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synced 2024-03-05 21:12:25 -08:00

Bindless textures were using u64 to pack the buffer and offset from where they come from. Drop this in favor of separated entries in the struct. Remove the usage of std::set in favor of std::list (it's not std::vector to avoid reference invalidations) for samplers and images.
367 lines
9.1 KiB
367 lines
9.1 KiB
// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
namespace Tegra::Texture {
enum class TextureFormat : u32 {
R32_G32_B32_A32 = 0x01,
R32_G32_B32 = 0x02,
R16_G16_B16_A16 = 0x03,
R32_G32 = 0x04,
R32_B24G8 = 0x05,
ETC2_RGB = 0x06,
X8B8G8R8 = 0x07,
A8R8G8B8 = 0x08,
A2B10G10R10 = 0x09,
ETC2_RGB_PTA = 0x0a,
ETC2_RGBA = 0x0b,
R16_G16 = 0x0c,
G8R24 = 0x0d,
G24R8 = 0x0e,
R32 = 0x0f,
BC6H_SF16 = 0x10,
BC6H_UF16 = 0x11,
A4B4G4R4 = 0x12,
A5B5G5R1 = 0x13,
A1B5G5R5 = 0x14,
B5G6R5 = 0x15,
B6G5R5 = 0x16,
BC7U = 0x17,
G8R8 = 0x18,
EAC = 0x19,
EACX2 = 0x1a,
R16 = 0x1b,
Y8_VIDEO = 0x1c,
R8 = 0x1d,
G4R4 = 0x1e,
R1 = 0x1f,
E5B9G9R9_SHAREDEXP = 0x20,
BF10GF11RF11 = 0x21,
G8B8G8R8 = 0x22,
B8G8R8G8 = 0x23,
DXT1 = 0x24,
DXT23 = 0x25,
DXT45 = 0x26,
DXN1 = 0x27,
DXN2 = 0x28,
S8Z24 = 0x29,
X8Z24 = 0x2a,
Z24S8 = 0x2b,
X4V4Z24__COV4R4V = 0x2c,
X4V4Z24__COV8R8V = 0x2d,
V8Z24__COV4R12V = 0x2e,
ZF32 = 0x2f,
ZF32_X24S8 = 0x30,
X8Z24_X20V4S8__COV4R4V = 0x31,
X8Z24_X20V4S8__COV8R8V = 0x32,
ZF32_X20V4X8__COV4R4V = 0x33,
ZF32_X20V4X8__COV8R8V = 0x34,
ZF32_X20V4S8__COV4R4V = 0x35,
ZF32_X20V4S8__COV8R8V = 0x36,
X8Z24_X16V8S8__COV4R12V = 0x37,
ZF32_X16V8X8__COV4R12V = 0x38,
ZF32_X16V8S8__COV4R12V = 0x39,
Z16 = 0x3a,
V8Z24__COV8R24V = 0x3b,
X8Z24_X16V8S8__COV8R24V = 0x3c,
ZF32_X16V8X8__COV8R24V = 0x3d,
ZF32_X16V8S8__COV8R24V = 0x3e,
ASTC_2D_4X4 = 0x40,
ASTC_2D_5X5 = 0x41,
ASTC_2D_6X6 = 0x42,
ASTC_2D_8X8 = 0x44,
ASTC_2D_10X10 = 0x45,
ASTC_2D_12X12 = 0x46,
ASTC_2D_5X4 = 0x50,
ASTC_2D_6X5 = 0x51,
ASTC_2D_8X6 = 0x52,
ASTC_2D_10X8 = 0x53,
ASTC_2D_12X10 = 0x54,
ASTC_2D_8X5 = 0x55,
ASTC_2D_10X5 = 0x56,
ASTC_2D_10X6 = 0x57,
enum class TextureType : u32 {
Texture1D = 0,
Texture2D = 1,
Texture3D = 2,
TextureCubemap = 3,
Texture1DArray = 4,
Texture2DArray = 5,
Texture1DBuffer = 6,
Texture2DNoMipmap = 7,
TextureCubeArray = 8,
enum class TICHeaderVersion : u32 {
OneDBuffer = 0,
PitchColorKey = 1,
Pitch = 2,
BlockLinear = 3,
BlockLinearColorKey = 4,
enum class ComponentType : u32 {
SNORM = 1,
UNORM = 2,
SINT = 3,
UINT = 4,
enum class SwizzleSource : u32 {
Zero = 0,
R = 2,
G = 3,
B = 4,
A = 5,
OneInt = 6,
OneFloat = 7,
union TextureHandle {
TextureHandle(u32 raw) : raw{raw} {}
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 20, u32> tic_id;
BitField<20, 12, u32> tsc_id;
static_assert(sizeof(TextureHandle) == 4, "TextureHandle has wrong size");
struct TICEntry {
static constexpr u32 DefaultBlockHeight = 16;
static constexpr u32 DefaultBlockDepth = 1;
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 7, TextureFormat> format;
BitField<7, 3, ComponentType> r_type;
BitField<10, 3, ComponentType> g_type;
BitField<13, 3, ComponentType> b_type;
BitField<16, 3, ComponentType> a_type;
BitField<19, 3, SwizzleSource> x_source;
BitField<22, 3, SwizzleSource> y_source;
BitField<25, 3, SwizzleSource> z_source;
BitField<28, 3, SwizzleSource> w_source;
u32 address_low;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> address_high;
BitField<21, 3, TICHeaderVersion> header_version;
union {
BitField<0, 3, u32> block_width;
BitField<3, 3, u32> block_height;
BitField<6, 3, u32> block_depth;
BitField<10, 3, u32> tile_width_spacing;
// High 16 bits of the pitch value
BitField<0, 16, u32> pitch_high;
BitField<26, 1, u32> use_header_opt_control;
BitField<27, 1, u32> depth_texture;
BitField<28, 4, u32> max_mip_level;
BitField<0, 16, u32> buffer_high_width_minus_one;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> width_minus_1;
BitField<22, 1, u32> srgb_conversion;
BitField<23, 4, TextureType> texture_type;
BitField<29, 3, u32> border_size;
BitField<0, 16, u32> buffer_low_width_minus_one;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> height_minus_1;
BitField<16, 14, u32> depth_minus_1;
union {
BitField<6, 13, u32> mip_lod_bias;
BitField<27, 3, u32> max_anisotropy;
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> res_min_mip_level;
BitField<4, 4, u32> res_max_mip_level;
BitField<12, 12, u32> min_lod_clamp;
GPUVAddr Address() const {
return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) | address_low);
u32 Pitch() const {
ASSERT(header_version == TICHeaderVersion::Pitch ||
header_version == TICHeaderVersion::PitchColorKey);
// The pitch value is 21 bits, and is 32B aligned.
