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Additional Setup

The following documents some Fedora setup that wasn't automated with ansible.


Snapper is used to create snapshots with the BTRFS filesystem for root and home directories. I'd like to make these snapshots available at grub with grub-btrfs, but I've found that akmod-nvidia breaks it. Snapper is setup with:

sudo btrfs filesystem label / *FTL ship name*

# Make /var/log subvolume
sudo mv -v /var/log /var/log-old
sudo btrfs subvolume create /var/log
sudo cp -arv /var/log-old/. /var/log/
sudo restorecon -RFv /var/log
sudo rm -rvf /var/log-old

# Add /var/log to fstab
sudo vi /etc/fstab
# UUID=<drive uuid> /var/log  btrfs subvol=var/log,compress=zstd:1 0 0
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo mount -va

# Create snapper configs
sudo snapper -c root create-config /
sudo snapper -c home create-config /home

# Allow users to perform snapshots
sudo snapper -c root set-config ALLOW_USERS=$USER SYNC_ACL=yes
sudo snapper -c home set-config ALLOW_USERS=$USER SYNC_ACL=yes
sudo chown -R :$USER /.snapshots
sudo chown -R :$USER /home/.snapshots

# Add / and /home to fstab
sudo vi /etc/fstab
# UUID=<drive uuid> /.snapshots      btrfs subvol=.snapshots,compress=zstd:1 0 0
# UUID=<drive uuid> /home/.snapshots btrfs subvol=home/.snapshots,compress=zstd:1 0 0
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo mount -va

# Show resulting subvolume structure
sudo btrfs subvolume list /

# Enable and start snapper timeline and cleanup services
sudo systemctl enable snapper-timeline.timer
sudo systemctl start snapper-timeline.timer 
sudo systemctl enable snapper-cleanup.timer
sudo systemctl start snapper-cleanup.timer

Wireguard Client

Wireguard is nice for a home vpn and pivpn makes it easy.

  1. Create client on server and copy resulting .conf file to local machine
  2. Import to networkmanager with:
nmcli connection import type wireguard file <conf file from pivpn>
  1. Use nm-connection-editor to disable automatic connection

Mount network drives

I find fstab messing about more troubule than it is worth. Credentials are stored in ~/.smb. Mount network drives when needed with the following command:

linux-mount-<network drive name>

Taskopen for taskwarrior

taskopen is easier to install manually at this point since it isn't packaged and uses nim. Might get this automated in the future.

curl -sSf | sh # install nim
git clone
cd taskopen
make PREFIX=/usr
sudo make PREFIX=/usr install


Syncthing is used to sync folders between various computers and android. The ansible script should setup and run the service, but shares must be setup via the web gui. Currently four shares exists:

  • .warrior - .task and .timewarrior folders to sync taskwarrior tasks. These two folders are symlinked to the home folder where taskwarrior/timewarrior expects them.
  • warrior - contains text files associated with taskwarrior (mostly from taskopen).
  • phone photos - personal photos synched from android.
  • phone screenshots - personal screenshots synced from android.
  • ssh_keys - contains ssh keys for git remotes (~/.ssh/keys)
  • vimwiki - contains text files associate with my personal vimwiki.


My GTK theme is pulled down by chezmoi, but isn't active by default. This can be fixed with the lxappearance gui (for X sessions).

Git SSH for personal and work

  • ~/.gitconfig - personal github configuration.
  • ~/devel/work/.gitconfig - work gitlab configuration.

Gitconfig files for SSH git push/pull are automaitcally placed. The only additional configuration required is the transfer of SSH keys (see Syncthing section).


Transfer the .mozilla folder from install-to-install to maintain Firefox settings and configurations.

Single GPU Passthrough to windows

I use a windows virtual machine with gpu passthrough of the few games that won't work on linux, Zwift, and Fusion360. This has scripts that make that process relatively easy and this wiki provides good information on setting up the virtual machine in virt-manager. The patch.rom required for my GPU is included in my repo. The virt-manager setup should usually be avoided by transfering the VM between machines:

  1. Copy the VM's disks from /var/lib/libvirt/images on src host to the same dir on destination host
  2. On the source host run virsh dumpxml VMNAME > domxml.xml and copy this xml to the destination host
  3. On the destination host run virsh define domxml.xml


cd ~/.config/xmonad
stack update
stack init
stack install