag1, unk, flag2, app_id);
void PrepareToStartApplication(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 title_info1 = cmd_buff[1];
u32 title_info2 = cmd_buff[2];
u32 title_info3 = cmd_buff[3];
u32 title_info4 = cmd_buff[4];
u32 flags = cmd_buff[5];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called title_info1=0x%08X, title_info2=0x%08X, title_info3=0x%08X,"
"title_info4=0x%08X, flags=0x%08X", title_info1, title_info2, title_info3, title_info4, flags);
void StartApplication(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 buffer1_size = cmd_buff[1];
u32 buffer2_size = cmd_buff[2];
u32 flag = cmd_buff[3];
u32 size1 = cmd_buff[4];
u32 buffer1_ptr = cmd_buff[5];
u32 size2 = cmd_buff[6];
u32 buffer2_ptr = cmd_buff[7];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called buffer1_size=0x%08X, buffer2_size=0x%08X, flag=0x%08X,"
"size1=0x%08X, buffer1_ptr=0x%08X, size2=0x%08X, buffer2_ptr=0x%08X",
buffer1_size, buffer2_size, flag, size1, buffer1_ptr, size2, buffer2_ptr);
void AppletUtility(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
// These are from 3dbrew - I'm not really sure what they're used for.
u32 command = cmd_buff[1];
u32 buffer1_size = cmd_buff[2];
u32 buffer2_size = cmd_buff[3];
u32 buffer1_addr = cmd_buff[5];
u32 buffer2_addr = cmd_buff[65];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called command=0x%08X, buffer1_size=0x%08X, buffer2_size=0x%08X, "
"buffer1_addr=0x%08X, buffer2_addr=0x%08X", command, buffer1_size, buffer2_size,
buffer1_addr, buffer2_addr);
void SetAppCpuTimeLimit(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 value = cmd_buff[1];
cpu_percent = cmd_buff[2];
if (value != 1) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "This value should be one, but is actually %u!", value);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called cpu_percent=%u, value=%u", cpu_percent, value);
void GetAppCpuTimeLimit(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u32 value = cmd_buff[1];
if (value != 1) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "This value should be one, but is actually %u!", value);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw; // No error
cmd_buff[2] = cpu_percent;
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(STUBBED) called value=%u", value);
void PrepareToStartLibraryApplet(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
AppletId applet_id = static_cast<AppletId>(cmd_buff[1]);
auto applet = HLE::Applets::Applet::Get(applet_id);
if (applet) {
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "applet has already been started id=%08X", applet_id);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
cmd_buff[1] = HLE::Applets::Applet::Create(applet_id).raw;
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called applet_id=%08X", applet_id);
void PreloadLibraryApplet(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
AppletId applet_id = static_cast<AppletId>(cmd_buff[1]);
auto applet = HLE::Applets::Applet::Get(applet_id);
if (applet) {
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "applet has already been started id=%08X", applet_id);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
cmd_buff[1] = HLE::Applets::Applet::Create(applet_id).raw;
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called applet_id=%08X", applet_id);
void StartLibraryApplet(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
AppletId applet_id = static_cast<AppletId>(cmd_buff[1]);
std::shared_ptr<HLE::Applets::Applet> applet = HLE::Applets::Applet::Get(applet_id);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_APT, "called applet_id=%08X", applet_id);
if (applet == nullptr) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_APT, "unknown applet id=%08X", applet_id);
cmd_buff[1] = -1; // TODO(Subv): Find the right error code
AppletStartupParameter parameter;
parameter.buffer_size = cmd_buff[2];
parameter.object = Kernel::g_handle_table.GetGeneric(cmd_buff[4]); = Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buff[6]);
cmd_buff[1] = applet->Start(parameter).raw;
void GetAppletInfo(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
auto app_id = static_cast<AppletId>(cmd_buff[1]);
if (auto applet = HLE::Applets::Applet::Get(app_id)) {
// TODO(Subv): Get the title id for the current applet and write it in the response[2-3]
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[4] = static_cast<u32>(Service::FS::MediaType::NAND);
cmd_buff[5] = 1; // Registered
cmd_buff[6] = 1; // Loaded
cmd_buff[7] = 0; // Applet Attributes
} else {
cmd_buff[1] = ResultCode(ErrorDescription::NotFound, ErrorModule::Applet,
ErrorSummary::NotFound, ErrorLevel::Status).raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "(stubbed) called appid=%u", app_id);
void Init() {
AddService(new APT_A_Interface);
AddService(new APT_S_Interface);
AddService(new APT_U_Interface);
// Load the shared system font (if available).
// The expected format is a decrypted, uncompressed BCFNT file with the 0x80 byte header
// generated by the APT:U service. The best way to get is by dumping it from RAM. We've provided
// a homebrew app to do this: Put the resulting file
// "shared_font.bin" in the Citra "sysdata" directory.
std::string filepath = FileUtil::GetUserPath(D_SYSDATA_IDX) + SHARED_FONT;
FileUtil::CreateFullPath(filepath); // Create path if not already created
FileUtil::IOFile file(filepath, "rb");
if (file.IsOpen()) {
// Read shared font data
shared_font = std::make_shared<std::vector<u8>>((size_t)file.GetSize());
file.ReadBytes(shared_font->data(), shared_font->size());
// Create shared font memory object
using Kernel::MemoryPermission;
shared_font_mem = Kernel::SharedMemory::Create(3 * 1024 * 1024, // 3MB
MemoryPermission::ReadWrite, MemoryPermission::Read, "APT_U:shared_font_mem");
} else {
LOG_WARNING(Service_APT, "Unable to load shared font: %s", filepath.c_str());
shared_font_mem = nullptr;
lock = Kernel::Mutex::Create(false, "APT_U:Lock");
cpu_percent = 0;
// TODO(bunnei): Check if these are created in Initialize or on APT process startup.
notification_event = Kernel::Event::Create(RESETTYPE_ONESHOT, "APT_U:Notification");
parameter_event = Kernel::Event::Create(RESETTYPE_ONESHOT, "APT_U:Start");
next_parameter.signal = static_cast<u32>(SignalType::AppJustStarted);
next_parameter.destination_id = 0x300;
void Shutdown() {
shared_font = nullptr;
shared_font_mem = nullptr;
lock = nullptr;
notification_event = nullptr;
parameter_event = nullptr;
next_parameter.object = nullptr;
} // namespace APT
} // namespace Service