return pitch_high << 5;
u32 Width() const {
if (header_version != TICHeaderVersion::OneDBuffer) {
return width_minus_1 + 1;
return ((buffer_high_width_minus_one << 16) | buffer_low_width_minus_one) + 1;
u32 Height() const {
return height_minus_1 + 1;
u32 Depth() const {
return depth_minus_1 + 1;
u32 BlockWidth() const {
return block_width;
u32 BlockHeight() const {
return block_height;
u32 BlockDepth() const {
return block_depth;
bool IsTiled() const {
return header_version == TICHeaderVersion::BlockLinear ||
header_version == TICHeaderVersion::BlockLinearColorKey;
bool IsLineal() const {
return header_version == TICHeaderVersion::Pitch ||
header_version == TICHeaderVersion::PitchColorKey;
bool IsBuffer() const {
return header_version == TICHeaderVersion::OneDBuffer;
bool IsSrgbConversionEnabled() const {
return srgb_conversion != 0;
static_assert(sizeof(TICEntry) == 0x20, "TICEntry has wrong size");
enum class WrapMode : u32 {
Wrap = 0,
Mirror = 1,
ClampToEdge = 2,
Border = 3,
Clamp = 4,
MirrorOnceClampToEdge = 5,
MirrorOnceBorder = 6,
MirrorOnceClampOGL = 7,
enum class DepthCompareFunc : u32 {
Never = 0,
Less = 1,
Equal = 2,
LessEqual = 3,
Greater = 4,
NotEqual = 5,
GreaterEqual = 6,
Always = 7,
enum class TextureFilter : u32 {
Nearest = 1,
Linear = 2,
enum class TextureMipmapFilter : u32 {
None = 1,
Nearest = 2,
Linear = 3,
struct TSCEntry {
union {
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 3, WrapMode> wrap_u;
BitField<3, 3, WrapMode> wrap_v;
BitField<6, 3, WrapMode> wrap_p;
BitField<9, 1, u32> depth_compare_enabled;
BitField<10, 3, DepthCompareFunc> depth_compare_func;
BitField<13, 1, u32> srgb_conversion;
BitField<20, 3, u32> max_anisotropy;
union {
BitField<0, 2, TextureFilter> mag_filter;
BitField<4, 2, TextureFilter> min_filter;
BitField<6, 2, TextureMipmapFilter> mipmap_filter;
BitField<9, 1, u32> cubemap_interface_filtering;
BitField<12, 13, u32> mip_lod_bias;
union {
BitField<0, 12, u32> min_lod_clamp;
BitField<12, 12, u32> max_lod_clamp;
BitField<24, 8, u32> srgb_border_color_r;
union {
BitField<12, 8, u32> srgb_border_color_g;
BitField<20, 8, u32> srgb_border_color_b;
std::array<f32, 4> border_color;
std::array<u8, 0x20> raw;
float GetMaxAnisotropy() const {
return static_cast<float>(1U << max_anisotropy);
float GetMinLod() const {
return static_cast<float>(min_lod_clamp) / 256.0f;
float GetMaxLod() const {
return static_cast<float>(max_lod_clamp) / 256.0f;
float GetLodBias() const {
// Sign extend the 13-bit value.
constexpr u32 mask = 1U << (13 - 1);
return static_cast<s32>((mip_lod_bias ^ mask) - mask) / 256.0f;
std::array<float, 4> GetBorderColor() const {
if (srgb_conversion) {
return {srgb_border_color_r / 255.0f, srgb_border_color_g / 255.0f,
srgb_border_color_b / 255.0f, border_color[3]};
return border_color;
static_assert(sizeof(TSCEntry) == 0x20, "TSCEntry has wrong size");
struct FullTextureInfo {
TICEntry tic;
TSCEntry tsc;
/// Returns the number of bytes per pixel of the input texture format.
u32 BytesPerPixel(TextureFormat format);
} // namespace Tegra::Texture