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Additional Setup

The following documents Void setup that wasn't automated with ansible

Wireguard Client (outdated)

Wireguard is nice for a home vpn.

  1. Create client on server and copy resulting .conf file to /etc/wireguard
  2. Add connection with nmcli
sudo nmcli connection import type wireguard file /etc/wireguard/your-wg-file.conf

The vpn can be enable/disabled through gnome.


btrbk is used to create (currently only local) snapshots of the root and user volumes.

sudo btrbk -c ~/.config/btrbk/home_btrbk.conf -v run # creates user backups and snapshots 
sudo btrbk -c ~/.config/btrbk/root_btrbk.conf -v run # creates root snapshots 

SSH keypair is used for password-less root ssh for remote back-up. See btrbk README.

anacron is used for daily backups. Copy to /etc/cron.daily.

Mount network drives

I find fstab messing about more troubule than it is worth. Mount network drives when needed with the following commands:


Taskopen for taskwarrior

taskopen needs is easier to install manually at this point since it isn't packaged and uses nim. Might get this automated in the future.

curl -sSf | sh # install nim for compile
git clone
cd taskopen
make PREFIX=/usr
sudo make PREFIX=/usr install

Needs documentation...

  • syncthing
  • firefox setup
  • vdirsyncer for contacts/calendar